
Cindy In Florida – Drones, Climate Change, Ice Age And Asteroids

todayFebruary 8, 2013 13


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The State of Florida is thinking the same thing, because everyone in Florida cares about tourism.  If the oceans rise four feet, they’re going to flood the inland and we won’t have beaches anymore and nobody is going to come to our state.  It’s always amazing to me, this is not really a concern to care for the Earth that God, that Jesus Christ has blessed us all with to enjoy.  That’s not why you want to do any of these things.  You want to do these things so un-tanned, lily white Yankees will still visit your state and give you some of their money.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest..


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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Speaking of Florida, I guess we get our biweekly Tea Party debriefing from Cindy in Florida.  Hello, Cindy.

Caller Cindy:  Hi, Mike.  My senator, Joe Negron, is sponsoring Bill 0092 for no drones over Florida.  He’s having quite a fight.  There is a companion bill in the House moving through committee.  As a matter of fact, I just sent out an alert this morning to call the senators in the Judicial Committee to vote yes to let this bill go forth.  Some of the arguments are they want to do it because they want car chases, surveillance of pot growers.  It’s absolutely ridiculous.  Senator Joe Negron, who’s standing up for liberty, really is standing up for liberty.  He’s doing a great job and we’re very proud of him.  In the statehouse, the same thing is happening.

Mike:  What is this liberty that you speak of?

Caller Cindy:  Well, I’ll speak of in that sense.  He’s been our state senator for quite a while.  Joe has put forth lots and lots of bills to try to get the government out of our lives.  He is for small government.  We’re putting this forth.  The Tenth Amendment Center today is working with us, the Tea Party.  We’re all working together now.  My group has moved to the [r]epublican, as you talk of.  We’re doing the job here on the ground, local right up to the state.

Mike:  Good.

Caller Cindy:  As a man said before, if he wants to get involved, he should ask our governor if he’s going to say yes for the healthcare exchanges.  We’re in a position right now that Governor Scott seems to be wavering that he may accept these exchanges.  He’ll be like Republican Governor Kasich from Ohio who has just done that, another Republican who has folded.  This is all because they’re going to be reelected and politics.  It’s pathetic, really it is, but we have to keep plugging along.  We’re all getting involved on a local level.  We’re running for office.  We’re working hard in our commissions.  We have lots of things we’re fighting in the local area.  If the man wants to get involved, he should look at his local commissioners.  We have a plan called regionalism here for seven counties, where they want to impose climate change and solar panels and all kinds of wonderful things, all paid for by grants coming from the Sustainable —

Mike:  I am always flabbergasted yet wholeheartedly, embarrassingly — for you that is — amused at people that think that inside one little locality or state that they cannot pump a couple hundred thousand tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and that’s going to alter the global climate.  This is how stupid it is.  The Romans had a word for this: stultifying.  If you were stultus and you were Roman, you were a dummy.  This is as stultifying something as I have ever seen or witnessed.  Like the State of Maryland believed it could alter the global thermostat by banning certain electrical generation methods and what have you.

The State of Florida is thinking the same thing, because everyone in Florida cares about tourism.  If the oceans rise four feet, they’re going to flood the inland and we won’t have beaches anymore and nobody is going to come to our state.  It’s always amazing to me, this is not really a concern to care for the Earth that God, that Jesus Christ has blessed us all with to enjoy.  That’s not why you want to do any of these things.  You want to do these things so un-tanned, lily white Yankees will still visit your state and give you some of their money.  It doesn’t have anything to do with the actual preservation, which, by the way, Florida beaches, just like the Louisiana Gulf Coast and any other coast out there, have been obliterated for all of time.  No one was around to turn the light bulbs.  No one was around to tell them to stop generating, [mocking] “Hey, you dinosaurs, stop generating electricity.”  No one was around to stop the 400-foot rise in sea level.

Four-hundred feet is how high it rises in the interglacial.  We’re at the end of the interglacial.  I say this all the time.  You ought to tell this to your nitwit governor and legislature.  You should pray to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to the Father Almighty, if you actually have either one of them on speed pray.  You should pray to them that the temperatures stay warm, and yes, they could even get warmer.  You do not want to live in an ice age, although in Florida you may be uniquely positioned to live in less of an ice age.  Those snowbirds that are currently living in New York, New York won’t be there during the next ice age.  It will be covered by a sheet of ice one mile thick.  There will be no New York.  There will be no Pennsylvania.  There will be no Virginia.  That ice sheet will go all the way down past what used to be the Mason-Dixon Line.  Oh, but we want to stop the warming.  Do you know that there’s an asteroid headed here in 2036?  Did you know that?

Caller Cindy:  No.

Mike:  Ask Governor Scott what he’s going to do about the asteroid.  Ask the nitwits that want to regulate carbon dioxide in your fair state what they’re going to do.  That asteroid is actually on a path to hit us.  We just don’t know which hemisphere it’s going to take out.  Ask them what they propose to do about that.

Caller Cindy:  They’re probably going to get a grant from the federal government to stop it.

Mike:  They’re going to draft Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis.

Caller Cindy:  This is how they do business now, Mike.

Mike:  I know.  I’m just pointing out how silly this is.  What an idle expense of resources and time.

Caller Cindy:  What you just said about the ice age, you can look to NASA scientist John Casey in his book called Cold Sun about how we’re moving out of global warming.  That’s another story.  The whole reason they’re doing this 750 regional plan and they’re proposing all these lofty ideas that come right out of sustainable development is because it’s money.  We need to get business for the developers so they can build the tiny houses and we can build tiny roads and make bicycles and all those wonderful things to keep businesses going in the state.  It’s just coming from the government, more money being spent.  We’re on the ground here.  We’re trying to fight it.  We had a conference here with seven counties.

Mike:  Keep the pressure on.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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