
Funding Public Schools, Time For A Taxpayer Revolt

todayOctober 19, 2015 9



Jefferson_Remnant_Ver_1Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“In the State of Louisiana, I know that the state has said that it requires about $13,000 per year to education one child in public schools, something to that effect.  That usually then does not include all the other accoutrement: books, pencils, paper, chalk; and for the most part also does not include sporting events and the booster teams that support the sporting events: cheerleaders, color guard, band, for example.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  If you were to add all these taxes up — and I don’t have the latest figures, but I remember what they were for 2012 or so, last time I saw them.  In the State of Louisiana, I know that the state has said that it requires about $13,000 per year to education one child in public schools, something to that effect.  That usually then does not include all the other accoutrement: books, pencils, paper, chalk; and for the most part also does not include sporting events and the booster teams that support the sporting events: cheerleaders, color guard, band, for example.  That money has to be raised outside of the way that the school raises its money to keep the doors open, to keep the bells ringing and the scantily-clad girls in the classroom seated next to the poorly-dressed boys.

When you think of it like that, even those who don’t have children of school age, if you own property you would still be taxed.  You would still be compelled then into paying for public education.  If it’s financed by a sales tax, you would still be taxed.  Obviously when you go to buy bread or whatever, you’re again being taxed.  What’s amazing to me, how has there not been a revolt against this?  This is what is amazing.  [mocking] “We’re gonna fix this with an election.  You wait and see, we’re going to elect some conservatives and they’re going to get in there and fix all this.”  No, they’re not.  No, they’re not.

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Most “conservatives” can’t bring themselves to denounce — and they should denounce — the system that I just described.  It is grossly inadequate and grossly unfair.

If I wish for my child to have an education, I ought to pay for it.  I ought to be willing to pay for it.  I ought to be willing to sacrifice everything to pay for it.  I shouldn’t be concerned about my 17th flat panel television out on my 2,000-square-foot deck that I don’t need.  I shouldn’t be worried about the fold-down televisions in the minivan that we don’t need or any of that other garbage.  Why hasn’t there been a revolt?  There hasn’t been a revolt because ‘Murican citizens have been socialized and conditioned to be good little big-government supporters, that’s why.  Note that most people that go to Common Core protests are only protesting Common Core because they don’t like it.  They fear it’s going to have adverse effects on their little darlings.  I don’t disagree; I think it is going to have adverse effects.  They don’t actually protest against the diabolical system that makes Common Core possible.  They’re our children.  school-fundingThey don’t belong to Bill Gates.  They don’t’ belong to the school board.  They don’t belong to the State of Louisiana or New Hampshire or Florida or anywhere else.  So how is this even possible?

While we applaud that so many parents have gotten involved in the campaign to stop, to halt, or to repeal Common Core where it’s been implemented or force fed to a population, again, to solve some of these problems it requires you look at ultimate causes.  What’s the ultimate cause?  The ultimate cause is the State has won parental control over the children.  You see this in the public school system and the way parents are treated.  You also see it in the way parents treat the public school system.  We drone on endlessly about the perils of homosexual marriage and the perils of what “gay marriage” is going to do to the mindset of the children of the next generation.  All these concerns are valid, all of them.  No one, or few, seem concerned about all the other hazardous things and hazardous activities that threat marriage, like the American and Western civilization view that there is no limit to how many divorces one might have.

As a matter of fact, I was talking to Mrs. Church the other day and she told me, she relayed to me a story that I did not see on Facebook because I don’t use Facebook to do personal interactions, for the most part.  There’s a reason for that.  I won’t get into it.  For example, on somebody’s birthday, I’m not going to send you a Facebook message.  I hope that I have the love and the humility to take some of the time necessary to pick the phone up and make a call the old-fashioned way.  I got a birthday call.  Why would somebody call you for your birthday?  Why don’t they just send you a Facebook message?

In any event, just to kind of flesh this out here and give you something to chew on, as if you don’t have enough already, we have a friend — I have to be real careful here, because I don’t want anyone who listens to this show that knows me to think I’m singling this individual out.  Just pretend this is just a — I don’t want to make it a hypothetical because it’s not.  There’s someone that’s in our acquaintance that was experiencing some marital difficulties.  If you’re listening to me right now and you’re married, you have experienced marital difficulties.  All of us have.  All of us do.  All of us will.  When the marital difficulties came to a boil, this somehow made it onto the pages of Facebook.  Then on the pages of Facebook the person in question here or that I’m abstractly discussing was encouraged by members of that gender that that person needed to do what was right for them.  If they needed to get out, they needed to get out.  If they needed to get a divorce, as long as it made them happy, they shouldn’t live — how does the demonic, diabolical proposition go?  No one should have to live in a loveless marriage.  If it’s a true marriage under God, it can’t be loveless.  Think about that.  In any event, these individuals were encouraging this practice.

I told Mrs. Church, just imagine for a moment that — the individual that I’m describing here does not have any children.  Just imagine for a moment that one of the individuals in a similar situation did have children.  How would you like it and how would you describe the individuals that said the exact same thing to someone that did have children?  Imagine that you’re the other spouse.  You have a bunch of morally questionable people out there telling your spouse that whatever leads to their happiness must be undertaken, that’s all that matters?


Of course, the kids don’t have a say-so in all this.  Then modernity will come back after that and say, [mocking] “Everyone knows that children that grow up in those kinds of homes, they grow up and hate life.  They turn out rotten and despicable.  They have miserable lives.”  No one ever cites a solitary piece of evidence for that, but they just prattle it on.

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

The reason I brought that up, because we were discussing the public schools and that you have to finance beyond school.  You have to finance your extracurricular activities.  You know what another activity is, and you see this manifested if you have any experience with public schools at all, and that is that public schools have become basically daycare centers for many.  Kids are dropped off an hour, two hours before school, and stay an hour, two hours after school because both the parents have been farmed out into the tax production fields.  You’ve got to get out there and produce taxes for the State.  Just imagine this.  You have to go produce taxes for the State to squander them in the practice of public education.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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