The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2017 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas –One of the things I’ve been saying is a blessing in disguise, and an enormous relief, about the Bergoglian era is that we can finally leave behind us the absurd situation of the Wojtyla/Ratzinger era. We were expected for all those years to pretend we were in the “New Springtime of Vatican II,” while we watched these wolves in shepherds’ clothing eating the sheep.
Now we can, at least, finally stop pretending that everything is just dandy under the New Paradigm of Merciful Conciliar Wonderfulness. For those still wondering, Bergoglio isn’t a shock, he isn’t even a surprise; he’s just the logical end result.” – Hillary White, Et Tu Benedict?
The Religion That ‘Murican Politics Has Become – When Donald Trump as President, shows up at a rally to commemorate or promote something, the event takes on a religious tone; think about it. Before the President – the priest – enters the temple – the speaking stage – prayers are recited in unison – the Pledge of Allegiance – then an opening canticle is chanted – the National Anthem – then the priest makes his procession to the altar – the dais with the holy crest of the office of the President – then the priest begins “the mass” – making the political pronouncement and explaining why it is good for the congregation. When “the mass” is finished, the choir strikes up a driving beat of a “patriotic song” which serves as the post communion hymn and then the congregation takes leave to go and evangelize the gospel they just took in to unwashed masses – let the conversions begin! Michael Davis writes of this and makes the proper conclusion: All Politics Is Religion.
“Movement conservatism, meanwhile, is a kind of Protestantism. The Constitution fills the role of the Bible. It is immutable, if not infallible, and we must hold it, as Hamilton said, in “sacred reverence.” Like Protestantism, this conservatism defines itself by what it isn’t—monarchism, socialism, etc.—just as Protestantism is a blanket term for those Christian sects that arose in opposition to the Catholic Church. Jefferson and Adams are like Calvin and Luther: united by a common enemy more than a common creed.”
Armed with my description of a ‘Murican “Conservative Church” service, next time you see this transpire on Fox News and the propagandists for the faith wait breathlessly for the priest to arrive and mass begin, see if my description above is correct and if it is, know then what the takeaway is: The Faith has been replaced in most ‘Murican’s daily lives by the faith (sans caps intentional) in ‘Murica.
“Ruh Roh Raggy” – President trump May Have Just Realized He Is PRESIDENT – Ross Douthat, a hyper critic of the Trump Presidency – notices something strange going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Donald Trump has realized he is PRESIDENT Trump and hjas all of these… you know… powers and is starting to use them.
The Greatest “Fake News” Story In History: The Fraud Of The Post Conciliar Church’s Dichotomy – Hilary White has done us all the signal service of putting into words what many of you already knew: the Catholic Church as an Institution ended with the force fed introduction of the Novus Ordo Mass. Catholics who remain practicing the Faith and attending Mass as it was taught since 33 AD until 1965 can state, as Saint Ambrose said at the time of the Arian heresy, “they may have the buildings but we have The Faith”. Listen to my rather dramatic and expounded upon reading of a portion of Mrs. White’s essay and then read the entire essay here.
“Abortion Barbie” Will Now “Lead” Planned Parenthood – Wendy Davis will become the she-demon, Celine Richards’ replacement at Planned Parenthood Abortuariums Inc. That Davis is blessed with feminine charms is undeniable but as the saying goes, “the devil comes dressed to kill”. Davis will be a formidable, smiling, petulant face on TV and other media for infanticide’s defense.
DeceptiCONNED: trump Meets With The WarMaker – Listeners to my radio show are well aware of my dislike of “ambassador” John Bolton. A caricature of a “war is the answer to all questions” statesman that would fit perfectly into a recurring role on the Simpsons, Bolton is courting the National Security Adviser gig, replacing McMaster. Bolton epitomizes the “bomb bomb bomb” mentality of the DeceptiCON “right” that faults the rest of the planet for not imitating ‘Muricah and our “democracy”. This is bad, bad, bad news folks; stay prayerful that President Trump resists the DeceptiCON demand he ascend into the administration, World War III could be at stake.
