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Communists Didn’t Want Out Of Russia To Buy Big Macs And Blue Jeans

todayAugust 14, 2014 6

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    Communists Didn’t Want Out Of Russia To Buy Big Macs And Blue Jeans AbbyMcGinnis

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Order your, “America Secede or Die” embroidered baseball cap today!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “Remember, back in the ‘80s, what we were told [about why Communists defected]?  We were lied to.  This is part of the secular process here.  This is part of what these deceitful hacks do.  That all the people in Russia, all they really wanted -[was] to get in a car and drive to a McDonald’s and get a Big Mac.  [That] they were aspiring to subscribe to Netflix! No,  they had had their life, their inner life, their life of the soul taken from them, stolen, made illegal under punishment of death.  Just consider that for a moment.  You really think that Big Macs, Netflix & Levis jeans would animate tens if not hundreds of millions of people to, through their own silent prayers and toil and the suffering they had to go through, that that’s what they resisted for?  That’s what they resisted Brezhnev and Stalin and Lenin and the rest of the murderous monsters for, for a Big Mac?  Really!?” Check out today’s transcript and Audio Clip of The Day for the rest….

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    Communists Didn’t Want Out Of Russia To Buy Big Macs And Blue Jeans AbbyMcGinnis

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    Communists Didn’t Want Out Of Russia To Buy Big Macs And Blue Jeans AbbyMcGinnis

[/private]Begin Mike Church Show Transcript brought to you by the Founders Pass at mike church.com, NOT a Founders Pass Member? Support our efforts and signup for just .17¢ per day!

Mike:  This is what the Soviets who refused to be Communists kept telling themselves when they were part of and were forced to be a part of the Soviet Union.  If you read that book that Pearce wrote about Solzhenitsyn, he writes about this, about how even though the Communists did pretty much what we’re trying to do today, which was to remove any and all references to the Almighty from any and all public places, and even went into private places.  They could never remove the Almighty and the reverence for him from some of the Communist people’s hearts.  There was one place they couldn’t get to and that was the heart.  They couldn’t get to the soul, couldn’t’ get to it.  This is what kept Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others, Communists that were fighting Communism while they were living under it, this is what kept them alive.  This is what animated and drove them, the pursuit of those three things is all they cared about.

Think about this.  Those of you that are old enough to remember, let me take you back to the mid-1980s or so.  We were told that the reason the Communists wanted to escape Communism was so that they could purchase Levis blue jeans.  How many of you can remember the incessant conversations you probably had with friends about, [mocking] “Yeah, they don’t have blue jeans over there.  Take a pair of blue jeans over to Moscow and they’ll give you a hundred bucks.  That’s how desperate they are for a Big Mac, man.”  We were told that that’s all the people that were suffering so mightily under the pernicious, violent, horrific thumb of Communism, which is the suppression of the grace and beauty and transcendent, so that man and man’s idea of how civilization ought to work, or Marx’s idea and Engels’ and Hegel’s and Heidegger’s idea of it, can be elevated to supremacy without anyone questioning it.  They made Communism, in other words, a god.  But they were never able to actually kick God out of the hearts of many Communists.

Remember, back in the ‘80s, what we were told.  We were lied to.  This is part of the secular process here.  This is part of what these deceitful hacks do.  That all the people in Russia, all they really wanted — I bet you there were some people that were Russians that lived under Communism that are listening right now and nodding their head going: Man, I have never heard this publicly spoken but this guy is correct.  They weren’t aspiring to buy a freaking pair of blue jeans.  They weren’t aspiring to get in a car and drive to a McDonald’s and get a Big Mac.  They weren’t aspiring so that they could subscribe to Netflix.  They had had their life, their inner life, their life of the soul taken from them, stolen, made illegal under punishment of death while you celebrate that Christ character that you call where anyone can hear it.  Under penalty of death will you celebrate any authority other than the Communist State?

When they wanted to escape Communism, and many of them did — fortunately men like Solzhenitsyn did and were able to write the tale — that’s the story that they told.  But we’re told, [mocking] “When they wanted to come to America, they couldn’t wait to become entrepreneurs and all this other stuff.”  They may have done those things, but the dream of a Big Mac is not what kept them alive.  Just consider that for a moment.  You really think that that’s what would animate tens if not hundreds of millions of people to, through their own silent prayers and toil and the suffering they had to go through, that that’s what they resisted for?  That’s what they resisted Brezhnev and Stalin and Lenin and the rest of the murderous monsters for, for a Big Mac?  Really, seriously?  Wow!

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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