Pile Of Prep

Garbage In, Garbage Out? Pop Culture Is It Worth Conservatives Attention?

todayJanuary 28, 2013 35

Own What Lincoln Killed -EPISODE I on CD today-Mike’s hysterical and accurate tale of what Jefferson & company thought our government under the Constitution should look and act like

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Pop Culture as garbage to The Constitution and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “My point is simply this: popular culture is the smog in which we must live at least part of our lives. We have no choice but to face it, now and again, if only to keep track of where it will strike next.” – Bruce Frohnen, The Imaginative Conservative

Sara Palin jumps ship from Fox News because she needs to do more “than preach to the choir”and because “American Exceptionalism” must be spread which I guess means that spreading it in Libya and 174 other countries is juts not enough!

VIDEO – Self Defense!? Madison WI Sheriff tells citizens to arm up and be prepared to defend themselves and not just lying around calling 911 and waiting for the cops

WY becomes the first state to stand up to the Feds, risk their highway funding and tell the Congress what to do with the unconstitutional NDAA

Mary Elizabeth Williams wants to be a “life begins at conception” AND a pro-abortionist

RIC: John Zmirak proves Catholics ca be über intelligent, faithful AND  funny all at the same time

Garbage in, garbage out? What are “conservatives to do when surrounded by the cultural wasteland? Work in it to bring about change or deny it in totality to try and shame it out of popularity?

Today’s Latin PhrasePurgamentum init, exit purgamentum – Garbage in, garbage out

Ben Ghazi marks the start of yet another bad chapter in our foreign affairs as DC cannot remove itself from the chaos it creates abroad

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Why no  just anoint a King & Royal family and have all Americans swear an oath “to queen and country” instead of making AZ high schoolers pledge to the Constitution (though Arizona is free to do this silliness if they choose)

The AZ Constitution says they cannot have a loyalty oath with religious affirmation in it if they choose

CO Man demands that a Catholic hospital admit that his twin sons, still born at their hospital were live children and NOT just a fetus

Heather MacDonald: If there is already a culture of sex bias in the military BEFORE WIC what is going to happen afterward!?

Get your [r]epublican coffee mug & travel mug at Mike's Founders Tradin' PostSICK: Sundance Film Festival honors film that portrays third trimester abortionists in a “touching way”

Will You and FaceBook be BFF’s? Connor Friersdorf asks the same question

TIC: Yet another rave review for the Christian/Catholic inspired film everyone is talking about: The War of The Vendee

Poetry: an ode to those who review out of print books

Is the US in decline or are we just sinking with the rest of the advanced world

VIDEO: Professor Seidman hits the big-time with a video recitation of his “let’s just ignore the Constitution” harangue

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Jason Bienia on January 31, 2013

    Good Morning Mike,

    Always have to say how much I love the show, the best.
    Could you tell me where the link to the St Francis DeSales material that you noted
    that he used/advocated to apply to all problematic situations to help you decide the
    best and most gentlemanly course of action?
    Please use the theme from Green Acres for a parody. I feel it will lend many good laughs and truths.


    Jason Bienia
