
Conservatives Now Want To Run The Obamacare Welfare State With Walkercare

todayAugust 21, 2015 8



Devil_Inside_the_Beltway_frontcoverMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I might ask, what is the bonum honestum of Walker Care?  What is the bonum honestum of Santorum Care?  What’s the bonum honestum of McConnell Care?  What is the bonum honestum of any of the cares?  Is it really your good or is it the good and the health of the state?  What’s the bonum honestum of our disastrous, lethal, unjust war policy?  It’s obviously the bonum delectabile of the Boeing Corporation.  It’s obviously the bonum delectabile of Raytheon or whoever.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I might ask, what is the bonum honestum of Walker Care?  What is the bonum honestum of Santorum Care?  What’s the bonum honestum of McConnell Care?  What is the bonum honestum of any of the cares?  Is it really your good or is it the good and the health of the state?  What’s the bonum honestum of our disastrous, lethal, unjust war policy?  It’s obviously the bonum delectabile of the Boeing Corporation.  It’s obviously the bonum delectabile of Raytheon or

[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

whoever.  What is the bonum honestum when Jeb Bush is running around claiming that we need more NSA spooks and more NSA spies and more NSA access to our data?  Do they want to come into our bathroom and monitor the gallons per flush?  Do they want to know how often we’re in there?  Do they want to put attachments on our refrigerator doors so they know how many times we open them?  [mocking] “We’ve found that terrorists open doors 31 times per day, whereas average ‘Mericans open refrigerator doors 41 times per day.  This helps us to filter out and get to the evildoers.”  No, the evildoers don’t need to be gotten to, governor.  You are the evildoer.  This transfer of wealth, this usury that you’re participating in, that your family is participating in, is sick.  Yet there it is.  Now we have Walker Care.

My point in bringing this up is, number one: Who’s going to challenge the “arch conservative” Walker on the incompatibility of the term “national health care” with conservatism?  If we are given over now to merely administering the programs that the Democrats and the liberals and the socialist and those that admit that government is God, if we’re given over now to simply managing these programs, what does that make us?  You’re just simply a poor excuse for a Democrat.  We might as well throw all in and let’s just join them.  What’s the point of opposing this any longer?  I don’t get it.  I don’t spiritually get it.  I don’t philosophically get it.  I don’t practically get it.  Let’s hit the pedal to the metal, ladies and gentlemen, and let’s make sure that the car when it — wait a minute, the green hybrid car — when it hits the cliff is going as fast as it can and has as much weight on it to make sure that we had terminal velocity before we crash on the rock bed below.  Then we slide down into that same ocean of red ink of the Titanic, the ship of State slides into.


I received an email yesterday.  I’d like to tell you about the email I received.  It was from the Heritage Foundation and from former Senator Jim DeMint.  I forwarded the email to my friend, Professor Dr. Kevin Gutzman.  Former Senator DeMint writes to me: “Dear fellow conservative,” and there’s some pablum there about why he’s writing me.  “The Heritage Foundation Freedom Center will be your conservative headquarters from which we will reclaim America.”  I sent Professor Gutzman a note and I said: Is he telling me, did I just read that in order to “reclaim America” I need to donate money to the Heritage Foundation, to a 501c3 think tank inside Mordor that’s helps to expand Mordor, so that it can continue helping with the expansion and so they can help us micromanage it?  So reclaiming America now requires me to build buildings?  Oh, but it’s conservative, though.  In what manner?  How is it conservative?

If anyone wants to see the email if you think I’m pulling your leg, send me one.  I’ll forward it to you.  Matter of fact, I’ll post it on the website today and make an article out of it.  This is what conservatism is now, building bigger buildings, soliciting the population for increased donations to build bigger buildings, so we can hire more parasites to go work inside Mordor, all under the cover, though [mocking] “You get a tax deduction for this.”  Gee, I wonder where the tax deduction came from.  [mocking] “Wait, wait, Mr. Kotter, I know!  It came from the IRS, Mr. Church.”  No, it didn’t.  It came from Congress.  Gee, I wonder why Congress would provide such an exception.  But don’t worry, all we’ve got to do is get utilitarian, uber businessman Donald Trump in there and Trumpzilla will fix it all.  Re-fricking-diculous.

I must say that the only reason that one could continue in this endeavor here and continue in these party politics and this silliness here that I just described, and this abject — what is this at the end of the day?  What is this?  This is an alternate reality.  Again, we’re dealing with an alternate reality.  Anyone that continues with this must be doing it out of love for the State.  You cannot hide under the protection now that [mocking] “We’re going to get back to the Constitution.  You’ll see, we’re doing this for all the — you may be, and you may have been led to believe you’re doing this for the proper and right intention.  The State as it exists today is a diabolical, despicable, corrupt, perverted heresy.  It may be the Antichrist.  It is certainly not divine.  It is not of divine making.  It is not serving the divine.  It serves the enemy of the divine.  It elevates itself as the divine.


Someone sent me a note yesterday in one of the few, rare instances at which the email address actually produced fruit.  It asked a very, I think, applicable and appropriate, question: How do we in good conscience continue paying taxes, obeying the laws, abiding this and abiding that?  That is a great question.  One, it takes some serious contemplation.  Wait a minute, where are we going to find the time to contemplate?  The average modern man has to work 15, 16 hours a day just in order to pay the taxes and the student loans and every other hell forsaken thing brought about by the diabolical entity I just described.  Where is there time to contemplate?  You’ve got to eat.  You might even have to put a little time on the side to make the next generation with the misses or the mister.  And then you got to sleep. [/private]

Is Davis A Traitor in paperback. get it signed by editor Mike Church. A great Christmas Gift for the Colonial Revolutionary!
Is Davis A Traitor in paperback. get it signed by editor Mike Church. A great Christmas Gift for the Colonial Revolutionary!

We don’t have time to contemplate.  The diabolical entity saw to that.  Please, help me out here.  How is any of this, how are any of these people “conservative”?  Since it is not demonstrable that they are, and if they are I am not and will no longer be, please don’t ever describe me as “conservative.”  Some of you are yucking it up going: We never thought you were.  That’s fine, that’s great.  Think what you will.  What then are we, Remnants?  What then are we, Crusaders?  Probably.  I’ll get zero point zero action on that because it should require a little bit of thought.  But Walker Care, conservative socialized medicine, are you kidding me?  Really?  You watch, though.  Listen today and they’ll be debating it.  [mocking] “This is a good plan.  We should get behind it.  This is better than Obamacare.”  Now we’re all about better socialism.  That’s great, that’s fantastic.  What a great conservative thing to say.  Sign me up.


Again, lots of ways to communicate here.  We have a phone.  We have a website, imagine that,  As a matter of fact, I wish you will stop by and sign up for today’s Daily Republican email newspaper.  I would greatly appreciate it.  We have a Facebook page, Mike Church Show Fan Page.  And we even have a Twitter feed.  I even retweeted something yesterday, even though I’ve sworn off Twitter.  I went on Twitter and saw some of what you people have been writing and posting and thought one of them was appropriate and re-tweeted it.  There you go.  Conservative socialism, what a great concept.  Why didn’t Chesterton think of that?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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