DeceptiCONNED II- How The T-Rex Was Killed By Neoconasaurus – The lust for a war with Iran and North Korea was being tamped down by former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who apparently still thinks that detonating nuclear bombs in civilian populations is a bad idea (yay Rex!). Those 501 C3 “think tanks” you hear me talking about on the Mike Church Show were having none of this “peace through strength” business though and have been working to ouster Tillerson since last June. One of the more diabolical, criminal “tanks”, the FDD was behind Pompeo madness and Tillerson’s demise and they even taunted Iran’s leaders when Pompeo’s selection was announced:
Within hours of the Tillerson announcement, FDD President Mark Dubowitz tweeted his approval of the move. “BREAKING,” he tweeted. “Trump ousts Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, will replace him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.” Dubowitz linked the news to a Washington Post report on Tillerson’s ouster, but then CC’d the entry to three Iranian officials: “@khamenei_ir,” “@HassanRouhani,” and “@Jzarif “: Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
These Stratego For Realz maniacs are relentless in their lobbying Trump for war, pray that God intervenes to thwart their efforts.
Stephen Hawking Just Met The Four Final Things & The God He Denied Created Him –
Our Elite Ruling Elite Masters Declare #MAGA’s As Non-Persons – I don’t read Commentary Magazine but Robert W. Merry does and in it he finds “The Kristol Strikes Back” issue wherein Noah Rothman declares the peasant’s revolt against, well against his warped view of the world as a non-starter. Pat Buchanan wrote about this yesterday (see below). Rothman rebels against populism which Trump has certainly stoked a comeback for but populism doesn’t solve the #MAGA’s problems but a restoration of The Order of Christendom does (as best they can be “solved” in our Fallen World).
JunkBond Called It: The CIA Wanted To Run State – On today’s show The CRUSADE Channel’s Gregory Carpenter will tell us WHY Trump fired Tiller and what is really going on here…and it is NOT what you think. Tune in at 6:45 CST for the answers ye seek, #MAGA padawans!
DeceptiCONNED: Why Are The NeoCONS Not DEMANDING Steel Tariffs, Washington Would – In his first inaugural address to Congress, President Washington said that ‘Muricah…
“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”
This only makes common sense yet those who worship at the feet of graven images of Hayek and Mises (brilliant men to be sure) insist that “free trade” always is a boon and a benefit. This is yet another theoretical fantasy the libertarians lust for because its nowhere been tried. As Pat Buchanan argues today, this past zealotry for “free trade” has pushed the middle class into its vocation-less, slothful state of today.
Last Time I Said Something About Mark Wahlberg…. – Well if you read it, then you know what happened, so this time I’ll just say I’m delighted the Wahlberg’s took their daughter to her first Act of Reconciliation and pray it inspires millions to line up in contrition for their turn.
Why Is Mitch Landrieu Spying On Law Abiding New Orleanians? – The Verge has this story about the city of New Orleans and the shady deal it cut to become Peter Thiel’s lab rats in a predictive policing experiment.
“It’s especially disturbing that this level of intrusive research into the lives of ordinary residents is kept virtually a secret,” said Jim Craig, the director of the Louisiana office of the Roderick and Solange MacArthur Justice Center. Craig, who reviewed documentation of the program at The Verge’s request, compared the predictive policing effort to signals intelligence work. “It’s almost as if New Orleans were contracting its own version of the NSA to conduct 24/7 surveillance of the lives of its people,”
As if the REAL NSA weren’t diabolical enough.
If You Just Turn Off The News Cycle, You Must Turn On The Love – Gracie Olmstead wants you to read the news but she also wants you to read “good news” meaning news made by responsible, talented writers and journalists.
“Tuning out—unless it’s coupled with a very intentional effort to plug in physically and locally—can have detrimental implications.”
In lieu of this, you are encouraged to do what Joseph Pearce does: get involved locally so you can actually see who is producing news that matters most to you because you live where it was made!
Now We Know What “Wall”, “The Wall” Was Really About – Membah, membah Pink Floyd’s The Wall song and album? At the time, how creative and forceful it was to have a bunch of grammar school aged children singing the chorus. Now, 35 years later, I understand what the song was really about: Catholic Schools in Britain. Did you know that the British government actually passed laws that forbid Catholic schools from having more than 50% of their students as, wait for it….. Catholics! Now, as the “Conservative” party attempts to repeal it, the law is being defended by one of the most wretched atheists on earth and the former Archbishop of Canterbury. BTW, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, brought the Faith to “Angland”, his name was Saint Augustine of Canterbury, the current quack has no Apostolic right to the title….just sayin’.
