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Common Core Programs Kids Into Being Robots For The State’s Elites To Abuse

todayMarch 31, 2015 13

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    Common Core Programs Kids Into Being Robots For The State’s Elites To Abuse AbbyMcGinnis

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “The government, at all levels, in all of its attendant little tentacles, every one that is attached to the federal behemoth, to the State behemoth, to the State as our civic religion and our civic director and guider of our affairs, our secular civic religion – and it is just that.  It is an abomination to religion, to a faith in Almighty God and in his only begotten son.  It is an abomination, yet you have a couple hundred million people here practicing that abomination, quite possibly the world’s largest heresy, the greatest heresy ever seen by man.  I won’t get into what other great heresy may be currently at work here.  But the civic religion and the belief in the State, the belief in the Constitution as some sort of spiritually-ordained document that we must all grovel to is heretical.”  Check out today’s transcript AND Clip of the Day for the rest….

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    Common Core Programs Kids Into Being Robots For The State’s Elites To Abuse AbbyMcGinnis

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    Common Core Programs Kids Into Being Robots For The State’s Elites To Abuse AbbyMcGinnis

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I want to go back to the topic that I began last hour about Common Core.  Bruce Frohnen writing about this and about how “Common Core as Nationalized Drone Training.”  This is precisely what I told you a couple months ago that Common Core is.  It’s programming.  This is plain and simple.  The government, at all levels, in all of its attendant little tentacles, every one that is attached to the federal behemoth, to the State behemoth, to the State as our civic religion and our civic director and guider of our affairs, our secular civic religion – and it is just that.  It is an abomination to religion, to a faith in Almighty God and in his only begotten son.  It is an abomination, yet you have a couple hundred million people here practicing that abomination, quite possibly the world’s largest heresy, the greatest heresy ever seen by man.  I won’t get into what other great heresy may be currently at work here.  But the civic religion and the belief in the State, the belief in the Constitution as some sort of spiritually-ordained document that we must all grovel to is

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heretical.  The elevation of it spiritually is heretical.

The end result of this is the programming that goes into every one of our children.  I’m in my 50s.  Those of us that are as old as I and maybe a little older, we may have escaped some of the programming.  We may have lived some semblance of a life that was not chosen for us by our elite ruling masters, and in my case Baton Rouge and then in Mordor and everywhere in between.  Our children have no such advantage.  The program is well designed, well thought out.  The child goes into it almost the moment they’re born.  You’ll note that as soon as your newborn takes their first breath and is whisked away in an incubator to keep them warm, by the time you and mom/dad get back to your hospital room, if you’re going to stay for a day or two, by the time you get back to the room, there’ll be some social worker from the hospital waiting there with your child’s brand-new social security card.  We want to make sure you’re enrolled in the State the moment you’re born.  You’re ours, baby.

Common Core is an extension of this.  In the first instance, public schools were an extension of this, but that wasn’t good enough.  Then they had to go in and take over the universities.  They’ve successfully taken over the universities.  There is no university schooling left in the United States unless you’re doing it on your own, then maybe you’re getting what I would call and what used to called a classic liberal education.  When you hear the term liberal explained by someone of the stature of Brother Francis, who teaches the philosophy course that I’m taking, you’ll understand what liberal means and why liberal is not a bad word.  It’s become a bad word but it’s not.  There is no liberal education, because a liberal education would begin with the process of how to think, of learning how to think.  You don’t have to go through a course in philosophy to do this, you just have to get the building blocks of it correct.  That’s not being done.  That’s not going to be done unless you’re going to do it yourself.

I’ll tell you something else.  I know I’m talking about this a lot lately, but if you start studying philosophia perennis and you start learning minor logic – Brother Francis will keep telling you why you need to learn minor logic – the thing you will notice about your life as this starts to sink in and just becomes part of how you think, you will start to notice the fallacies and just how widespread and near ubiquitous they are.  You will start to notice the illogical thinking that’s taking place around you and that you see and read and hear.  David Simpson, who will be here with me in just a bit for Wisdom Wednesday, tells me that for four or five years, it will nearly drive you insane until you learn to just say: All right, I give, I quit.

This is why I think I believe this.  So many of you, especially you moms, instinctively – I think it’s instinctively reacted violently to Common Core.  You went to school board meetings.  You went to Tea Party meetings.  I know many people think this is part of UN Agenda 21.  No, I’m not going to have a discussion on that because I have not studied and acquainted myself enough with it.  It is enough to know just the American component of the deceit, and it is deceitful.  But I believe that you moms out there – I’m talking to the ladies listening right now – with your maternal connection to your child, I believe that your instincts, your soul was screaming at you when you began to learn of Common Core.  Run, grab your baby and run.  If you can’t stop these madmen from doing this, for your child being grilled into this and indoctrinated, inducted, conscripted, drafted into this, pull them out of school and homeschool them.  I think your instinct was correct.  You moved to protect the child.  It’s exactly what you should have done, and you’re still moving to protect the child.  You sense something is wrong here.  Bruce Frohnen’s piece here today explains what’s wrong.


The system relies on the federal government making improper and unauthorized exceptions to general laws so that a conglomeration of self-interested “experts” can groom millions of kids to be, in essence, the beasts of burden on whom the more privileged will ride. It is designed to turn children, except for those few in elite schools not chained to the Common Core, into minimally educated worker bees, qualified for nothing save to toil in the bowels of the Gates’ version of corporate America. [Mike: Folks, this is it. This is why you ran and continue to run from Common Core. You know what its ultimate goal is.]

We are told, of course, that there is no constitutional issue with Common Core. States are not required to participate in the program, so it must not violate the rules of federalism. In a technical sense it is true that Supreme Court decisions for the last hundred years would seem to allow for programs like that under which Common Core has been instituted . . .

For some decades observers have noted the politicized, overly complicated, and downright odd questions appearing on federally formulated tests. How the “experts” came up with their wrong-headed goals and methods we may never know. But we do know that district after district and state after state fell out of compliance with the NCLB standards. The consequences, in terms of lost revenue, would have been devastating. Fortunately or unfortunately, the Obama administration offered a solution through its so-called “Race to the Top” program and through a variety of “waivers” from the NCLB standards. All schools had to do was sign on to “improvements” in educational methods and outcomes that essentially require Common Core.

Those who have pointed out that control over education is not among the powers granted to our federal government by the Constitution have found themselves ignored or even laughed at for some time now. It remains worth noting, however, that this is the case and that federal control in this area requires a shell game of promises and exceptions from duly promulgated laws that make a mockery of the uniformity that is supposed to accompany all law, and especially “national standards.”

Sadly, many if not most, people today are willing to forego the niceties of law and constitutionalism if they believe the results will be sufficiently beneficial in terms of material and monetary benefits. And this is where the lie at the heart of Common Core most forcefully comes into play.

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[/private]Countless parents are being told that the new curriculum will be difficult but will end by seeing that their children are prepared for professional success.

[end reading]

Mike:  Folks, you have to think about this critically.  How is it possible that one solitary program administered uniformly could possibly prepare all children for professional success if it were not programming those children into preordained occupations, preconceived, presupposed?  If they’re going to make the claim that professional success is going to be the end result of Common Core, and that Common Core just simplifies and universalizes things, then what kind of occupation will your little darling occupy?  A universal occupation.  This is something straight out of a horror movie.  This is not a utopian future; this is a dystopian future.  Again, your mothers that recoiled in horror at this and continue to recoil in horror, your instincts are more correct than you could possibly know.  Go get the babies out of that school right now and run.  Tell the husband: I don’t care if we have to live in a two-room shanty with a well out back and an outhouse.  We’re homeschooling.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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