
1980 Results / Page 127 of 220



NYPD Officer Rich Explains New York City’s “Stop, Question And Frisk” Program

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Remember, this is happening in New York City. This is being administered by New York City’s police department. It is not being administered by the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, the IRS, the Department of Education, Department of Energy, or any of the other armed goons that work for the federal government that are armed, locked, and loaded against the citizenry because they’re told […]

todayAugust 14, 2013 4


What Is Necessary To Go To War? Anyone, Anyone? A Declaration Of War!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Can you point to Yemen on a map, listener? I would struggle to point to Yemen on a map, and the only reason I might know where it is is because I have recently looked to see because the country’s name keeps coming up. Can you point to Yemen on a map? Here’s an even better question. Can you point to a declaration of […]

todayAugust 14, 2013 13


Secret Courts, Corporatism, Congress Run Amok – Welcome To Amurika!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I want to take you now to the Guardian UK, the American online edition, Glenn Greenwald writing Friday, “Email service used by Edward Snowden shuts itself down, warns against using US-based companies.” The reputation of the United States continues to sink around the world, and that’s not my doing and it’s not Ron Paul’s doing, it’s not Lew Rockwell’s doing, and it’s not anyone […]

todayAugust 13, 2013 7


The American Injustice System And Edward Snowden – Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I thought we had a justice system in this country. I thought you were innocent until you were proven guilty. This is just another one of these outgrowths of this maniacal, I think, it has become a psychosis of sorts, of this my country right or wrong. Really? Your country right or wrong? Your country before the philosophical or foundational tenets of why you […]

todayAugust 13, 2013 14


Cops Should Defend Civil Liberties For Themselves And The Citizenry

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There is no doubt that there is an ongoing usurpation of civil liberties. I think that second to natural rights, as Brad Birzer talked about two weeks ago on this show, civil liberties are of primary concern. If you do not have civil liberties, then you cannot live in a free society. I’m sorry, you can’t if you do not have civil liberties and […]

todayAugust 12, 2013 9


Is Law Enforcement Breeding A Criminal Society?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The story of the man who was shot in his driveway, Roy Middleton, 60, what is it with the cops out here these days? You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a newspaper story of police officers in action with guns drawn, shooting people in their own homes or threatening to shoot people in their own homes. Check out today’s transcript for the […]

todayAugust 12, 2013 5


Big Gubbmint Can’t Stop Mother Nature Forever But Who Can Stop Big Gubbmint?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The big story here in New Orleans is how FEMA has come in here and is altering the flood zone maps. This is FEMA, the organization that you love to hate if you live anywhere where there’s ever been a natural disaster. I shouldn’t say ever, where there has been a natural disaster in the past 20 years. The federal government has charged FEMA […]

todayAugust 12, 2013 25


Community Rises Above Inequality And Endures

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As we grow further and further and further away from any shared theological experience. We grow further and further away from any possible chance to be knit together as communities ever again. I don’t think that this plays itself out until there’s anarchy. I just think we’re in a phase right now, an epoch, and it’s our job as good Christian citizens to fix […]

todayAugust 9, 2013 8
