
Size Matters! Smallest Constitutional Republics Are The Richest [r]epublics

todayAugust 7, 2014 8

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    Size Matters! Smallest Constitutional Republics Are The Richest [r]epublics TheKingDude

Mike Church's own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.
Mike Church’s own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript So this led me to do a little bit of research here that is not conventional this morning.  You’re not going to get this treatment anywhere else.  I’m happy to share this with you.  We all like to talk about how prosperous or how not prosperous we are.  Many of you love to stand in the end zone, spike the football in the face of the world’s jihadis and chant “USA! USA!” and lord it over the rest of the world.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Size Matters! Smallest Constitutional Republics Are The Richest [r]epublics TheKingDude

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    Size Matters! Smallest Constitutional Republics Are The Richest [r]epublics TheKingDude


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  So this led me to do a little bit of research here that is not conventional this morning.  You’re not going to get this treatment anywhere else.  I’m happy to share this with you.  We all like to talk about how prosperous or how not prosperous we are.  Many of you love to stand in the end zone, spike the football in the face of the world’s jihadis and chant “USA! USA!” and lord it over the rest of the world, [mocking] “We’ve got the biggest, baddest military in the history of the planet.  We’ll crush you and squash you like a bug.”  Many people think like this.

I think that the predisposition toward war and towards the acts of war was on display in all of its embarrassment over the course of the last month or so with the conflict going on between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the collateral damage that was suffered by significant civilian populations.  We’ve talked about this.  As a matter of fact, I had two great columns, one yesterday and one on Monday, about the severity of that, and looking at it before there was a ceasefire that hopefully will hold in some manner, if for nothing more than for the sake of the civilian populations.  I’m going to leave it there at that.  Some of you cannot divorce yourselves from certain attachments to certain acts of never-ending war.  We’ll leave it there at that.

Consider this.  I actually took the liberty of looking this up for you this morning.  If you go to today’s Pile of Prep, on the right-hand side, about halfway down, you’ll see a little, tiny graphic.  It says “Click for a much sharper image.”  The story next to the graphic is this.  I’ll read it to you from today’s Pile of Prep since I prepped it for you for use on the show.  Let’s just review an important statistic this morning.  The top 20 wealthiest countries on the face of the planet, let’s look at the United Nations 2012 survey of wealth per capita.

Folks, I’m going to stop right here.  There are other ways to measure this that I did not include.  If I had thrown some of the other measurements in there as qualifiers, the United States would not have made the top 20.  We’re only going to be in the top 20 as a result of per capita income.  I’m just going to leave it there at that.  I’m going to tell you, it’s not difficult to see the United States not in the top 20 because there are other conditions when you are ranking great places to live and other great places on earth.  We’re just going to stick with per capita income now.  If we look at the chart — let me finish the story.

Look at the attached graphic.  Excluding the United States, note what things most of the countries on the list all have in common.  There are two exceptions to this, but for the most part we have an 87 percent agreement rate.  Number one: They are small and the representation is in line with that.  Number two: They are not known as military powers.  Number three: They are not known as interventionists in other countries’ affairs.

So if we click the graphic, we’ll get the blown-up version of it.  We can see the top 20 list of countries by wealth.  Since last I checked most of us love to pursue and are obsessed with the pursuit of material possessions — even though the Lord told us not to have them and to give them away — and material wealth.  Okay, fine.  Let’s just use that as our benchmark.  This is one of the reasons why you chant “USA! USA!” in the end zone.  The countries that rank in the top ten — we’re not in the top ten, by the way — I’m going to read them to you in order according to the 2012 United Nations survey.

I can already hear it, [mocking] “Why are you using UN statistics?”  The only reason I’m using UN statistics is because they’re not supposed to be biased.  They’re supposed to be that all you countries are members of the UN.  You gave us all this information and we crunched it and this is what came out.  I don’t think that the people of Lichtenstein, who rank as number one, have a superior lobbying group to the people of the United States, okay?  Before you complain about the source, just consider that.  Let me just read you the top ten in order.  We’ll go from one to ten and I might add some editorial comment in between.

Number one: Lichtenstein.  Do either one of our youngsters, Paul or Eric, if I gave you a challenge and said I’m going to give you a global map, a flat one, just a plot of the globe, and gave you 20 seconds, could you find Lichtenstein on the map?

Paul:  It’s very tiny.  I know it has a royal family.  I’m pretty sure it does.

Mike:  It does.

Paul:  But exactly where it is, I believe in the Swiss / Luxembourg area.

Mike:  I think you’re in the right area.  Could you find Monaco?

Paul:  That’s south of France.

Mike:  That’s right, number two.  Could you find Luxembourg, number three?

Paul:  Well, speaking of Lichtenstein, I believe it’s right there in the same area.

Mike:  Could you find Norway?

Paul:  Uh, yes, because that’s on the peninsula right next to Sweden.

Mike:  That’s right.  Could you find Qatar?

Paul:  It’s one of the gulf states and it’s very small, so it would be in the gulf region.

Mike:  Small, remember that word.  Could you find Bermuda?  Of course you could, not difficult.  Could you find Switzerland?

Paul:  Yes.

Mike:  Right next to Austria between France and Austria, right?  Macao is a little difficult.

Paul:  I recognize the name.

