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jwopic on October 27, 2012 Maybe if my vote and the other 47% waste their vote on Gary Johnson then we can get back to that piece of parchment they call the Constitution. I listen and all I see is their mouths opening and nothing comes out. Does my vote count because I do not vote for the Big Repubs. or Big Dems. You can take it to the bank. Log in to Reply
Ron on October 25, 2012 You all are too eager too waist your vote when we need to get Obama out of office so badly. Mr Church I’ve been listening to you for about a year, and I was interested until now. I am no longer going to listen to you because I believe you are toxic. You have managed to convince one man to vote for Johnson and that was one vote we needed. I hope you get over Ron Paul not being able continue on in his run for President because it is turning you into a person that is very bitter and I believe very hard to listen to because you no longer sound like a man that wants to save this country, instead you sound like a man that wants to get even. I hope you’re proud of yourself because I was learning. Now I am just a person that used to listen to your program…. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on October 25, 2012 I wager you never listened for a year Ron and if you did what the h*ll were you listening to? I have wagered more of my time & energy into “saving my country” than you can imagine, Sir and to what avail? To be called traitor by you? PLEASE stop listening and go where the jingoism suits your uncritical views. You will be the first door the Patriots of ’12 will be knocking on when RomRy pass their first Trillion in new debt, bomb their first country w/out Congress’s authority and expand ObamaCare with RomneyCare. Log in to Reply
Stiles Peabody on October 24, 2012 I also wasted my precious vote in the past on a guy named Ross Perot. Anybody remember him? I actually voted for him twice. My family told me I was crazy and that I was one of the idiots who helped elect Bill Clinton to office. If that’s the case then so be it. I realized at the time that I was making nothing more than a protest vote against the entrenched political machines of the Republican and Democratic parties, but I really couldn’t stomach voting for more of the same political hacks who dominated both parties. I got lucky the first time because even though Clinton got elected, we also elected an upstart Speaker of the House named Newt Gingrich who kept the Democrats fairly well counter-balanced for quite a few years. Newt even managed to shut down the Federal Gov’t for a few weeks. Hurray! Pity it couldn’t have been a several months. Anyway, I’m not so sure that I’ll be as lucky this year. Johnson may be a great guy, but he ain’t gonna win. Romney’s no prize for a President, but I’m going to vote for him this year simply because he may keep the country’s economy from going over the cliff for a another year or two and I’m not quite ready for armaggedon. In the end, it’s like you say….. we’re DOOMED! It’s just a matter of time before the SHTF. Yeah…. it’s time to invest in some precious metals… like brass and lead. Keep up the good work. Stiles Peabody Vienna, Va Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757