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Convert To Catholicism To Fight Muslims, Imams Are Our Enemy Not Popes

todayFebruary 16, 2015 10

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    Convert To Catholicism To Fight Muslims, Imams Are Our Enemy Not Popes AbbyMcGinnis

Interview with Andrew Bieszad on Who the Real Enemy Is

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All new! The Founders Book Series-Trilogy Set from Founding Father Films Publishing

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript Andrew Bieszad, I want to thank you again.  It’s always enlightening.  The book is Lions of the Faith: Saints, Blesseds, and Heroes of the Catholic Faith in the Struggle with Islam.  Allowing them in and welcoming them under this ridiculous notion, as Chris Ferrara and I talked of, that you can have this pluralistic society and we can all hold hands around a fire and sing Kumbaya and be friends with our Muslim brethren, this is the original sin.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

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    Convert To Catholicism To Fight Muslims, Imams Are Our Enemy Not Popes AbbyMcGinnis

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    Convert To Catholicism To Fight Muslims, Imams Are Our Enemy Not Popes AbbyMcGinnis


Mike:  Andrew Bieszad, I want to thank you again.  It’s always enlightening.  The book is Lions of the Faith: Saints, Blesseds, and Heroes of the Catholic Faith in the Struggle with Islam.  Allowing them in and welcoming them under this ridiculous notion, as Chris Ferrara and I talked of, that you can have this pluralistic society and we can all hold hands around a fire and sing Kumbaya and be friends with our Muslim brethren, this is the original sin.  This is what will land you in a position where the French were and where the Spanish were, where they had to fight nearly thousand-year-long wars, right?

Andrew Bieszad:  Exactly.  And the danger with this is, you see what’s happening — here’s a bit more insight into it.  Basically our government, and many government to the left, we know, many people are Christian in their secular government.  We say we’re Christian on the inside, but really on the outside we’re a secular people.  We’re infidels.  Let’s call it what it is.  Most of us are infidels.  It’s affected all of us.  I’m not going to say anybody is

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excluded, including myself.  The fact is, what they’re doing by this is, it is a social Darwinist philosophical view that you can take people and separate them from — man is an animal and all you have to do is control his animal pulses and philosophy and religion really don’t matter, when the opposite is true.  Man is a soul with a body and it is his belief, his faith that comes from divinely revealed truth, whatever he chooses to call the divinely revealed truth.  Again, not saying that Islam is divinely revealed truth, but if you regard it as such, there are certain assumptions you make.

Those assumptions, in turn, have certain consequences.  That’s what we see.  You can’t just put people together and expect to avoid these consequences.  That’s what our government is doing.  That’s what the Communists have tried to do.  That’s what many tyrants throughout history have tried to do and they’ve always failed.  Islam’s power does not come from its guns or violence or from its inconsistency in thought.  It comes from the faith of the people who believe in it.  That is the danger in Islam, the faith itself.  As long as people have that Mohammedan faith, the only thing that stops an average man, a good man from becoming a violent terrorist is his freewill.  Remember, what is Islam?  WWMD, what would Mohammed do?

Mike:  For most of the time period we’re talking about, it was that pope that you despise so much that was begging the Christian nations of Europe to get together, like when he begged the other countries to assemble the Holy Fleet to go turn back Ali Pasha at the Battle of Lepanto, like when he begged the other nations to go and spare King Leopold and the Germans in Vienna from the Ottoman Empire.  This happened dozens of times.  This wasn’t an isolated incident.  It’s happened often, not once or twice.  This happened often.  I’m not telling you to go out and convert.  I’m just telling you that from the Christian perspective, we are all descended from the same place, from the same fountain, and if we don’t realize that we have more in common than we have in difference and stop bickering with one another, this is an existential threat, Islam is.  Just comment on that before you go, Andrew.

Bieszad:  I’ll be more than happy to comment.  I’m going to tell you this people straight up.  If it were not for the Catholic Church, Europe and much of the world would be Muslim.  If you look at history, and if you read my book Lions of the Faith, you will see this time and time again.  It was the popes, it was the bishops, it was common priests, common people who came and stood up and said: This is wrong because our Catholic faith teaches this.

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[/private]We have to stand and fight.  You see nothing of that in any kind of Protestant Christianity.  In the Orthodox churches, they’ve only been able to merely hold off the Islamic invasions, just hold them off.  Many times it was limited only to their own race of people.  This is because Islam, when they target peoples, they created a new race because they forcibly intermixed with the other women in the societies.  Then there would be intermarriage and so forth that would simply further this.

What I am saying is, if we are to survive and grow in spite of Islam, as the Catholic Church did over centuries, miraculously, we have to follow the faith.  The faith is the key.  If you’re Protestant and you may not be Catholic, the fact is, here’s your chance.  If you want to stop Islam, support us.  Help us against these Muslims.  Work with us, not against.  The fact is, I think it was George Washington who said it.  Either we’re going to hang together or we’re going to hang separately.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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