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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – All of these events cannot possibly be coincidental. They can’t be. We shouldn’t think that they are. We should think that the Holy Spirit is moving out there, and is moving people back from whence they came, against the revolt that began in the 16th century. What’s going on here is not coincidental. I don’t think it’s coincidental. You have a rediscovery of what made the European Christian peoples going on. Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: . . . say that when Pope Leo XIII got the vision in 1878 or somewhere in there, at the end of a mass and saw what was about to transpire and thus wrote prayer that we still say today for the protection of St. Michael the Archangel against the Devil. Snares and wickedness and temptations of the devil and all the evil spirits prowl about the world and seek the ruin of souls. Some say that the hundred years that he saw began then. Others say it didn’t begin then. He saw it as it was going to happen and it began after Fatima. The 100 years would end in, guess what year? Come on down for the next edition of the Price is Right if you guessed 2017.
All of these events cannot possibly be coincidental. They can’t be. We shouldn’t think that they are. We should think that the Holy Spirit is moving out there, and is moving people back from whence they came, against the revolt that began in the 16th century. What’s going on here is not coincidental. I don’t think it’s coincidental. You have a rediscovery of what made the European Christian peoples going on. We have a rediscovery of what made those people – because they made us and it’s going on here.
You know what I have in today’s Pile of Prep? Yesterday I revealed the story to you of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas. Archbishop Joseph Naumann kicking the Girl Scouts to the curb in favor of the American Heritage Girls, a Christian organization, saying the Girl Scouts are no longer doing what the Girl Scouts used to do. As I said yesterday, any public institution, meaning any institution that people know of publicly, is either one of two things. This is a rule. It is either religious by acclimation or definition, or if it’s not, it then becomes irreligious, one of the two. Girl Scouts have become irreligious. Boy Scouts of America is either becoming or has become irreligious. So we have that.
Let’s go to the Archdiocese of Denver. Who would have seen this? The Archdiocese of Denver, presided over by Archbishop Aquila, has issued a similar proclamation. He hasn’t kicked them out yet. Instead he said: Look, the national organizations, the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts have lost their cotton-picking mind. Children’s souls hang in the balance. I’m going to ask local leaders to divorce from the national coup and to go back to your roots of developing young Christian souls as Christians. If you don’t, then – I’ll do the whole story later on in the show. If you don’t do this, says Archbishop Aquila, then I will kick you out. You will not practice, you won’t have meetings, you won’t recruit in this archdiocese. It’s beautiful the way he says it. When you hear it you’ll see this. There are souls here that are at risk. I’m not going to let them be at risk. You have a decision to make.
Folks, this is the difference between standing and saying: Hey, no, that’s not the way to do it. No, I will not capitulate to you. No, I will not do it that way. No, no, no. You need to know your catechism. If these children do have these problems, it’s probably because you apostates have been whispering in their ears and telling them that it’s okay for them to have these issues. We need to counsel them as being disordered, as in need of counseling and prayer and works. What’s going on out here? Two bishops in the same week saying no to LGBTQRSTLNE? Say it ain’t so. You know what Moloch is out there doing right now? He is not happy about that. He’s not happy.
End Mike Church Show Transcript
Written by: AbbyMcGinnis
archdiocese Boy Scouts children denver Girl Scouts irreligious Kansas City saving souls
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