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Wanna Fix The TX Border Problem? Here’s a Federalist’s Instructions

todayAugust 1, 2014 18

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    Wanna Fix The TX Border Problem? Here’s a Federalist’s Instructions TheKingDude

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Redesigned for 2014 – This is our most popular t-shirt ever and is a limited release, order while supplies last

Mandeville, LA – So you want to fix that Swiss cheese TX border problem and stop the tsunami flood of illegals coming across every 10.1 seconds? Well, pull up a sage brush and lend an ear. The FIRST thing we gotta learn is that all border problems begin with the State playing its part faithfully then if that doesn’t work, THEN and only then do you call in the cavalry as in the Federal Cavalry. But to know this you’d have to have ditched the GOP party platform’s since Ike, drag a copy of the transcripts of the Constitution’s ratifying debates and then for good measure, looked up how these problems were dealt with before the post-Lincoln Blobists took over.

The transcript below, audio clips and accompanying flow chart from Texans for Freedom’s Dwayne Stovall will unlock most of this mystery for you before you can say Ann Richards.

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    Wanna Fix The TX Border Problem? Here’s a Federalist’s Instructions TheKingDude

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    Wanna Fix The TX Border Problem? Here’s a Federalist’s Instructions TheKingDude


Exclusive Transcript – I’m looking at Stovall’s chart here.  This is pretty good.  You people wondering what could happen in Texas, I think that Dwayne has this in order.  Remember, Dwayne ran for the United States Senate.  I’ll just walk you through the process of how Texas and other states should deal with assaults on their border from alien friends.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  If a threat has been acknowledged — and it has on the southern border with Texas — and if the governor — see, this goes back to, again, because we have the wrong order of these things.  So the first order of business would be an incursion on your border, Texas in this particular instance.  The governor and legislature would respond to say: Okay, I think we can handle this.  You would make a law in your state regarding alien friends.  You would say they can’t make us keep them.  They are currently illegally, I believe, making the states harbor, care for, and feed and educate illegal or alien friends, but that doesn’t make it right.  The first order of business is establishing, number one, that it is the primary responsibility of the state to control and police its own borders.

When that becomes impossible to do or too difficult to do or too expensive to do, if you’re Texas or Arizona, then the next measure or redress would be go to Article I, Section 8 and 9 and say: We’ve got an invasion force here.  Even though they’re alien friends, they are illegally trespassing and we don’t have the supplies.  Here’s the key part: They are undermining our republican form of government.  Of course, that’s not going to happen either, but theoretically this is how it would work.  Because they’re undermining us and you guaranteed us a republican form of government, I am now declaring that we are in a state of emergency and we need the federal cavalry to come in here and assist.  This is totally legal, totally constitutional.  This is the way it was dreamed up.  Read the document, Article I, Sections 8, 9 and 10 and I believe that will become clear if you read it a couple times and think: What were they thinking when they wrote this?  So you would call for the federal assistance.  That would then be the end of it.  You tried to do it yourself.  You discovered that you’re not capable of it, you don’t have the resources or it’s too large of a task or whatever the case may be, or they’re too large of an invasion force.  Now you have asked for help from the union.  The union sends the help in, end of story.  What’s so difficult about this?

I’m looking at Stovall’s chart here.  This is pretty good.  You people wondering what could happen in Texas, I think that Dwayne has this in order.  Remember, Dwayne ran for the United States Senate.  I’ll just walk you through the process of how Texas and other states should deal with assaults on their border from alien friends.  This would also apply, I think, to alien enemies, but then Congress would have to declare — if Congress declared them enemies, then the alien friend and municipality distinction would disappear.

On the first end of the chart we have Governor of Texas.  Let’s go through the first set of actions the governor of Texas can take.  One, waits on federal government to act.  Two things can happen after that.  The good outcome: federal government fulfills its constitutional obligation.  Result: border secured.  Governor of Texas waits on federal government to act, other scenario: federal government refuses to fulfill its constitutional obligation.  The border is not secure and Texas has no response, what’s the reaction and action on that?  Impeach the governor.  Pretty clear.

Let’s go on the other side of the chart.  Governor of Texas, another option: Calls for an emergency special session to request that the legislature declare an invasion and demand the federal government fulfill its constitutional obligation.  Totally legal, I’d say totally advisable.  That would then put the ball into the federales’ court.  There’s a chain of events that can happen after that.

Let’s go to the first chain of events.  So they’ve had a special session, declared an invasion, and they have demanded, per the Constitution, that the federal government send the cavalry in to stop the invasion and assist Texas.  The first instance, if the legislature chooses not to act, then the border is not secure and that’s the end of it.  It doesn’t go anywhere from there.  Your legislature has failed you.

Let’s go to the other side of the chart.  The legislature decides to act on the governor’s request, declares and invasion, and demands the federal government fulfills its constitutional obligation.  Now we’re in a good, happy place as Texans.  Two roads to go from there.  Road one: federal government fulfills its constitutional obligation.  What’s the result?  Border is secured.  That’s what we all want to happen but it hasn’t happened.  What’s the other road?  Federal government refuses to fulfill its constitutional obligation.  Now this puts the ball back in the Texas legislature and governor’s court.

Here are the options for that.  After the Fed has refused, option one is: the governor can refuse to act on the federal government’s failure.  The result of that: the border is not secure and Texas then has no response.  What is the result of that?  What can you do about that?  Impeach the governor.  What’s the other option here from the federal government refusing to fulfill its obligation?  Let’s look at the happy side of the chart.  The happy side says: the governor of Texas, using constitutional authorities of both state and federal constitutions, calls forth the Texas military and assembles the personnel necessary to secure the border.  What’s the result of that?  We have a green check mark, the border is secured.

So, Stovall, I think you have it right.  That’s pretty much what I’ve been describing on this show.  Of course, most people are not apprised that the sovereign states that are members and parties to the compact of the Constitution, that they have any authority in this realm whatsoever because they’ve been sold a fake bill of goods their entire life, and they’re still sold a fake bill of goods by certain TV and radio personalities.  [mocking] “This is all on the Feds.”  No, actually it’s not, sir, it’s not.  There are things that can be done, should be done.  I asked the question the other day, why the Texas Legislature had not called a special session.  Apparently the governor has to call it or request it.  Maybe he should.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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