DeceptiCONNED: The “Credibility Of ‘Muricah” Is NOT At Stake In Our Proxy War In Yemen – The resolution to end all, ‘Murican actions in the Saudi war against Yemen, that we featured in this space 2 weeks ago, is about to come up for a vote and the MICC is moving to squash it. Bruce Fein is on top of the conspiracy.
“[T]he MICC will selectively leak in the forthcoming days to kill S.J. Res. 54 will argue the opposite. Among other things, they will assert in official language that if the Senate Resolution passes, the global credibility of the United States will be irreparably impaired. China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban will be emboldened to attack the United States; and, our allies, including NATO members, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, will lose confidence in our willingness to defend them.”
The human carnage we are a party to in Yemen is so awful, measuring it makes you sick to your stomach.
“22.2 million people (requiring) humanitarian assistance or protection, 2 million remained displaced, 1.1 million were suspected to have cholera and famine was a real threat. Of the 2 million displaced people, 90 percent fled their homes over a year ago. UNICEF reported that a child dies of starvation every 10 minutes in Yemen.”
Father Knows Best.. No Really, He Does But He Has To Be IN The House To Do So – Paul Kengor has an update to his Fatherless Mass Murderer Piece from last Tuesday. Kengor says his source for the “26 of 27 mass shooter/murderers” was sloppy and not entirely accurate thus he’s issued a correction and I am copying it since the story ran herein. Kengor then EXPANDS his argument and comes to a provoking conclusion
“My principle point, in this article and the original post, is that we should not be deliberately trying to create fatherless families (and motherless ones) merely as an ideological accommodation of same-sex “marriage”—as if fatherless families are no longer a problem. “All’s well nowadays, thanks to the cultural revolution of “gay marriage,” which makes all things new and good.” No, all’s not well.”
I believe and I have some personal experience in this matter, that Fathers even being IN the home, if they are not acting as Priest, Philosopher and King, open their children and wives up to all the scandals of this fallen world, sexual, violent and abusive. Now, that’s not a rule but I believe it makes the 4th Commandment actionable by Father Knows Best types, and that is as God intended it.
From Russia With Love…No Really – Pat Buchanan argues that it is way past time for the Talk Radio Mafia, Lindsay Graham, Tom Cotton and The War Wage Gang (my oh my how I miss the Apple Dumpling Gang!) to act like adults instead of children playing Battleship and treat Vladimir Putin’s government and the wonderful, Christian people of Russia as allies instead of perpetual threats. Buchanan:
“Russia is acting again as a great power. And she sees us as having slapped away her hand, extended in friendship in the 1990s, only to humiliate her by planting NATO on her front porch. Yet what is also clear is that Putin hoped and believed that, with the election of Trump, Russia might be able to restore respectful if not friendly relations with the United States. Clearly, Putin wanted that, as did Trump.”
Our Foreign correspondent, Iben Thranholm has reported FROM Russia to us, a half dozen times, that the Russian people are doing what the Poles are doing: restoring Russia to her Christendom status, why are we making her an enemy, then?
When Royals Act Like True Monarchists And Band Together To Ban Porn – If you are a member of my nascent confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of the Most Holy Rosary then you’ve been praying to Our Blessed Mother to interceded for us and make illegal: abortion, contraception, Sodomy and pornography. I’ve previously reported how the NY Times’ Ross Douthat has joined the call against porn as have other courageous men. Now comes the MLB’s Kansas City Royals who just conducted a team meeting with a focus on ridding any players of their porn addictions! Ave Maria!
London Whorehouses In Need of Rogaine – That headline is NOT misleading and is just another sign of the sick, depraved age in which we live. WARNING: Not for tender eyes! Headline: Punters flock to newly-opened sex doll brothel in London amid legal gray area.
