
Founders Foreign Policy Didn’t Include Offensive Wars

todayJune 21, 2012 3


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There are a number of you that probably think that these conversations about these undeclared, unwinnable wars that go on, that they amount to a bunch of nothing and that we ought to get back to the real business of talking about Governor Romney versus President Obama, that that’s what we should do.  I believe that that is what I am doing.  I believe that it is the height of irresponsibility to meander about the countryside using microphones and television cameras and internet posts asking for something that has the potential to take human life.  Check out the rest of Wednesday’s transcript for more…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There are a number of you that probably think that these conversations about these undeclared, unwinnable wars that go on, that they amount to a bunch of nothing and that we ought to get back to the real business of talking about Governor Romney versus President Obama, that that’s what we should do.  I believe that that is what I am doing.  I believe that it is the height of irresponsibility to meander about the countryside using microphones and television cameras and internet posts asking for something that has the potential to take human life.

What’s amazing to me, the same people that are out there chanting “USA!  USA!  Down with Iran!  Down with Syria!  Let’s get involved.  Bomb, bomb, bomb.  War, war, war,” meaning in some instances, I can’t say all because I don’t know, committing other sons and daughters into these activities, these excursions, battles, skirmishes, whatever you like to call them, some of whom will never return, and if they do, they will come back and they’ll be dead.  They’ll come back in caskets.  The same pro-life crowd has the unmitigated gall and utter audacity to question a liberal and why they have this evil, heinous view of life that allows them to snuff it out in the womb before it’s born.  Please explain the moral relativism behind that.  Please explain the moral difference behind what separates the two.

It used to be that wars are serious business, the most serious, lethal, deadly business.  I feel as though when I bring this up here on this show, it’s either intimated that I should shut the hell up, or it’s downright stated that I should shut the hell up.  I wonder what someone of the founding generation would think about what passes for these debates today, and what we are collectively being told, that it’s our duty.

It just so happens that I was reading last night, in finishing up the final page of the script for my What Lincoln Killed.  Today’s discussion, that’s what he killed, humility in the face of international challenges.  That’s what Lincoln killed.  That’s part of it.  To read the protestations from at least one man that signed the Constitution, from a man who from his quill pen the text and the script that you know as “We the people” in that beautiful calligraphy that you see posted all over the place, on t-shirts, bumper stickers, copies of the Constitution, that that man was writing privately in correspondence that if membership in the union entailed supporting Mr. Monroe and Mr. Madison’s war effort, then the union wasn’t worth having.  I can quote this to you if you like.  Why was he so opposed?

Consider at the time that what Madison and Monroe were doing was trying to defend the Eastern United States.  I’ve talked about it before and it seems to just vanish into the mists of time.  Washington, D.C. had been ransacked, burned to the ground by the British.  You know that whole Francis Scott Key song, we call it the “Star Spangled Banner.”  Where was Key at?  What was he watching?  What was he witnessing when he was watching that?  He was watching an actual attack on a part of the United States.  Yet there was Governor Morris and many New England states that didn’t want anything to do with it.  They said, “That’s not what we signed up for,” because they thought Madison had foolishly provoked it.

Contrast that to today, Morris was writing about: You’re not taking my sons and daughters or sons and daughters in New York into this conflict.  Just contrast that to today with our international, vulgar hubris in the face of these things.  There’s no humility whatsoever, none.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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