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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers, Christmas Spirit goodness and other [r]epublican stories like Senator DeMint, used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “The confederated states confer on their common government only such power as they themselves cannot separately exercise, or such as can be better exercised by that government. They have, therefore, an equal interest, to give it power enough, and to prevent it from assuming too much.”
CA voters now find themselves standing accused of [r]epublicanism yet again and threatened by SCOTUS with a rejection of their legitimately passed, constitutional laws
George Will: Bombing brown people with drones is just an economical way to wage an undeclared war using Presidential “Kill Lists”
He is Watching You: Meanwhile the NDAA is reauthorized by unanimous consent but don’t worry, our exalted Senate rulers are working on restoring the 4th Amendment to it at a date TBD
AmConMag’s Jordan Bloom views the DeMint move to Heritage as a net positive, which I suppose is correct if view “our guys” getting the chance to “influence” corrupt policy as a net positive
VIDEO: Rep Amash is grilled by the nitwittery of CNN over whether or not Speaker Boehner’s exiling Amash from committee assignments was a move supported by “the mainstream”- Not ONE “pundit”, including Will Cain, challenged or asked about Amash’s budget math
Brion McClanahan’s piece on the “Legality of Secession” is chock full of historical nuggets and mostly correct pronouncements – BUT, if you read the comments section you will become convinced that no “real conservatives” would ever consider or sanction leaving the union because it was and is illegal – my 15 year old daughters know more history on the subject than these “commenters” have bothered to unlearn
Senator Coburn is ready to accept a tax increase provided Dumbocrats put “entitlement reform on the table” – that most elusive of all high hanging fruit nop one ever seems to have a ladder to reach
Meet Mr & Mrs American Exceptionalism: Kimberly & Robert Kagan who moonlight as the USA! USA’s! biggest promoters of continued and never-ending war in the Middle East
Cowboys win game after learning of another NFL player’s death, this time a Cowboy killed in a crash with another Cowboy charged with the crime
The Danger of Rand Paul’s Center Bolt: The importance of actual principles vs those promoted to become mainstream could mean a loss of Ron Paulites support
More Details on Rand’s Mainstream makeover: He IS running for President in 2016 and doesn’t much care for the US Senate
Written by: TheKingDude
Demint drones homosexual marriage Jordan Bloom ndaa NeoCONS rand paul Secession Senator Coburn
todayAugust 28, 2024 113 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
Wil Shrader Jr. on December 10, 2012
Is it still too early to react negatively to Rand Paul endorsing Romney? Is this how he fixes it from within? Say it ain’t so, Rand!
peteb91 on December 10, 2012
You know, I want to start a Northern movement to kick the South out of the Union, believing that Lincoln failed not the South but the North. The south produces nothing we can’t get elsewhere, and they are an economic drag on our beloved North, I say let’s kick the south out.
TheKingDude on December 10, 2012
Great! We will allow you to obtain passports to vacation in our Southern Paradise and even let you shop for Cuban cigars, duty-free!
Wil Shrader Jr. on December 10, 2012