Daily Clip

Conservatives Must Divorce GOP, Turn To Philosophy And Republicanism

todaySeptember 23, 2015 7

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    Conservatives Must Divorce GOP, Turn To Philosophy And Republicanism AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Perry for President campaign is the first casualty of Trumpzilla.  I think actually the greatest casualty of campaign 2016 has and will be that conservatism, if it is going to survive, is going to have to divorce itself from the Republican Party.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Conservatives Must Divorce GOP, Turn To Philosophy And Republicanism AbbyMcGinnis

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    Conservatives Must Divorce GOP, Turn To Philosophy And Republicanism AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I don’t know if you know this.  Big campaign news, Rick Perry, the former Governor of Texas, has decided to call it quits.  He’s out.  That means he won’t be at the debate tomorrow night.  Well, he might be but he won’t be on the stage.  The Perry for President campaign is the first casualty of Trumpzilla.  I think actually the greatest casualty of campaign 2016 has and will be that conservatism, if it is going to survive, is going to have to divorce itself from the Republican Party.  It’s not going to be able to survive inside the GOP any longer because it is obvious that if there is any future for a robust conservatism, it cannot comingle and cannot exist and will not be administered by the federal political class.  [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

It just can’t be and it won’t be.  Anyone that is viewing the passing scene and does not see that is not looking at it properly.  You can’t be looking at it properly.  You’re looking and thinking with your emotions instead of your philosophical sense and a little bit of critical thinking and some reason.  That’s a part of what MBD writes about here today.


Rick Perry dropping out of the 2016 presidential race is a damn shame. It’s an indictment of Republican voters . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  By the bye, going into the debate tonight, the latest polls, a full two-thirds, nearly two-thirds that are registered Republicans that will vote in primary campaigns are telling the Grand Old Party that there are no candidates that bear the Republican imprimatur that are of their choosing.  They want outsiders, people that claim to be Republicans.  By the way, I have news for you on that score.  That is, when James Monroe was about to ascend to the presidency, he and Taylor were best friends and pen pals.  Monroe wrote to Taylor saying: Hey, buddy, your boy’s about to become president.  Taylor wrote back something to the effect of: That’s great.  I’ll see you in four years.  If you think because we’re pals that you somehow get a pass from me on republicanism and the Constitution, you’re just mistaken.  I’m going to be the biggest, loudest, angriest critic you ever had, pal.  That’s what a principled person on the outside or someone that does not ascend to political power, he can say that, can do that.

The moment then — this is why Taylor kept trying to get out of politics.  Every time Jefferson would appoint him or the Virginia Legislature would ask him to go fill in for this or that senator who just died, which happened twice, Taylor went and said: I’ll go but I’m not staying.  You better elect somebody to come up here and take my place because I’m just going to go and fill in for a little while and yell at these guys and tell them what imbeciles they are.  If you don’t pull me out, I’ll leave.  That’s basically what Taylor said: I’ll serve but I have no desire to be one of them. [/private]The_Reformation_COVER-670x800

What I was going to offer to you is that the moment the Trumps, Carsons, Fiorinas, all the rest of the alleged outsiders, the moment they get inside the belly of the beast and have to operate with the rest of the corruptocrats, to get anything done, you have to cooperate and do what it is that the corruptocrats do.  Certainly it would be preferable — and I would never tell you anything other than this — it would be preferable to have someone of high stature and morals having to square off with the corruptocrats and the rest of the Republican big spenders, hacks.  Certainly that would be preferable.  It’s not going to alter the federal landscape.  That’s something that the sooner “conservatives” come to the realization that the only possible way, where the real opportunities exist are in our neighborhoods, in your neighborhoods, in your counties, in your towns, in your parishes.  Great battlefields like Rowan County, Kentucky.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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