Small IS Still Beautiful And Pearce Is Still Piercing “Economics”! – My radio feature series with Joseph Pearce is tiled The Pearcing Truth and it is divided into 2 genres (listen to all 4 episode here!). It is the second genre that Pearce is less known for, the genre of “economics”. In this part of our Pearcing truth series we discuss Pearce’s Small Is Still Beautiful book which is a modernization of E.F. Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful. Well lo and behold, the ideas of economic solidarity that Pearce and I discuss which draw from Chesterton and Belloc’s “Distributism” are gaining traction in the “conservative” underworld! Witness this headline from today’s The American Conservative by Michael Warren Davis:
Scrapping Economics and Starting Over
Market fundamentalism has been exposed as soulless. Before we forge ahead, we need to realize the scope of what we’ve lost.
Yes, we DO need a new start and that start MUST be grounded in the Christian teaching of solidarity.
“Modern administrators, concerned to promote mechanical inventions that make man’s work easier and more productive, do not clearly perceive that the more machines there are to replace men, the more men there will be in society who are nothing but machines.” – Louie de Bonald
Has Trump just Started The Second War of Northern Mordor Aggression!? – Here’s some historical terms for us to discuss: Nullification. Secession. According to Trump AG Jeff Sessions, these words are illegal and verboten in These United States and furthermore: “CITIZENS of California! You will obey your federal overlords, citizens!” At issue is California’s refusal to obey Mordor’s “immigration laws” opting instead to basically declare themselves as a sanctuary state. But wait. If California is a “sanctuary state” then WHAT are they providing sanctuary FROM? Perhaps a quote from Sessions might clear up the matter.
“is in the books, and its purposes are clear and just. There is no nullification, there is no secession. Federal law is the supreme law of the land… [California has used] every power the legislature has to undermine the duly established immigration laws of America.”
Oh, so it is the laws of “Muricah” that the Californians are abrogating. Well now, how very 1800 of them! Allow me to introduce you to the concept of Alien Friends and Alien Enemies. This is as basic a federal issue as one can imagine and as ‘Muricans from James Madison to William McKinley understood it, was a workable “immigration policy”. Basically the states are free to invite in any foreigner not identified by Mordor as an “enemy” under the Alien Friends doctrine. Listen to today’s show for more details.
A Term You’re Not Supposed To Hear Today: Muscular Catholic Politics…At CPAC!? – The Remnant has quite a review of Marion le Pen’s speech to CPAC last week as a positive development in the world of the intentionally erroneous Pope Francis. Jesse Russell’s conclusion offers those who have consigned all of the EU into the coffers of the new Muslim hegemony Europe will surely be engulfed by in the next 30 years.
“Nevertheless, Marion Le Pen’s speech at CPAC is a powerful sign that muscular Catholic politics is possible. As the Catholic neoconservative movement, midwifed by George Weigel, Michael Novak, and Fr. Richard Neuhaus, is consigned to the dustbin of history, and while the Catholic left sinks further down the foul swamp of degeneracy, socialism, and open borders, Marion Le Pen’s speech is a bright spark indicating that the eldest daughter of the Church may not yet be defeated. “
Readers might recall that the Pile of Prep carried a story about LePen and CPAC 10 days or so ago that lamented her looming appearance. I was mistaken, please accept my humble apologies. I now know that the author of that piece must have been inspired by that most legal and frequent of all peccadillos: anti Catholic bigotry.
Go Ahead And Surrender Your Swords CRUSADERS, Heresy Has Won – Rod Dreher proclaims that the era of ‘Murican pluralism in which we currently stew, is here to stay and anyone that thinks it is not is destined for the roundtable discussion on MSNBC. There is a small problem with Dreher’s Orthodox (pluralistic) inspired conclusion in his piece about the rejection of reason: pluralism itself is a rejection of reason. To flesh this out I turn to a philosopher of the highest regard, Brother André Marie:
“There is this myth going around that a comprehensive pluralism is a good thing. It is, in fact, a strength according to certain people. My bête noire is the notion that it is good that there are other religions besides the one true one standing side-by-side in any society. The Catholic Church is the true religion. The others should not exist. They are wrong. They are bad. They are dangerous and unhealthy to men’s souls. The alternative, a “pluralism” that does not see eye-to-eye on fundamental questions of right and wrong, makes social stability impossible. (It would seem we have arrived at that point, at least according to Justice Clarence Thomas and Pat Buchanan.) And how can we see eye-to-eye on fundamental matters of right and wrong when we make the natural and revealed Law of God optional, choosing instead for our political framework a positive law rooted in nothing in particular, or an elusive secularist consensus based on the shifting sands of public opinion? All this is an invitation to tyranny.”
