
Catholics Responsible For Liberals’ Success Because They’ve Become Libs

todayMay 5, 2014 8


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Order the New [r]epublican T-shirt and show your SPARTA [r]epublicanism
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –

“In this, you’ll learn that it is the Catholic and not the Protestant that is more likely to tell a pollster: Yeah, I don’t really have a problem with same-sex marriage.  It doesn’t really bother me.  What!?  You just said what?  The percentages are alarming.  Before you go running around just blaming libs for all this stuff, who is it that’s vacated the moral high ground that they ought to be standing on?  It’s us., Catholics, or I should say CINO’s, ‘Catholics In Name Only.’ I would say that The Church is being attacked from the inside like nothing since the Arian Heresy but I doubt many Catholics would be able to distinguish that event from an Edward Norton movie. “ Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  . . . who it is by percentages that will self-identify as more likely than less likely to support same-sex marriage, for example.  This is where the story gets really — I don’t want to use the word perverse — but where the story gets really upsetting and depressing.  In this, you’ll learn that it is the Catholic and not the Protestant that is more likely to tell a pollster: Yeah, I don’t really have a problem with same-sex marriage.  It doesn’t really bother me.  What!?  You just said what?  The percentages are alarming.  Before you go running around just blaming libs for all this stuff, who is it that’s vacated the moral high ground that they ought to be standing on?  It’s us.  It requires, then, a very long and very sharp look into the old mirror.

I was reading this poll that was conducted.  I’m reading the results and just shaking my head and thinking to myself, like so many other things that the “right” has tried or allegedly tried to stop or tried to stop the progress of the left, ultimately what happens is that people find their comfort zone and their original protestation against whatever it is that they claim to not want to acquiesce to begins to soften.  Since they’re not grounded by any unwavering principle, what they once stood against then becomes their new principle.  So then, is it really a principle at all?  The answer to the question is no, it’s not a principle.  There’s the problem.  Listen to this:

“For example, 69 per cent of white evangelical Protestants oppose same-sex marriage compared to only 37 per cent of rank-and-file Catholics. Moreover, 78 per cent of white evangelical Protestants believe sex between two adults of the same gender is sinful, compared to 49 per cent of lay Catholics.”


The recent alliance between conservative Catholics and white evangelical Protestants might be undermined by the innovations of Pope Francis, according to new research.

Robert P. Jones, President of the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), writing in The Atlantic, stated . . .

“Today, on a range of prominent cultural issues and in Republican primary politics, we often see an ironic result—there is more support for official Roman Catholic Church positions among white evangelical Protestants than among Catholics,” Jones wrote. “For example, 69 per cent of white evangelical Protestants oppose same-sex marriage . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  This is shocking.  I’m about to deliver to you some shocking numbers.  Of course, those of you that still attend mass regularly and attend it outside of the Extraordinary Mass, you probably suspected this anyway.  You see the lack of reverence, lack of respect, men going to mass dressed in shorts and sandals and t-shirts and the children dressed the same and what have you.  Ushers can’t even be relied upon to be in jacket and tie.  I’m just talking about some of the things that — when you’re going into a place that demands and commands your reverence and respect, you should dress appropriately, that’s all.  It just doesn’t happen.  It’s really just painful to participate in and to watch.  This is just part of what’s going on here.  Again, God makes the rules, you don’t.  We follow.  He orders and ordered; we follow.  It’s pretty simple.  Not breaking any news, not setting Earth on a new course here, although for many it will be a new course.  If you’re a Catholic, listen up.  This will apply to you.  If you’re a Protestant, listen up.  The Protestants are actually doing better at keeping the canon and the faith than the actual faithful are.


“For example, 69 per cent of white evangelical Protestants oppose same-sex marriage compared to only 37 per cent of rank-and-file Catholics. Moreover, 78 per cent of white evangelical Protestants believe sex between two adults of the same gender is sinful, compared to 49 per cent of lay Catholics.”

Jones found the same pattern even on an issue like abortion. Nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) of white evangelical Protestants say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, compared to 47 per cent of Catholics.

Jones reports that in the 2012 Republican primaries, Catholic candidate Senator Rick Santorum consistently out-polled eventual nominee Mitt Romney among white evangelicals, while Romney, a Mormon, did better among Catholics.

“What remains to be seen is how this evangelical flock will respond to Pope Francis’ pivot to economic justice and social solidarity – a move that strikes a natural chord among Catholics but may seem dissonant to many evangelicals who intertwine Protestant individualism and free-market capitalism,” Jones wrote.

[end reading]

Mike:  When we confront the hobgoblin that is the force-fed same-sex marriage edict, which is going to be handed down, and it is being handed down, and when we want to start pointing fingers of blame as to how this happened, again, it’s very easy to just say, [mocking] “It’s the liberals’ fault.  The Progressives did this.  Those libs did this, those hedonists, those Satanists, those non-believers,” when in fact it is the nonbelievers and the non-Catholics among Catholics — which is really depressing if you’re a Catholic — that are at least partially to blame because they’re giving these people aid and comfort.  They are giving the rise of the political issue, they are giving it and granting it their sanction.  It does not deserve their sanction.  Where are the leaders?  Where’s the leadership on this?  Speaking of the clergy, they’re the ones that need to be rock solid and unrepentant in this.  They know what the tradition is.  They know what the sacred word handed down is.  They know what the principle is.  They know what the position of the church is and has been.  They know what it is that our Lord said about this issue.  They know all of this and yet they’re smarter than God himself.  Folks, this is the problem.  We can talk about politics and electing Republicans and conservatives all day long.  It’s not going to matter a hill of beans when those that you believe are on your side are not, and the side that you believe they are to be on is the side of our Lord, the side of God.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. Eric on May 6, 2014

    The problem is Mike. Only 35% of the Catholics living in the United States fully practice their faith seriously, according to Catholic author Matthew Kelley. Not worry though. The church has survived allot worse and will continue to be around even after the United States is no more.

    • TheKingDude on May 7, 2014

      Yes, Chris Ferrara sent me some shocking stats on that and I hear that Michael Voris has covered it as well. This problem is identical to the problem of the decay of [r]epublican government. The leadership, the Clergy, are following the New Order which requires little humility, seemingly no vow of poverty and no devotion to the reverence of dogma. Look at the surge of overweight priests, if you’ve taken a vow of poverty, eschewed gluttony, how can you become morbidly obese?
