
Decepticons Ready To Start Iraq Ground War II

todayJune 9, 2015 20


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Constrained?  $650 billion is constrained?  I’d like to see what profligate is.  If $650 billion – and that’s just what’s on the books that we know of, $646 billion, whatever the number is.  If that’s constrained, if that’s some sort of Pentagon poverty, what is the opposite of it?  What is extravagant then?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Let’s go to the digital media files.  Cue up Senator Joni Ernst, who I guess will now join or is now battling Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire for the title of greatest and grandest female decepticon war hawk.

[start audio file]

Senator Joni Ernst: I am not ready to put ground troops in, but I think we are coming to a juncture where we will have to make that hard decision. I would think many of them are ready to go back. If that call comes up, they are going to answer that call.

[end audio file]

Mike:  That doesn’t have anything to do – the fact that someone will honor the commitment or honor the duty they signed up for doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not this is a just war or a just endeavor or just exercise.  Will anyone even ask the question – the interviewer didn’t even ask the question.  You can listen to the whole interview.  No one will ask the question.  If there’s one question I’ve receive lots of email on, in the rare occasion that someone actually writes something to me, emails it to me, very rare that it happens, the question that I receive most is: Well, what is just war, huh?  What is this stupid just war theory of yours talking about?  We have to have standing armies, and we have to use them, too, because if we don’t, then the world will become unstable.  Oh, you mean like it currently is?  Nothing, or I should say very little that has occurred since September 11, 2001 can justify a continuation of the same, yet that’s exactly what’s happening.  We now know why these maniacs counsel this.  It’s good business.  It’s good electoral politics.  It’s always about the money.  Follow the money.

From Investor’s Business Daily, June 4, “Overseas Weapons Sales: Who’s Your Daddy Warbucks?” by Gillian Rich.


U.S. defense contractors are seeing an explosion of opportunities abroad in an era of constrained Pentagon budgets . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Constrained?  $650 billion is constrained?  I’d like to see what profligate is.  If $650 billion – and that’s just what’s on the books that we know of, $646 billion, whatever the number is.  If that’s constrained, if that’s some sort of Pentagon poverty, what is the opposite of it?  What is extravagant then?  What, $2 trillion?  I have an idea.  Congress should just pass a national defense tax, which I’m sure many of you would gleefully pay in the belief that the world could be cured of its current “isms,” at the end of the barrel of a gun we could cure all these things.  Since we lack the ability to think clearly when it comes to our own sexual identity, I guess then we can develop, allegedly, the clarity to think about what our “national purpose” might be.  What is that?  Never-ending warfare.  Apparently this disease even infects Yankees up in Wisconsin, including Governor Walker.

[start audio file]

Jonathan Karl (ABC):  Okay, you’ve been very critical of how the president handled ISIS. Some are out there like Lindsey Graham saying we should send 10,000 U.S. ground troops right now to Iraq to help with this fight. Do you favor that?

Governor Scott Walker: I think we shouldn’t rule anything out. It’s a big mistake –

Karl: . . . invasion of Iraq?

Walker: If the national interests of this country are at stake here at risk in this country or abroad . . .

[end audio file]

Mike:  Stop it.  I can’t take any more.  Stop it, please!  I’m losing brain cells listening to this.  “Let’s empower our allies.”  Let me ask you a question: Who is disempowering the allies, our buddies in the region?  Every cliché that you could possibly use was in that digital media file.  So in thirteen years of never-ending war and escalation of war, and then funding and financing of war, and then not-declared wars, and then closet wars or quiet wars, etc., etc., safe havens have not been eliminated.  Wait a minute.  I thought that was the whole purpose of the campaign that began in late 2001.  I guess that we have to fight for the rest of our existence, safe havens, denying safe havens.  Where are all these safe havens coming from?  I believe I would substantially try your patience to try and recount all that that was done.  We’ll just focus on the present here.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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