Founders Television

Finally We Have a Dialogue Between Traditional Catholics and Everyone Else

todayMarch 14, 2013 2

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    Finally We Have a Dialogue Between Traditional Catholics and Everyone Else ClintStroman

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    Finally We Have a Dialogue Between Traditional Catholics and Everyone Else ClintStroman


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    Finally We Have a Dialogue Between Traditional Catholics and Everyone Else ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Thanks to things like the internet, Twitter, Facebook, all the different ways we have to communicate now days, there has actually been a dialogue between people of the traditional Catholic faith lately… and everyone else in the world.  And when we say “traditional” we’re talking about pre-Vatican II before they decided they could change Mass and do things in a more secular manner… because people are so lazy now days.  But traditional Catholics are the only true Catholics, these so-called “Progressive/Modern” Catholics that support abortion aren’t Catholics at all but some other brand completely.  For more please check out today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you don’t already have one…

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Written by: ClintStroman

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