
Climate Change Is Real, But It’s Not Caused By Arrogant Men

todayOctober 15, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – In case you didn’t hear the news yesterday, we’re all sentenced to die.  We’re all going to die anyways, but some of us might have thought we could became centenarians, live to be 100 years old.  Well, I’m not going to make it to 100 because, according to the United Nations, I’m going to die in a horrific climate apocalypse in the year 2047.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  All of the climate change news that I wanted to get to, because I have some great stuff that was sent along by our friend Marc Morano from  In case you didn’t hear the news yesterday, we’re all sentenced to die.  We’re all going to die anyways, but some of us might have thought we could became centenarians, live to be 100 years old.  Well, I’m not going to make it to 100 because, according to the United Nations, I’m going to die in a horrific climate apocalypse in the year 2047.  This is according to the most astute and accurate predictions the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has ever devised.

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Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!

Do you know what this means, folks?  This means that every other prediction that these nutjobs, these former members of the Soviet Bloc who seized upon an opportunity to use the naturally-occurring cycles of the climate as a way to seek political power and financing for their studies, which aren’t studies whatsoever.  This is another giant wealth transfer.  Of course, the ultimate goal was the carbon tax they wanted to place on the planet, which was narrowly defeated in the U.S. Senate in 2009.

Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILSince we only have 33 years to live, folks, make the most of it.  I wanted to just share one statistic with you.  This comes from the Real Science Blog, which is actually run and those that contribute to it are scientists.  After the United Nations posted its dire apocalypse — the Mayan calendar, in other words, has been moved.  The Mayans were apparently not very mathematically astute.  They meant to say 2046.  They said 2012 but they didn’t mean that.  Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattan Islands of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record.  There is more sea ice now than there was on this date in 2002.

There is something that is very informative about the graph that is attended to this blog post.  It shows that arctic sea ice, much like anything else that is climate-related, has fits and starts.  Sometimes the sea ice retreats and sometimes it grows.  Seven years ago when the sea ice retreated, in 2001, the greatest retreat seen since they started measuring this, which has not been very long.  We didn’t start measuring this until 1981.  The largest retreat seen, this is what inspired Al Gore and company to notify the planet that we’re all going to die in the fireball that has now been delayed until 2047.  So the sea ice retreated in 2007 and 2008 and then miraculously it then began expanding again.  The long-term trend, you can do this thing in an Excel spreadsheet.  What you can get in an Excel spreadsheet is what’s called a trend line.  The guys at Real Science Blog have put a trend line on the graph.  The trend line shows that the arctic ice sheet, over the last 40 years, is expanding.  What does that mean?

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I’ve done a lot of work on this.  What I think it means is that we’re entering what is called a solar minima set of solar cycles.  I don’t want to get too deep in the weeds here.  I know it’s Friday and not everyone is a fan of the sciences.  Most people find some of this a bit amusing and intriguing.  You may want to look it up yourself.  Basically what has happened in the past and what we can measure and what was recorded by fledgling scientists around the time of St. Thomas Aquinas and around the time of the founders and in the medieval times, is that the amount of spots you can detect on the sun, sun spots, when there are more sun spots, that means there is more solar activity, more solar flares, more explosions on the corona of the sun.  The sun is more active.  It would only make sense that that has an effect on the Earth’s climate, on all the bodies in the solar system.  When the sun stops making these sun spots and goes into a cycle where it doesn’t make as many and the ones it does make are smaller, you have a decrease in solar activity.  It only makes sense that that would have an impact on climate.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtWe’re currently in solar cycle 24.  What we’ve seen in the solar cycles, the last three, is that there was a peak back in the ‘80s.  The last solar cycle peaked back in 1994 or 1995, somewhere around there.  Since then, the solar cycles are on a downward trend.  Let me just say to you, and I try to be very consistent with this, pray that the solar minima is not at hand.  You don’t want to live in a solar minima.  We do not want to live in a Dalton or Maunder minima, heaven forefend, with 5 billion mouths to feed, because there won’t be enough food.  If the UN is really worried about the planet and the humans that live on it, they ought to be mortified over that giant fireball in the sky that we call the sun.  Even though they don’t pray, they better find some god to pray to and ask him to not allow a solar minima.  A solar minima will have unprecedented and ghastly consequences for humans.  It will get colder longer and there will be less time to grow food.  People will die of starvation.  This is what’s going to happen if there is a solar minima.

My point is, you’re damn right we should be concerned about climate change and we should be more concerned when the climate is going to turn cold.  We can always grow things when it’s a little warmer.  There’s nothing in the historical record to suggest otherwise.  When it gets cold, this is when terrestrial life suffers the most.  If the UN is really worried about this, they ought to be worried about a solar minima, not a maxima.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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