
Dudestradamus Predicts Executive Order on Assault Weapons

todayJanuary 9, 2013 11

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    Dudestradamus Predicts Executive Order on Assault Weapons ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – Obama is going to issue an order.  He’s going to reinstate the assault weapons ban at the least.  That’s the least that’s going to happen.  I don’t know what mental and legislative or legal gymnastics they’re going to hop through to try to do this, but just as he appointed members to the National Labor Relations Board when the Senate was not in recess, just as he raised the pay of the Congress and didn’t have any authority to do it, just as he created czars and did all the other things he has no authority to do, I’m telling you right now the only reason they’re doing it is, “The American people demand it.  Because Congress won’t act, I’m gonna have to act myself.  I’m issuing an executive order today, Obama No. 100.  You can’t own a gun because I say you can’t.  We’re going to use this law to enforce it.”  I guarantee it. Check out the rest in today’s audio and transcript…

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    Dudestradamus Predicts Executive Order on Assault Weapons ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  They can’t get a bill through the House.  The fact that they’re continuing to do this tells you what?  What is the intent?  What is it that they’re actually going to try to do?

AG:  Sway public opinion?

Mike:  No.  It’s not going to pass in the House.  In the short term — Obama is only elected for four more years, we hope — what are they going to do?  They’re obviously going to issue an executive order.  They already know what it is.  Folks, just write my predictions down and pretend as though they’re yours.  Use Dudestradamus’s predictions and just pretend that you made it up.  The office of legal counsel is already drafting the executive order, I guarantee you, right now.

AG:  What can it be?

Mike:  He is going to issue an order.  He’s going to reinstate the assault weapons ban at the least.  That’s the least that’s going to happen.  I don’t know what mental and legislative or legal gymnastics they’re going to hop through to try to do this, but just as he appointed members to the National Labor Relations Board when the Senate was not in recess, just as he raised the pay of the Congress and didn’t have any authority to do it, just as he created czars and did all the other things he has no authority to do, I’m telling you right now the only reason they’re doing it is, [mocking Obama] “The American people demand it.  Because Congress won’t act, I’m gonna have to act myself.  I’m issuing an executive order today, Obama No. 100.  You can’t own a gun because I say you can’t.  We’re going to use this law to enforce it.”  I guarantee it.

If you’re a member of a state representative body, if you’re in the House in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, wherever the case may be, just get ready.  Gird your loins.  The temptation is going to be to nullify the act, and you should.  I would say, though, while you’re engaging in your nullification of it using Jefferson and Madison’s Resolutions of 1798 in Virginia and Kentucky, while you’re doing that, you might as well pave the way to go ahead and figure out what you’re going to do when the dollar crashes.

AG:  Add it to your list.

Mike:  Yeah, you might as well add that to your list.  You may as well go ahead and start working on making sure that your state is on firm ground by positively affirming that it is your stated legal position that the Constitution of the United States is a compact, an agreement between your state and your citizens, a voluntary agreement.  Since it is a compact, if you choose to no longer live under it because it has become despotic and tyrannical, then you are free to choose a form of government that will best provide for your safety and happiness, as Jefferson said in the Declaration.  Lots of work to do.

AG:  Do you know, were the high-capacity magazines, was that part of the assault weapons ban, not allowing those?

Mike:  I don’t recall.  We could probably look it up.  I think it was the magazines, part of the assault weapons ban.  The whole Brady Bill thing gave you the background checks, the illegal, unconstitutional background checks, all of that stuff.  The assault weapons ban had several different parts.  They were sunsetted and they expired.

AG:  I would wonder, though, if the president doesn’t, for PR purposes and popularity and poll numbers only, if instead of writing any kind of executive order, he instead just continually hammers it in press conferences that it’s Congress’s fault that we can’t pass anything.  It looks as if the poll numbers are relatively close, 50/50, in terms of gun control and having a conversation about, whether it be high-capacity magazines or semi-automatic rifles, however much of a misnomer that term has been bandied about over the past couple weeks.  I just wonder if instead of the potential backlash of him actually going above and beyond Congress and writing an executive order, if he doesn’t just try to make it a PR push by continually hammer the do-nothing Congress, which is so unpopular to begin with.

Mike:  Again, I think he can.  There are Democrats that aren’t going to vote for that kind of gun control.  There are Democrats that have to go back and run for reelection in 2014 in pretty conservative districts.  The votes aren’t there.  I don’t believe it can make it through the House in any circumstances, unless there is — I don’t want to get into it.  Let’s just leave it at that.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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