
Culture Turned Inside Out – Gays Can Be Gay But Straights Can’t Be Straight

todaySeptember 27, 2013 8


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now what formerly was normal, for 10,000 years of recorded history was being normal and as being biologically necessary for the next generation is now not permitted.  It may not be legally not permitted, but now it is politically incorrect.  They will make sure to enforce this on college campuses by ostracizing people or by intimidation.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Here’s a little story from USA Today, “Straight-only sorority proposal stirs up Smith College.”  Why would this be such a big deal?

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Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!


Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILDelta Gamma officials don’t know who wrote the now-viral e-mail proposing an all-straight “sorority” at Smith College in Northampton, Mass., but they say it’s certainly not happening.

In the e-mail — which was originally posted and later removed on Tumblr by another Smith student known as “aQuieterRioter” — the unidentified author invited her classmates to help her create an “exclusive” chapter of Delta Gamma for “straight girls” with planned activities such as “sorority mixers with Amherst men, weekly dinner dates, weekly photo shoots where we would dress up nice [and] baking nights.”

The self-identifying heterosexual student wrote in the e-mail that she felt “marginalized” at the women’s college of 2,600 and that the straight-only sorority could be a “really great way to socialize with people we identify more with at Smith.”

[end reading]

Mike:  Of course, this caused an uproar.  [mocking] “What do you mean straight only?  You can’t do that.  You can have lesbian only if you want.  You can have transgender only if you want.  You can have gay only if you want.  You can have only those that have had abortions.  You can’t have straight only.  What do you think this is, the United States or something?  What do you think this is, some kind of a campus for Christians?”  It’s taboo.  Now what formerly was normal, for 10,000 years of recorded history was being normal and as being biologically necessary for the next generation is now not permitted.  It may not be legally not permitted, but now it is politically incorrect.  They will make sure to enforce this on college campuses by ostracizing people or by intimidation.  [mocking] “If you don’t take your silly little straights only policy down, we’re going to bring you up to the board, missy.  You can’t separate yourself from your transgendered betters.”

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Folks, think about this for just a moment.  This is how unbelievably screwed up and misguided our anti-cult has become.  I think I’m going to trademark that term “Anti-Cult”.  We have an anti-cult, meaning we don’t have a cult.  Our cult is whatever we say it is today.  Today lesbians are in favor.  Who knows, maybe two weeks from now they’ll fall out of favor.  That’s anti-cult for you.  There is no norm.  There is no tradition.  There is nothing that you can rely on that will stand the test of time, because then that would be something conservative.  That would be something traditional or institutional.  We cannot have that.  We’re only good people and we’re only good and alive and in touch with all that we can be when we are willing to totally decimate, destroy, dishonor, denigrate, micturate upon the past.  Obviously the past, including our biological past, sucks.  That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.  If it happened in the past, it’s horrible, unless, of course, it happened in the Clinton administration, then it’s great.  Unless it happened in the ‘60s at Woodstock, then it’s great.  Unless it happened in a pipedream of Timothy Leary, then it’s great.  Unless it happened in the “sexual revolution,” then it’s great.  If it happened before any of us got, you know, cool and un-square.

article-v-pamphlet-adI only brought the story up because if you were to transport someone that was alive, let’s just pretend there weren’t any racist Southern towns.  Let’s just pretend that they were in Canton, Ohio.  If you were to beam them up Scotty and transport them to 2013 and read them this story, they would wonder what planet, what civilization they had wandered into.  They would also wonder why they would probably be subject to violations of all kinds of hate crime laws, campus conduct codes, and what have you.  They would probably be begging us to send them back to 1958.  [mocking] “For heaven’s sake, send me back!  Send me back!”

We are now in the very unique, arrogant and conceited position — this kind of pride always comes before a fall, always.  We are now in that most arrogant of all positions now where we can conclusively assert that all that has gone before us is crap.  All that has gone before us should be made illegal.  You know what?  We should probably get all those old films and books and stuff together and burn them all.  Heaven forefend any young people should find out there was a way of life before you could determine and pick from a menu of sexualities, before you could determine and pick from a menu of personalities, or lifestyles.

All this is the end result of what?  I know what you’re going to say [mocking] “It’s the progressives.”  Actually, this is the end result of what began in the 16th century when the great philosophical enlightenment began.  No one could possibly have seen, except for maybe that sicko Rousseau, no one could possibly have seen that the transcendent and the spiritual world and the presence of God, the beautiful, loving presence of God in the lives of men and women would just become something of a laughing-stock, or something to be avoided at all costs.

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Living in the presence of God is not supposed to be something that causes one misery.  It’s supposed to be something that causes one great joy and brings out the good in people.  We’re told it’s the exact opposite.  [mocking] “You don’t want that.  If you do that, you’ll never be able to go out there and get knocked up and then get an abortion.  Could you imagine life without abortions?  If you live like those spiritual creeps did back in the day, you’ll never know the joys of sleeping with another chick, Sherry.  You’ll never know the joys of sleeping with another guy, Stan.”  That’s how whack this is.  I’ll just use modern terminology here.

Some of us spend our time reading history.  You don’t even have to go back that far.  I could read T.S. Eliot from the 1930s and ‘40s.  I could read Tolkien from the same time period.  I could read Nisbett from the ‘50s. I could read Russell Kirk from the ‘70s and ‘80s.  I could listen to Ronald Reagan from the ‘80s.  You don’t have to go back that far to witness that what is today very rapidly being made to be illegal and you will suffer great, great injury to your reputation and to your earning power and all the other great things about life today if you cross this boundary.  What used to be just expected and indeed longed for, the great desideratum of Western civilization is now today but a distant memory, something that we must avoid at all costs.  It just defies all reasoning.

For what purpose?  I guess having entire generations of 40 to 50, maybe 60 percent of all children growing up without a married set of parents or without a devoted married set of parents, a guy and a gal, I guess the elimination of that is on tap.  We should probably just consider that if we’re going to do this and we’re going to do it right, why don’t we just eliminate the whole child thing. Who needs them?  Just think of all the activities they stop us from doing.  If we didn’t have kids we have to feed and kids to shuttle off to school, just think of all the dough we’d have to buy new products from Apple and experiment with all forms of sexuality, maybe even from different beings, different species and what have you.  Are we at the end of the rope?  Have we reached the end of this?  Unfortunately no.  There is still plenty of debauchery left to discover, my friends.  That in and of itself is licentious at a level no human, no era of mankind could ever have imagined.  We don’t just imagine it, we live it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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