local government

21 Results / Page 1 of 3



Clinton Promises An Increase In PP Funding

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, by her own admission, by her own boasting and bragging admission, Mrs. Clinton has promised that funding for Planned Parenthood will increase, that she will ignore the Hyde Amendment and see to that end, and that Planned Parenthood’s coffers will be filled and thus more women will have more abortions available.  More evil is going to come of her presidency."  Check out today’s […]

todayOctober 21, 2016 21


The Scam That is “Conservatism”

Conservatism is NOT Attached to Any  Political Party Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Patrick Henry said, “I only have one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that’s the lamp of experience.”  "What experience do you have with Speaker Boehner and with majority leader Cantor and the rest of the deceptiCons, the people that call themselves conservatives that are a bunch of frauds, what evidence do you have […]

todayFebruary 13, 2014 10


We Must Stop Little Leviathan In Our Towns First

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You see here in this instance, people who just work for someone who is in government can execute nefarious acts that alter the course of history, basically, and delay or cause detours for tens of thousands of people.  They cause pain and misery.  If being stuck in traffic is pain and misery, let’s be honest here, these are first-world problems, folks.  Check out today’s […]

todayJanuary 10, 2014 6


Stephen Klugewicz On Real History Quiz #3, Secession And More

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We have the third edition of the American history quiz posted at FranklinsOpus.org.  Where do you get this story that makes up the question about the Maginot Line?  I had never heard that.  That’s one of the ones I did not know.  I’m looking at it going: Oh, crikey.  I’m just gonna guess."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript […]

todayDecember 5, 2013 11


The [r]epublicanism Virus Has Escaped, Infecting Communities With The Spirit Of Self-Government And Civic Pride

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If there’s one thing I think we’re going to be very excited about the prospects of in the very near future for ourselves, for the rest of our lives, and hopefully for our children, it is that decentralization, republicanism, and civic spirit is returning. It wasn’t on the backburner. I think it was pretty much on life support. It has been revived. It has […]

todayNovember 21, 2013 4


Just Admit Defeat Already, Obamacare Should Be Reformed, Not Repealed

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – One of the things that we talk about here on this show that I think distinguishes it from others is that there is no partisan solution. First of all, the conservative does not believe there is a political solution to life. Let me repeat that. The conservative does not believe that there is a political solution to life’s problems. Life’s problems have to be […]

todayNovember 20, 2013 5


[r]epublicanism Is The Glue That Can Hold This Country Together

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In other words, we’ll vote for benefits that we know we can’t afford. We’re going to borrow money from future generations. Even when we’re told, like the Greeks are being told “You gotta stop,” we won’t do it. We’ll throw hissy fits and demand that the rest of the world bail us out. That is the pathetic state of affairs we find ourselves in […]

todayNovember 18, 2013 5


For The Umpteenth Time, You Cannot “Fix” The Federal Leviathan, You Cannot “Fix” Politics, You Must Secede

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As far as your third party, I don’t have the answer to your political question, because I don’t think that politics is going to solve or is capable of solving any of this. If it were, then I would think since the Roman polis was created, or if you want to go back to the Athenian republics of ancient Greece, I would think over […]

todayNovember 13, 2013 8
