
1980 Results / Page 134 of 220



Zimmerman, The Justice Department, And States Rights

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I can still remember the day when it was decided or announced that the DA in Seminole County was going to bring a second-degree murder charge against him. Some of the big-wig television attorneys were saying, “There is no way you’re going to get a second-degree murder conviction on this guy. The evidence is not there. Why would any DA even take this case?” […]

todayJuly 15, 2013 17


Interview With Brad Birzer On Conservatism, John Dickinson And More

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Brad is a professor at Hillsdale College. He is the author of the book about Charles Carroll of Carrolton, American Cicero, a great book about a forgotten founding father. He is also the editor of The Imaginative Conservative website, which we had Winston Elliott on yesterday and talked about. Brad is part of what I like to call the conservative revival. Check out today’s […]

todayJuly 15, 2013 10


Is NSA Surveillance Leading To Boom In Fountain Pen And Typewriter Industries?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So you think that you’re sending encrypted files and that no one can crack the code so you’re not worried about it. I’ll send this over there. It’s perfectly safe and secure. Lo and behold, Microsoft has handed the keys to the encryption over to the government. They claim that the government ordered them to do so and that under the law they have […]

todayJuly 12, 2013 11


Pennsylvania AG Kane Refuses To Obey The Law… But You Still Have To Obey

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I don’t have any problem with the Pennsylvania attorney general having whatever opinion she likes to have or wishes to have about the importance of or judiciousness of the gay marriage ban in Pennsylvania. The fact of the matter is you run for the office of attorney general so that you can enforce the laws of the state, whatever state that may be, or […]

todayJuly 12, 2013 6


Interview With Winston Elliott III From The Imaginative Conservative

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let’s go over to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to my dear friend, the one and only Winston Elliott, III of website, the place to tickle your brain cells on a daily basis and read about what actual and real conservatives of days gone by might have said about today’s conservative, and then some of today’s conservatives and what they say […]

todayJuly 12, 2013 22


Obamacare Is Big Government Corporatism, Not Socialism

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Ladies and gentlemen, socialism was never the goal of the Affordable Care Act. I know it’s a great thing to grandstand about, and it’s a great commercial endeavor to say this was all about socialized medicine and what have you. What this was about was getting more people to pay more corporations, large, unbelievably behemoth-sized large corporations with skin in the medical services industry […]

todayJuly 11, 2013 7


Spies Spying On Spies, The Delicious Irony Of Big Government And The Surveillance State

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What the president has basically asked members of the federal leviathan to do is to spy on each other now. So their surveillance state produces such disorder and such distrust inside the surveillance state that the guy that’s running the surveillance state asks people in the surveillance state to surveil people that are in it. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayJuly 11, 2013 3
