Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – Giving Future Historians A Laugh Riot

todayNovember 7, 2011 4

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    Church Doctrine – Giving Future Historians A Laugh Riot TheKingDude

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    Church Doctrine – Giving Future Historians A Laugh Riot TheKingDude


Giving Future Historians A Laugh Riot

2011 Mike Church

Hey folks, its Mike Church with today’s Church Doctrine.

You really have to wonder about the age we live in and what historians in the future will write of it. Our shared insanity on economics and empire building will look marvelous when put side by side with the macabre acts of the Inquisition. The religious bigotry of the witch trials and the famous fall of the Roman Empire. But there is one caveat to our historic devolution: we know better. All of human history has painted a giant-flashing-neon stop sign that YELLS STOPPPPPPPPP! Turn-around and go back the other way and yet we give our bankrupt Edsel ever more gas pedal.

On the Sunday TV gabfests, congressman Simpson of ID and Shuler of NC tried to rally support for their moderate blueprint to stabilizie the deficit. What does that mean? Well that means these men who are oh so serious about our oh so serious situation propose a solution that is not serious about doing anything other than prolonging our collective federal agony. They propose that we LEVEL OFF the deficit in the next 10 years. You heard that right- level off the deficit, which means to stop increasing the amount of borrowed money it takes to run the Federal behemoth every year. This means that the $15 trillion money pit will only grow to a mere $20 trillion, wow where do I sign!?

Worse still is that the moderates suggest we do this as a permanent solution to our spending woes which will level out at 18-20% of GDP for all eternity. Let me ask a question about that: would you be willing to sign your life, your fortune and your scared honor away for EVER to the Federal Leviathan which promised to spend 1/5th of every thing you and you kids and grandkids earn for the rest of your life? And that is just the federal monsters share. I say we give those future historians something to write about by acting more like our Founders and less like the Roman sheople.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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