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Gallup Reveals ‘Murica Has Become LesHomoHedonica

todayJune 1, 2015 6

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    Gallup Reveals ‘Murica Has Become LesHomoHedonica AbbyMcGinnis

God would not be a fan of Salvador Dali
Chris Ferrara’s book has become the subject of many conversations on the Mike Church Show of late

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript  – “In 2001, sex, illicit, promiscuous sex between unmarried men and women, 53 percent of our heathen brethren said yes, it’s morally acceptable.  In 2015, 68 percent.  My friends, we are our problem.  Whether or not divorce is morally acceptable, in 2001, 53 percent.  In 2015, 71 percent.  That’s more than two-thirds.  I ought to ask the question: Why does anyone bother to marry any longer, unless they’re homosexuals?  I can’t wait to see their divorce rates….” Check out today’s transcript AND CLIP OF THE DAY for the rest….

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    Gallup Reveals ‘Murica Has Become LesHomoHedonica AbbyMcGinnis

[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

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    Gallup Reveals ‘Murica Has Become LesHomoHedonica AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  The war is not war in the sense that it’s war, but there most certainly is killing.  They’re exorbitantly, unbelievably, unfathomably expensive.  We sneeze at a trillion bucks.  [mocking] “Eh, that’s just one trillion.  We’ve got lots of trillions laying around.  We’re ‘Muricans.”  No concept of what our military is charged to do, no concept of what these madmen, these corporatists and warmongering hacks, what it is that they do, no concept of it.  They don’t care.  You know why?  Because we are losing the metal that attracts us to the north our moral compass is supposed to point toward.  People say moral compass.  We can actually make that into a nice little – I can give you a visual on that, something that you can sink your teeth into, and then you can see that the moral compass – compass uses metal in a free-spinning manner.  It’s balanced and seated on something so that it can freely move.  The metal at the one tip of the compass – there’s demagnetized metal at the other end, or whatever the case may be – is attracted then to a very strong magnetic source, the North Pole.  That’s where the magnetism is.  That’s how you use a compass and you can navigate.

If we imagine that we have a moral compass, like so many people like to use the term, just imagine then that Almighty God and His magisterium, that is His teaching on the moral code, that He is then the moral North Pole.  Our compass, our moral compass, has thus become very[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime] much demagnetized.  There’s not much metal left in the compass needle, so it can’t point north any longer.  It can’t point towards where the moral compass should be pointing.  Instead, it points towards Beelzebub.  Now let’s go to the Gallup poll.  This is just shocking, but it’s not really shocking.  Gallup wanted to gauge the moral views of the American sheeple.  They’ve been conducting this survey every year.  Now, we only get the 2001 and 2015 results.  I’m going to share them with you.  These are whether or not things are morally acceptable or not acceptable.  This is the acceptable rate.  This is what poll respondents told the Gallup organization.  I’ll just paraphrase.

Is it morally acceptable that there should be public gay or lesbian relations?  In 2001, 40 percent said morally acceptable.  In 2015, 63 percent.  Should single women be having babies outside of marriage?  In 2001, 45 percent said morally acceptable.  In 2015, 61 percent say it is morally acceptable for our daughters to be tramping and slutting around, becoming impregnated, and then having babies out of wedlock and then not marrying the father.  And you want to know why the train has gone off the rails?  My friends, we’re beyond crisis.  Forget about breaking the glass in case of an emergency and calling the fire department.  We may need to order a nuclear strike.  We may need a flood.  No, I don’t mean to say that the flood in Houston is appropriate.  Don’t make the conclusion.  Don’t say it.  I didn’t say it.  I didn’t mean it and I don’t mean it.

In 2001, sex, illicit, promiscuous sex between unmarried men and women, 53 percent of our heathen brethren said yes, it’s morally acceptable.  In 2015, 68 percent.  My friends, we are our problem.  Whether or not divorce is morally acceptable, in 2001, 53 percent.  In 2015, 71 percent.  That’s more than two-thirds.  I ought to ask the question: Why does anyone bother to marry any longer, unless they’re homosexuals?  I can’t wait to see their divorce rates.

Medical research using stem cells obtained from human embryos – you want to talk about sick – in 2001, 52 percent said morally acceptable.  In 2015, 64 percent, again, nearly two-thirds of our fellow citizens.  I have a question for you.  Let’s start breaking the last barrier down.  Why don’t we just have human baby farms?  We’ll just conscript a couple thousand of you women out there every year.  We’ll force in vitro on you and then the government or some lab group or whatever will extract the stem cells from your never-to-be-born babies.  When they’re done getting all the goodness out of them so they can cure the rest of us in our sickness, just abort them, kill them.  They’re just gelatinous blobs of flesh anyways.[/private]

The heroic adventures of El Cid is a great read for men, age 12 - up
The heroic adventures of El Cid is a great read for men, age 12 – up

Polygamy, when a married person has more than one spouse at the same time, in 2001, 7 percent said it’s morally acceptable.  Today, more than double, 15 percent.  I look for that number to go to 70 percent soon.  Cloning humans, 7 percent in 2001, now 15 percent.  I have a question.  What kind of human do you want to clone?  Do you want to clone a human with the morality of St. Francis of Assisi?  Or do you want to clone a human with the morality of Kanye West?  Doctor-assisted suicide, 49 percent in 2001 and 56 percent today.  Suicide has now become popular and morally acceptable, 13 percent in 2001 and 19 percent today.  Bravo, Americans, bravo.

Abortion, 42 percent said no, not morally acceptable.  In 2015, 45 percent say it’s morally acceptable to murder the soon-to-be-born.  You want to live here?  You want to live here?  Married men and women having an affair, that hasn’t changed.  Gee, dubious much?  Then there are some other questions about – now listen to this.  Medical testing on animals, in 2001, 65 percent said that’s morally acceptable.  By 2015, only 56 percent.  It’s going in the wrong direction.  People care more about animal lives than they do human lives.  You want to live here?  I’m going to say it again, welcome to LesHomoHedoninica.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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