I am not delusional and do not think we can bring about an end to this stated and lusted for pluralism apace Dreher. But the Patroness of The America’s, carrying the work out on behalf of the Holy Trinity, most certainly can, so it is necessary and prudent to appeal to her intercession on the matter.
The Greeks Don’t Do Want No Freaks – The film The Shape of Water is all the rage now after winning The Oscar for Best Picture but recall that this is a movie that features a sex starved woman who discovers an amphibious creature living in her bathroom and decides to have sex with it. Folks, would anyone in the 1950’s have imagined that the archeologists explore the amazon, including a few female assistants, should have expected to find them having relations with the Creature From The Black Lagoon? Back then the creature was feared because he was NOT a man but a freak, a “gill-man” as he was called in the film. In one scene he lustily swims parallel beneath a female scientist as she frolicks down the amazon, the fear is palpable and the original film was truly horrifying. Now we turn the gill-man into Rudolph Valentino and chalk it up to diversity. Nothing to dwell over here, citizen, just another perversion of God’s natural order made normal and now husband material. The demons are ascendent, they have come for the children and they won’t take no for an answer. Also recall, that it is demons who can take the shape of the monster as we were warned by Saint Peter:
“Be sober and watch, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith.” -I Pet. 5:8-9
Now Hollywood wants young women to fall in love with them, oh well, I guess they are better companions than Harvey Weinstein?
DeceptiCONNED – The 14th Amendment Most certainly Does NOT Incorporate The “Bill of Rights” Against The States – One of these days someone will write a book about the deceit that is the “incorporation” of the 14th Amendment, a deceit that has now been fully adopted by the “conservatives” pushing for MORE guns in public and now national reciprocity laws to ensure that every daycare center, church and high school has some wandering stranger in it, packing equal heat to deranged, fatherless teenaged boys on murderous rampages. Now a “conservative” is making the argument that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is prima facie evidence of the 14th Amendment’s universal application (even on the ice world of Hoth!) and therefore, since “gun ownership is constitutional”, reciprocity is a civil right!
“The 14th Amendment forbids states from abrogating the people’s constitutional rights. All the Concealed Carry and Reciprocity act would do is serve to prevent a state from punishing people for constitutionally-protected activity, in a manner much less severe than the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”
Hogwash. You do not have a “constitutionally protected right” to carry your militia weapon into any state you wish under any circumstance you wish. This is a recipe for anarchy and is liable to lead to armed confrontations if not small scale wars INSIDE the United States.
Will “Frozen’s” Elsa Go LGBTQ Or Will She Go Carmelite!? – You just can’t make this stuff up folks: The Gaystapo, which now includes large majorities of formerly sane individuals, is now demanding that Elsa, the lead character in the Frozen film, take a lesbian girlfriend. The disturbing part is that the demands are being echoed by parents who are fans of the first film but see the opportunity to teach children about diversity and inclusiveness. I have an idea: let’s get our Crusader Monastery activists to petition Disney to make Elsa a Carmelite nun who’s chosen Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, as her prince charming and given herself and her lifelong vow of chastity to His service. Talk about a pure, inclusive, diverse, tear jerking love story! Imagine the lesson in real love and charity kids would learn from Sister Elsa and the adults would also learn it is ok to return to praying your children grow up to take religious vows.
Someday you Too Will See The Evil That Is Amazon Like Greenfield MA Has Now Seen It – The cover story at The Atlantic this weekend’s headline says it all: A Small town Kept Wal-Mart Out Now It faces Amazon. The story profiles Greenfield MA and its 30 year long fight to keep big-box retailers out of its downtown and preserve the local shopping options that have been in business there for decades, then along comes amazon. The tone of the story is ominous, horrifying really:
But Norman and business owners in Greenfield are noticing that the Main Street stores are now struggling in the face of another force that’s become more and more powerful in recent years: e-commerce.
