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CITIZEN! Colorado Will Force You To Bake Same Sex Marriage Cakes, CITIZEN!

todayJune 6, 2014 8

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    CITIZEN! Colorado Will Force You To Bake Same Sex Marriage Cakes, CITIZEN! AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “How many of you people living in northern Colorado approve of this thing called the Colorado Civil Rights Commission?  Is that a legitimate function of government, civil rights commissions, especially when you find out what it is they do?  Remember the story of the baker in Colorado, the gentleman who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same sex marriage couple.  He was then basically ordered or compelled to make the cake. And this is ‘The Greatest, Freest, Bestest Country ever created!?’ “  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  How many of you people living in northern Colorado approve of this thing called the Colorado Civil Rights Commission?  Is that a legitimate function of government, civil rights commissions, especially when you find out what it is they do?  Remember the story of the baker in Colorado, the gentleman who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage couple.  He was then basically ordered or compelled to make the cake.  After being ordered to do so, or after the Civil Rights Commission tried to make him do it, he basically said: No, I’m not gonna do it.  If this is what I have to do to keep my business open, I’m out.  I’ll just close the shop up.  I don’t need this.  Here’s the story.  This is the follow-up from two days ago, Monday.

Now, I don’t know where Lakewood is.  Maybe that’s in one of those counties that was going to vote to secede.  Again, trying to get information out of any of you people in Colorado is not easy.  Apparently phones and email have not made their way to Colorado.  We’re hoping that those communication breakdowns are going to be repaired sometime in the modern era.

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    CITIZEN! Colorado Will Force You To Bake Same Sex Marriage Cakes, CITIZEN! AbbyMcGinnis

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    CITIZEN! Colorado Will Force You To Bake Same Sex Marriage Cakes, CITIZEN! AbbyMcGinnis


The owner of a baker in Lakewood said he will no longer sell wedding cakes after the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled he did discriminate against a gay couple when he refused to sell them a cake.

Jack Phillips owns Masterpiece Cakeshop. In 2012, David Mullins and Charlie Craig went to the shop to order a cake for their upcoming wedding reception. They planned to marry in Massachusetts and have a reception in Colorado.

Phillips said he doesn’t believe in gay marriage and he refused to sell them a cake.

[end reading]

Mike:  No, what he did was he refused to sell them a custom-made cake.  In other words, he was not going to participate in the process.  Apparently in the United States, in the “greatest, freest country in the history of the world,” you’re not allowed to make that determination anymore.


“We should close down the bakery before we would complicate our beliefs,” Phillips said after the hearing. Phillips also admitted he had refused service to other same-sex couples.

[end reading]

Mike:  That’s not an admission.  When you say admitted, it’s, [mocking] “Don’t tell anyone, but yes, I did it!  I refused service to other SSM customers.  I’m sorry.”  By the bye, Phillips does this because he has a religious aversion to this.  Again, apparently to practice your religious beliefs in the United States these days might require you then to deny someone a service.  It doesn’t mean that those people are being denied the service.  Here’s another way to look at this.  Can the people being denied service, would there have been a grocery store where they could have gone to obtain the materials and bake their own darn cake and decorate their own darn cake with the rainbow filling inside if they had wanted to?  They could have.  If you just went into a cake shop and did not denote what you wanted the cake for and then chose a cake, you would then be free, if you wanted to, to go buy your own icing and squirt nozzle and write your own names on it, wouldn’t you?

The idea here that anybody is being denied anything, then people are denied things all the time.  I went into the store and I told this guy, [mocking] “Look, I have $15 and I need four pounds of steak for a party I’m having and I want that filet.” — “Ha!  Good luck with that.  That’s $14.99 a pound.  You can get a pound and cut it into four filets.” — “No, I want 16-ounce filets and all I’ve got is 15 bucks.  Give it to me.” — “Sorry, sir, that’s just not going to happen.” — “Discriminator!  You’re discriminating against me because I don’t have the kind of money the guy that just left out of here does.  I’ve not achieved the social status of a rich guy, or a moderately rich guy.  [mocking] “Mike, that’s ridiculous.”  No, it’s not.  People commit discrimination every single day of the week, every hour of every day.  I’d say every minute of every hour of every day you commit discrimination according to these people.  Of course, if you commit discrimination in the name of religion, that’s a double indemnity.  It won’t be very long, folks, there will be same-sex marriage gulag prisons out there where they will lock all of us nonconformists up, or all of us that attempt to remain faithful to the Word and to the Gospel of our Lord as handed down to us.


A judge previously ruled a business owner cannot refuse service to a customer on the basis of sexual orientation.

[end reading][/private]

Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church
Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church

Mike:  What if the sexual orientation is pedophile?  What if a guy who’s on a poster, who’s on a telephone pole, who is a known sex offender goes into a bake shop and the bake proprietor says, [mocking] “I recognize this freak.  He’s a pedophile.”  The pedophile goes in and says, “I’d like to buy a cake, a birthday cake.” — “What do you want a birthday cake for?” — “It’s for a 15-year-old.” – “You’re the guy on the poster, aren’t you?” — “Yeah, I am.” — “I’m not gonna sell you the cake, dude.  Get out.” — “You have to.” — “No, no, I don’t have to.” — “You have to.  You can’t deny me a cake because of my sexual orientation.”  Well, Mike, orientation towards kids is not the same as — it says sexual orientation.  There’s no distinguishment there.  I haven’t read anyone that has distinguished anything.

What if we’re talking about polyamory, which is all the rage these days?  Is there anything that does not qualify under sexual orientation?  What if someone goes into a bake shop and pronounces themselves as the world’s finest performer of a certain sexual art?  What if that is patently offensive to the young lady who fancies herself a Christian virgin and doesn’t want to hear that kind of filth and doesn’t think that’s the way people ought to conduct their affairs in public, and, number two, has been taught that’s a mortal sin.  Should that young lady be forced to bake the cake, serve the service or the cake to the person that just announced themselves the finest performer of the sexual art which shall not be listed here?


That prompted Phillips to decide he would no longer make any wedding cakes. He said he would be fine selling cupcakes for a birthday party for someone who is gay but added, “I don’t want to participate in a same-sex wedding.”

[end reading]

Mike:  It should be his choice, but, of course, in the greatest and freest country in the history of the earth, you can’t make that determination any longer.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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