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Conservatives Have Conserved the Spirit of Free Enterprise

todayJune 12, 2012 2

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    Conservatives Have Conserved the Spirit of Free Enterprise ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio – I would say that we have successfully kept alive at least the ethos of free enterprise.  As long as that seed is there, as long as that plant is there, and as long as they haven’t damaged that, then there is always hope.  What I mean by the ethos, it’s just the mindset that you don’t always, even though there are many sheeple that are brainwashed otherwise or have been propagandized otherwise, but still, by and large, the prospect is held out that free enterprise provides an alternative to employment with whoever, or that free enterprise provides an opportunity for someone to advance beyond what they could using someone else’s capital in something that they love doing.

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    Conservatives Have Conserved the Spirit of Free Enterprise ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Caller:  What have we as conservatives, as traditionals, as Libertarians, what have we won that has stayed, that we’ve maintained in terms of a political victory?  We haven’t.  You could say we won against the League of Nations, but then we have the United Nations.  We beat HillaryCare but now we have ObamaCare.

Mike:  I would say that we have successfully kept alive at least the ethos of free enterprise.  As long as that seed is there, as long as that plant is there, and as long as they haven’t damaged that, then there is always hope.  What I mean by the ethos, it’s just the mindset that you don’t always, even though there are many sheeple that are brainwashed otherwise or have been propagandized otherwise, but still, by and large, the prospect is held out that free enterprise provides an alternative to employment with whoever, or that free enterprise provides an opportunity for someone to advance beyond what they could using someone else’s capital in something that they love doing.

As long as that ethos and as long as that train of thought and that spirit is still alive, then we have a chance.  To me, that encompasses, free enterprise and what is done in free enterprise, accomplishes, reinforces, teaches and enforces some prudence to the principles that we as conservatives and libertarians hold near and dear.  You’re not going to be very successful at business and at free enterprise or entrepreneurial enterprise unless you learn the ins and outs of managing risk and of managing capital and private property, of critical thinking when it comes to how to implement, how to spend when you’re in business.  It requires every skillset that you would want a conservative to have.

In building your customer base up, what are you building up?  If you’re working on building a customer base up, what are you essentially, what conservative principle or virtue are you building up?  Family values, familial ties.  In business, in entrepreneurial activity, we learn almost everything that we need to survive as free people.  That’s why the left and the sellout right, the big government, statist right that is okay with the welfare state and with the tax and spend and the corporatism state, and they are, that is what we have been able or what has endured.  It’s amazing that it has endured.

You know what’s even more amazing?  It is amazing that the economy, the American economy has not tanked as much as it should have under the assault.  You combine the Clinton, then Bush, and now Obama Administrations with their assault with a deadly weapon, which is government, that they have perpetrated on free enterprise and small business, how are any of us still in business?  It’s because of that that we have hope.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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