Consider that oevr half of amazon’s “workforce” in its fulfillment centers is robotic and that number is increasing and you should be able to see the threat this poses to humans acting all human-y. Al Norman, who runs the site Sprawl Busters has been CRUSADING Aginst big-box evil since the 90’s and in 1999 made a list of the 10 sins of big-box “sprawl”, it’s worth a read.
In The Den Of The DeceptiCONS, MBD Risks It All To Say “Enough” War, Already – Do you remember the movie Blackhawk Down? Do you remember how many actually died and were injured? Do you remember WHY they were sent in to Mogadishu to begin with? Do you remember that Bill Clinton addressed the nation shortly after the debacle to explain what had happened and why? Michael Brendan Dougherty recalls all of this and more and asks the question: when will our conscious’s say “enough”? Note that MBD has written this on the pages of the DeceptiCON’S home publication: The National Review. NRO then publishes a constitutional review of the never-ending war obsession by demanding that Congress actually, wait for it, have an open debate and then vote on going to war with Syria and North Korea! Yes, David French, LET’S have that debate and then let’s have the debate on the size and scale of the federal union that makes spending 1 TRILLION per year on war even possible!
Why You Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered – The Federalist headline screams the current state of our civil, “economic” affairs. Yo, Big Business: Money Doesn’t Give You A Right To Manipulate Politics. It doesn’t? Then are you ready to begin implementing a system of Distributism, solidarity and subsidiarity? While ‘Murican Government has become the national religion, business and the exchange of money for pleasure and profit have become her powerful parishioners. Since we rarely know the people who grow or make our food or anything else for that matter, business has become a ubiquitous, requisite agent for exchange of what we want, mildly tempered by what we are willing to borrow to get it. Micro systems of barter exchange are gone, save for the rare entities that have carved out niche markets serving the locals, folks we used to call friends and neighbors. My ongoing feature series with the author of Small Is Still Beautiful, Joseph Pearce, delves heavily into this subject and is MUST LISTENING for anyone truly interested in avoiding Amazon et al from controlling the food supply and thus what is acceptable, secular behavior to get it. Download all 4 Episodes here.
Would Dennis leary Last 3 Minutes In a Room Full of Millennials? – The New York Times’ columnist David Brooks has been speaking at college campæ lately and then holding discussion groups afterwards to try and get inside the minds of millennials. What he has discovered inside is even worse than we have portrayed on these pages and on the MCS. Brooks cannot (or chooses not to) see the poverty of these young people’s souls, a poverty that the young once filled with a zeal for the… well, read Brook’s conclusion and you tell me.
I was also struck by pervasive but subtle hunger for a change in the emotional tenor of life. “We’re more connected but we’re more apart,” one student lamented. Again and again, students expressed a hunger for social and emotional bonding, for a shift from guilt and accusation toward empathy. “How do you create relationship?” one student asked. That may be the longing that undergirds all others. [emphasis mine – MC]
Anyone want to tackle this challenge?
The Public School Factories Are Inhuman, Soulless Indoctrination Camps – In today’s Veritas et Sapientia I express my joy that Professor Anthony Esolen (Thomas More College, NH) is writing about the soulless, prison camps ‘Muricah’s public schools have become. Esolen began by asking a question about the matter on Facebook which then turned into an avalanche of discussion that revealed the grave concern many have over the issue but had previously either been afraid or suffered apathy in discussing. The horse has now left the barn:
“…these [questions] persuaded me that, for all my suspicion of our large public institutions supposedly devoted to education, I had not come close to grasping how inhuman and soul-destroying they have become. They are places of neither faith, nor hope, nor love. Of course you do not seek faith, hope, and love at a shopping mall or those other places I have mentioned. But what if school, by its very nature, ought to be such a place?”
Indeed. Now let’s spread the discussion beyond the confines of “trad-Cath” social media, the children deserve it and are counting on us to act like adults… nay PARENTS, and protect them from this lurking, evil.
