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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
When you look up my new term “Fable TV News” you will find a Harry Potteresque video there with this clip from OMSNBC “debating” the “niggerization of Obama”. This trivial demagoguery is what passes for “debate” giving rise to the ensuing apathy to serious deliberation
7 More dead in Afghanistan in yet another case of “we really can’t say” exactly what cause the Blackhawk helicopter crash – that’s some comfort to the grieving families – when will this senseless tragedy stop!?
LGBT nutcase shoots up the Family Research Council and the gun control mafia I mean media I mean “Fable TV News” heads are silent…………………….. hear the crickets?……………………..
Daniel McCarthy at AmConMag notices that the “” another “conservative” group of profit seeking opportunists is demanding those “shut out of the RNC” be allowed to speak. “Notice anyone MISSING?”
Nugent: All aboard the Romney-Ryan Express!? Wow, sliced bread just got kicked to the curb at the Nugent ranch
SC Governor Nikki Haley verbalizers her disappointment as not being picked to be Sara Palin of 2012 at ROMNEY rally!
The myth of the “undecided voter” is just that. I say that if you haven’t made your mind up about Obama by now, for Dude’s sake PLEASE do NOT cast a ballot in November, there must be a Call of Duty tournament you need to attend
Tom Mullen: There is actually a very good reason WHY Ron Paul insists on a “Declaration of war”
Cue up “Still McCAin” The man who gave the world Sara Palin is dishing out Vice President picking advice to BHO!
Ilana Mercer throws penalty flag on Rachael Maddow after the latter dishes inaccurate rantings about Atlas Shrugged
Written by: TheKingDude
Afghan Afghanistan War demagoguery Fable Tv News john mccain mccain McCarthy Obama Rachel Maddow Ron Paul Tea Party Ted Nugent Tom mullen
todayAugust 28, 2024 114 1
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TerriLPN on August 17, 2012
Thank God For You Mike!! I Loved Glenn Beck..The Man who talked about Our Founders, and Constitution, Even got me to take the Nolan Chart, wow I am Libertarian!! Once off Faux News and more now than ever Talks Republican Candidates and kicks the Libertarian Candidates to the Curb..I started Listening to you, last year!! Yes it took me this long to Join…But I am Here!! Thank You!!