Mike:  I had to look up Macao.  Australia, you know where that is.  San Marino is a little, tiny republic that is actually part — it looks like it’s part of Italy but it’s not.  It sits on the eastern side of Italy on the Adriatic Sea.  We’ve talked about San Marino.  We actually had a listener that’s been to San Marino.  Number nine, or a tie for number eight between San Marino and the Cayman Islands.  Number nine is Kuwait.  We all know where Kuwait is.  Number ten is Denmark.  Number eleven is Sweden.  Number twelve is Canada.  Number thirteen is Singapore.

Of all of those countries that I mentioned, and they are countries.  [mocking] “But Mike, they’re little, tiny, vassal entities.”  So what?  If you’re a citizen of one of the little, tiny, vassal entities, you’re doing pretty well economically.  And if you’re a citizen of Norway, this is one of those countries that we are taught to despise.  Why, Mike, why do we despise them?  [mocking] “Well, they’re European socialists.  They’re a liberal, social welfare state.  They’re horrible.  They have blonde hair.  It’s cold.”  Denmark, where the Danes are, Sweden, Canada, Singapore — you have to get all the way to number fourteen on the wealthy list for the United States, then number fifteen is Japan, before you find a military or semi-military power.  There are no others in the top 20.

Is there a connection?  Is there something in common that’s running through that list that I just read to you?  Let’s round out the rest of it.  Fourteen, United States; fifteen, Japan; sixteen, Austria; seventeen, Netherlands; eighteen, Ireland.  What did Ireland do recently — when I say recently, the last half century or so — that would distinguish it?  It left the comfort of Great Britain as its parent.  It went on its own.  It’s got its own currency now, I believe.  The Irish are, for the most part, minding their own business.  Number nineteen, Finland, and number twenty, Belgium.

Is there something that runs between — if we threw out the U.S. and Japan, the other 18 countries, what do they have in common?  There are a couple things we notice immediately.  Number one is that around two-thirds of those countries that I just mentioned are small, so small that Vermont and New Hampshire look gargantuan stacked up next to them.  The remaining countries, if we took per capita populations and divided it into square miles of country, you would get about the same number here.  What does that tell us?  That tells us that they have a scale that goes along with, even if they are larger, they have a scale with the size of that country.

So two things we learn immediately: number one, they’re small.  And if they are not small, relatively speaking, the population is dispersed.  Again, if you went per capita by square miles, you would see, if you stacked it up against the other countries further down the list, they would have a lot of room to roam about and move about.  The third thing that you’ll notice is, again, they are not known for their military acumen.  They’re not known as being military superpowers.  They’re not known as being interventionists.  You rarely even see their names in the news.

As a matter of fact, I did a little experiment.  I went to the UK Telegraph newspaper this morning.  You can search for news by country.  I tried news for Lichtenstein.  I got nothing.  I tried news for Monaco.  I got nothing.  I tried news for Luxembourg.  I got nothing.  I tried news for Norway.  I got one story.  I went down the list until I got to the U.S.  Of course, there were 75,000 stories, most of them calamitous and that I did not want to read.  [mocking] “Mike, what’s the point of this silly exercise?”  Scale, scale, scale.  Scale and the size of countries matter.

When we’re talking about more of our most valorous and honorable being shot down in lines of duty in places where I contend, and I bet most of you now contend, they don’t belong and we shouldn’t be deployed and investing another solitary nickel or another American life in the endeavor.  These things ought to be considered.  When you’re a small country and in scale and minding your own business, you don’t, number one, need to spy on your population the way you do.  We have spy stories this week that I haven’t even gotten to you.  Number two, you don’t need to have significant portions of your wealth stolen from you by the federal authority claiming that it’s doing it to protect you so that it can field these ginormous, hulking standing armies at all times. [/private]

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Folks, this stuff matters.  We clamor and cry and whine and complain incessantly about the size of the federal leviathan and all the horrible things that it does and spying and everything else, yet when we have an example of and when we have evidence that — I agree with you on that and the armies and the military are art of that — you have to understand this.  We have to grasp this.  All bets are off.  Mike’s now a pacifist, a Ron Paul patsy, I have a suicide wish, I don’t understand the evil that men are capable of, blah, blah, blah.  I would present this list to some people and they’d mock it.  They’d laugh it and go, [mocking] “Who’d want to live in Luxembourg.  Where’s that?  What kind of a world power are they?”  Who cares if you’re a world power?  This is the point!  This arrogance and this hubristic pursuit of being a world power, what does it get you?  It gains you the enmity of substantial portions of the rest of the world.  That’s what it gets you.

If we were in scale, minding our own business, and not doing many of the things that we currently do, I would contend that problems at our Southern border would not be problems on our Southern border.  They would be problems experienced by one of the republics of the new union of republics of Texas.  I would contend that they would not be our problems, that they would be problems experienced by the Arizona republic.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. SCICEMAN on August 8, 2014

    Dear Mike,

    I am not sure what i have done wrong, as i am not the most talented on a computer. However, I can not seem to access the full versions of any audio on your site. I think i am a current Founding Brother, but it seems like the pc is not recognizing that information. I hope it is an operator error, and if so will you help me? Thanks, TIM

    • TheKingDude on August 11, 2014

      Tim, what username are you using to login as? When you are logged in, do you see a profile name at the top right hand corner of your browser window? I see no problem with your account status. Your level is FP-Yearly but I don’t see a renewal since the account was opened in July, 2013. Is this the email address you are using, the one from: ———