The Warmonger Yes Men Finally Get A No Vote On Yemen – A bi-partisan band of U.S. Senators is trying to force the Congress to do its job and force President trump to stop the proxy war we are fighting in Yemen and either A. declare it as a war or B. remove all troops, supplies and funding from our Saudi “allies” who are committing the war crimes there. Hallelujah, glory be and “pass the Tylenol”!
The Nagging Endurance of Little Jimmy Madison, Misquoted – 5 Years ago, Senator Rand Paul was doing a lot of public speaking and in his speeches he was using a quote from James Madison about the war powers of the Presidency and the dangerous waters they had sailed into. I did a little investigation that proved that Paul’s quote was passed on and edited a couple times and was basically a paraphrase of what Madison wrote. You can read all about it and see the original letter Madison wrote to Jefferson here! In the article above about the war in Yemen, Bruce Fein used the paraphrased quote Senator Paul had used.
What’s In A Great Title? This: “Has The OS For The Western World Crashed?” – Park Macdougal reviews Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed and comes away wondering if Deneen is correct, what that means for the Western world as it heads into its perdition phase.
“Deneen … suggests that the best way forward, for those so inclined, is to abandon the culture war and begin the practical work of rebuilding local communities that can embody the connections to people and place that he worries liberalism has eroded… It’s not a solution for everyone… If Deneen’s critique is sound, then maybe such experiments will work, as people respond positively to the draws of non- or post-liberal community. If he’s wrong — if people really do find such arrangements so stultifying that they cannot bear the pressure — then only those who opted in will have been harmed. At a time when ever-larger factions of left and right are fleeing from liberalism, many of them for ominous alternatives, that may be the best we can hope.” [emphasis mine – MC]
“Ominous alternatives”, you mean more ominous than Communism, Fascism, Taoism and the rest of the soul devouring rot that liberalism directly produced? Here’s my analysis: almost everyone who will atempt to answer the question of where to from here has ruled out the one alternative history says will work: Christendom because to return to it is to admit the failings of the philosophical error – Liberalism – that crushed Christendom in the first place. Then there is the return to asceticism and the pursuit of eternal things that modern man is actually willing to trade for the ephemeral novelties Liberalism produces. This could get ominous indeed.
Hollywood Is In ICU But Dr. Christopher Nolan Is On the Case – There are a handful of writer-director’s in “Hollywood” that aim high and score high, Christopher Nolan is one of them, on the other end of the spectrum is nearly everything the Weinstein’s and their diabolical smut factories turn out as “film art”. I love Nolan’s Dunkirk because I see in it the Good, the True and the Beautiful printed all over it. God’s mercy is also implanted in the film in a major way when the Shivering Soldier character (played by Irish actor Cilian Murphy) is forgiven for causing the death of a young boy trying to help him aboard one of the civilian vessels that responded to the evacuation crisis at Dunkirk in WWII. Now comes Grayson Quay with a new review of Interstellar, shining light on things that I had not previously noticed.
“The bonds of love, faith, and tradition that tie us together are not mere hangover from some primitive herd instinct. They are, as Brand says, “observable, powerful.” When Cooper attempts to reduce human love to social utility, Brand asks what possible social utility there can be in our love for people who have died. Cooper has no answer, but [Edmund] Burke does. “People who never look back to their ancestors will not look forward to posterity.”
When Lent is over, its in my viewing que!
Hope Springs Eternal For An Infernal Cause – That ‘Muricah’s foreign policy – read our war policy – “needs an overhaul” is the understatement of the entire human race. Andrew Miller and Richard Sokolsky give this reform the old college try and thus try and keep hope in the American union of States alive. I applaud the effort but do not believe the results called for will ever materialize.
The Public Schools DO Look Like Prisons – Where The Cult of Death Must Prevail Upon The Inmates To Obtain Release. This is not the exact headline Stella Morabito comes to but it is close:
“The Size and Model of Mass Schooling Is Alienating – Back in 1929-30, there were about 248,000 public schools in the United States, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. How many today? Far less than half. By 2013-14, the number had shrunk to 98,000. When you consider that the U.S. population nearly tripled in that timeframe, there’s no question this factory model of schooling has grown exponentially. The numbers speak to the intense bureaucratization of a public school system that is becoming more centralized with less local control, packing ever-larger numbers of students in one place. The natural effect is an emotional malaise that fuels a sense of confusion and detachment.”
