
1980 Results / Page 31 of 220



Anne Marie Vale On Cancer, Faith, Hope

Mike Interviews Anne Marie Vale Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Anne Marie McDonnell Vale is our guest here.  She’s got the book out called Whispers from Above and Reflections from the Heart.  You can find it, as she said, on Amazon.  We only have a little bit of time left.  I just wanted to dabble a little bit in the life that you’ve had since you decided to move […]

todayJanuary 26, 2016 11


Dustin Siggins On Christian Persecution By State

Christian Persecution Coming To A Town Near You Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Basically this is just a continuation of the same story, that is, if you’re in business, it doesn’t matter what your business is, and you conduct any of that business in public, be aware that someone is going to traipse into your place of business at some point in time, present themselves as homosexuals seeking to […]

todayJanuary 26, 2016 6


Talk Radio & The Limbaugh Effect: The Supposed Heresy of Independent Broadcasting

Mandeville, LA - Friday I sent a fundraising/membership appeal email to people who have signed up for the email list, it is the first one I have sent this year. Below you can witness a sampling of the resulting corresponæ with recipients. Apparently, Crowdfunding is below radio show hosts. I guess I'll call this the Limbaugh effect. "Talk-show hosts" are all supposed to be proud and wealthy and powerful […]

todayJanuary 24, 2016 4


Mike Church Show FREE PREVIEW – Debbie Schlussel on Trump and Conservatism

Mandeville, LA - On January 21nd's Mike Church Show, our own Debbie Schlussel called in for movie reviews but spurs a fascinating debate on Trump and the meaning of "conservative." Listen to the FULL segment and much more by signing up as a Founder's Pass Member. [private |Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] [/private] THE AWESOME BENEFITS OF JOINING THE VERITAS RADIO NETWORK REVOLUTION AND LISTENING TO THE NEW, MIKE CHURCH SHOW ON THE CRUSADE CHANNEL! […]

todayJanuary 22, 2016 8


A Story of Humility of Heart, In Real Life

Mandeville, LA -  I pursue the Grace of Humility in everything I do. Note that I "pursue", I never "attain" because as Augustine says (from my edition of Humility of Heart, available here): “To whatever sublime height of sanctity we may have attained, a fall is always to be feared.” For, as says St Augustine, there is no holiness that cannot be lost through pride alone: “If there be holiness in […]

todayJanuary 21, 2016 13


Ted Cruz Defense Ploy To Elect Jeb Bush

The Common Sense of Ted Cruz's Eligibility Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If we read from the records of the Federal Convention – the question on Senator Cruz’s eligibility is: Did the men that drafted the Constitution, did they have a copy of Emmerich de Vattel’s Law of Nations?  If they did, then we know what the definition of natural-born citizen is.  Cruz ain’t it.  He’s not qualified."  Check […]

todayJanuary 21, 2016 3


Defending Cruz Is A Full-Time Job

Harvard Lawyers Defense For Cruz Not Factual Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I wanted to get your take on and talk just a moment about your other favorite radio host who is on in the evening and who invented the Article V Amendment Convention process.  This is after he invented many other things after they were discussed here on this show, then they were discovered, and then he claimed […]

todayJanuary 21, 2016 4


Mike Church Appeal: Our 2016, Membership & Funding Campaign Needs You!

Mandeville, LA - First, let me honestly appeal to you personally: "If there is one thing I loathe more than having to do fundraising and membership appeals so I can keep the CRUSADE Channel lights on, I cannot imagine what that is! I would much rather be done with it all until next Fall and be planning and producing "Saint Week" (think "Shark Week" with halos) than writing this appeal. (fund […]

todayJanuary 20, 2016 3


Mike Church Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. MLK Civil Disobedience Determined By Morality Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Protestant Martin Luther King, Jr. has just quoted St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas on why there are just laws and unjust laws. Glory be the day that we have a member of the Roman Catholic clergy that has such bravery to do so in public. Yes, I know there are some. That’s not meant as a […]

todayJanuary 20, 2016 12
