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starfury1 on December 12, 2012 The problem with Republicans (big R) are they cant seem to understand why they are losing, the answer is simple. When the democrats lost to George W Bush, in 2000 they asked the same thing, though their answer was fundamentally different as compared to what the Big R Republcans are contemplating. We want conservatives they give us Mitt Romney(author of Romney care) thats not a conservative. They are losing because the base cant get behind the cookie cutter Republicans. Democrats in 2000 didnt say lets become Republican lite’s they went further to the left. then they won control of house and senate. (ok house took a coup in the name of arlen spectre to give them the senate) The problems are a good portion of the Big R Republicans do not believe in republicanism, they want to be democrats. but the people want a clear answer, not more cookie cutter (R)epublicans. and the Republican party is going to do one of two things, they can see that their base want them to be more conservative, go further right and do as they promise. or Become the modern Day whig party. They tea party isnt dead, so long as they come out not wanting to be part of the right wing establishment but run on their core beliefs. If you dont believe me on this lets look at local governments and the astonishing things happening ont he state level. Michighan is now a right to work state. Amazing what can happen when Republicans follow republican principles. Walker in Wi, wins a recall vote, first time ever. Big R Republicans need to follow their Big D democrats and actually go further to the right we dont want more of the same. and any tea party republican that goes to the left and becomes a Big R Republican should lose with them. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757