And what, pray tell, have we been discussing the last two weeks on the Mike Church Show: the CONFUSED state of the world where even the faithful receive confusing words and decrees from our prelate leaders. Oh well, time for some Genesis.
This Is A Land Of 2nd Amendment Confusion – I am happy to repeat the argument I’ve made for 11 years running: the Constitution’s Second Amendment does NOT guarantee you the “right to keep and bear arms” and the NRA and gun-lobby’s perversion of the Amendment has led us to the crisis of today. I realize that since the 2nd Amendment has become a de facto, universal writ, from here to the ice-world of Hoth and back and so putting the horse back in the barn is almost impossible, but try we must. Now along comes John Daniel Davidson arguing that it is now time, in the wake of Parkland, FL, to “repeal the Second Amendment”. With Davidson’s piece in mind you should now be able to clearly see the folly of the Second Amendment as a universal RTKBA: if you make the 2nd Amendment universal to provide carry then it can be used to deny carry. The equitable path forward is clear: Tell the federal courts to butt out of all lawsuits against state-passed, sensible gun regulations and let responsible governments (and they must be held to account) regulate sale and possession.
John Horvat: The Coming Tomorrow Without God – Recent events support our civilizations descent into a disordered, secular chaos where the only defense and worship of God is done by a militant “remnant”. Don’t laugh, this future is being planned for right now (see AI story below). John Horvat has a telling piece on this very subject today. Reviewing the new book Hono Deus, Horvat sounds frightened.
“What makes Prof. Harari’s history of tomorrow so terrifying is that he is deadly serious about the project. Not only is he serous but he is joined by a secular establishment that has put this vision together. You see how this vision logically fits in with a vast framework of data networks that tend to make this future feel so very present.”
For more evidence of this read Hugh Owens’ magnificent review of Tielhard de Chardin’s work in the same direction. Note that today’s Mike Church Show discussion centered on this and my contention that the new catholic church has already been formed. The “c” is lower case because it isn’t The Holy replacement it is the unholy, secular Greek use of the term katholica meaning “universal” as in New World Order, one world government/religion.
Dressing With Dignity: Time To Give Katie Perry-Like Immodesty The Heave And The Ho – Colleen Hammond’s book “Dressing With Dignity” (available here) sets the bar for modesty and dress but doesn’t just give fashion advice to girls and women, it give salvation advice:
“Style must never be a proximate [near] occasion of sin… It is often said, almost with passive resignation, that fashions reflect the customs of a people. But it would be more exact and much more useful to say that they express the decision and moral direction that a nation intends to take: either to be ship-wrecked in licentiousness, or maintain itself at the level to which it has been raised by religion and civilization.”
This is a subject near and dear to my heart and a vocation (dressing with dignity) I have pursued with zeal the last 2 years after realizing the damage done to other’s dignity by my lack of sartorial effort.
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The Screws… – The transgenderMammy™ contagion has spread so deeply into the medical profession that young women are now being mutilated for profit without any oversight and no mental counseling. That is the conclusion of the new book When Harry Became Sally reviewed here by Austin Ruse, and it ain’t for the squeamish.
“One girl started on testosterone gel at 18, switching shortly thereafter to injections. At college her “voice broke,” her hips narrowed, her shoulders broadened. Then she had her otherwise healthy breasts amputated, an operation that was botched and left her with severe scarring. Anderson points out that in all these interactions with the medical profession she never received any counseling on why “she felt so strongly that she wanted to be a man.” She now says, “I have become a female who looks like a man. I will always have a broken voice and will never grow breasts…” And she never received even a moment of counseling.” [Emphasis mine-M.Ç.]
The book’s stories are harrowing from the point of view that bodies and lives are being physically altered with no chance of repair. This is being done, allegedly, to bring about a more fairer world in which those born into the bodies of the sex they believe is not for them. But what is fair about having your breasts cut off while being doped up with drugs that get you banned from any professional sport? This is the work of Beazelbub and the boys and the poor souls who undergo these mutilations are the prizes.
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!
It’s March 2018 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
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The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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