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Fluke Flunks Out of Life, Embarrasses Human Race

todaySeptember 6, 2012 6

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    Fluke Flunks Out of Life, Embarrasses Human Race ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – When I was watching Sandra Fluke, I was feeling as though I was watching anger.  She was angry.  She was mad.  She was pissed.  She was livid.  Those eyes were cutting daggers of venom.  She was telegraphing to anyone that was at home watching that if any of you think that this country and these people in this country are ever going to stop this ghastly procedure that these women are reveling in on this stage, “Let me tell you here, we have choices to make and we’re going to make choices that you’re not going to like here.”  From the hissy fit thrown about whether or not states and people of the states — Ms. Fluke, this may come as a surprise to you, but there are overwhelming vast majorities in many states, not all of them southern states, that are repulsed to the point of expatriation of people like you. Check out today’s audio and transcript for more…

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    Fluke Flunks Out of Life, Embarrasses Human Race ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There are a couple moments that stood out to me.  Number one, when I first tuned into the DNC feed last night at DNC2012.com or .org or whatever it is, the daughter of Ann Richards was on the stage.  Remember, I talked about this yesterday.  If you’re watching the online stream, they don’t post on the screen who it is that’s speaking.  If you don’t recognize them, you have to wait for the two-camera shot.  That’s the one that is from the back of the room that will show the speaker from 50 feet away.  Above the speaker is another television set that has their name, where they’re from, what they’re talking about.  So I didn’t know that it was Ann Richards’ daughter.  I tweeted out “Who is this witch that is on the stage laughing and yucking it up with the audience about killing babies?”  Folks, being totally, brutally honest, citizen Church to citizen listener out there, what is wrong with the people, or some of the people, of this continent, country?  We won’t even get into the discussion of country again.  We’ll save that for another day.  What is wrong with some of these people?

When you read, for those of you that are biblical types, when you read about the escapades of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament, do you think that the Sodomites and the Gomorrahites were any less morally decrepit than near majorities, or maybe it is vast majorities, of your citizens today?  When you read about the exploits of Roman emperors like Caligula and the fall and decline of the Roman Empire as it slides into an empirical, orgy-laden, marauding, plundering state, do you think those people were morally inferior to much of what we see here surrounding us today?  There is something truly really sick and wrong with primetime television, which is what the Democrat and Republican Conventions are, when you have one convention that revels, almost to the point of sadism, just revels and the screams and cries of the unborn that have been ripped viciously from their mothers’ wombs as if this is some kind of sacred American rite of passage, and if it doesn’t happen, we don’t happen.

I’m watching this and the best way to describe some of these women is these are just witches.  Of course, their witchcraft is abortion.  You do know that the founding mother of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist.  She was a racist and believed that the abortion procedure and sterilization procedures needed to be undertaken to make sure that the races did not comingle and that one, I won’t mention which one, remains supreme and superior.  If you want to throw the Hitler card around, throw it around for the nutjobs that are preening about and stumping for Planned Parenthood.  They go beyond this.

So Ann Richards’ daughter is up there just giddy and reveling in the slaughter and misery of unborn children that will never draw a breath on this planet and be able to call themselves Americans that could be governed by Obama, Mrs. Obama, Clinton, Romney, Gore, whoever.  It’s sad, really sad.  The cherry on top of that sick, macabre, sadistic cake had to have been the anger.  When I was watching Sandra Fluke, I was feeling as though I was watching anger.  She was angry.  She was mad.  She was pissed.  She was livid.  Those eyes were cutting daggers of venom.  She was telegraphing to anyone that was at home watching that if any of you think that this country and these people in this country are ever going to stop this ghastly procedure that these women are reveling in on this stage, [mocking] “Let me tell you here, we have choices to make and we’re going to make choices that you’re not going to like here.”  From the hissy fit thrown about whether or not states and people of the states — Ms. Fluke, this may come as a surprise to you, but there are overwhelming vast majorities in many states, not all of them southern states, that are repulsed to the point of expatriation of people like you.

What I saw and what I heard in that woman last night that was allowed to speak or was encouraged to speak at that convention was just pure, venomous anger.  I don’t want to call it evil because I don’t know that — well, there are many of you that are going to call it evil.  It was sinister and it was menacing.  It was just anger.  The anger coming off that screen, the violent rhetoric and the threatening rhetoric aimed at anyone that would dare stand in the way of the nonstop sex orgy that apparently young women of Ms. Fluke’s generation believe it is their — I won’t say God-given because I don’t think there’s a god around that that woman or at least her public words would lead you to believe she worships to — but that it is their natural right sent from above and the cause of their life in order to show they have the right to do it, to go out and be reckless and be promiscuous and do these things and then put themselves in a situation where they require the ghastly procedure.

There was a follower on my Twitter feed last night that joked that what he was watching last night was not the DNC, Democrat National Convention, but the D&C, which is an abortion procedure, Convention.  While at first I thought that was kind of funny and chuckled at it, upon reflection, and I tweeted this back to him, “You know what, dude?  You’re not far off.”  There is something really sick, twisted and wrong with the revelry that is surrounding what is the termination of a human life in a country that is supposed to be the guardian of human life.  We’re the humanitarians around here, I guess, unless you’re an unborn child.  This is just really, really sick.

When I stop myself, I begin to think let’s be Christian gentlemen about this.  I almost then felt pity for the woman, pity.  I wanted to drop down on my knees and pray and say, “Whatever evil and anger and violence is lurking in that young woman’s heart, Lord, she needs some healing.  She needs some ministering to.”  The fact that the Democratic Party believes that an entire night of their convention, hell two nights now, ought to be dedicated and devoted to the extermination of future citizens ought to tell you everything you need to know about what it thinks about current citizens that aren’t in its number.  You people out there that are rattling that secession saber out there and talking about nullification and all these solutions to our current federal problems and are wondering what side of the great question a troop might fall on, if the troop was in that number last night, you can remove all doubt as to what side of the great political question, that’s probably right around the corner, they’re going to fall on.

I just have to remark, this is a sad, sad, reprehensible epic in the history of what is known as these United States.  If this is what the Declaration of Independence ultimately produces, this sadistic, selfish, amoral, hedonistic, radically autonomous people, then if I could hop into the King Dude’s way back machine, I would go back to Philadelphia in 1776 and try to stop it.  Absolutely unconscionable and unacceptable.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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