
Government Out Of Scale – What Would Jefferson Do?

todayJanuary 22, 2013 7


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What would Jefferson then say about how we’re so far out of scale today?  What we mean by scale is you can’t have representation when your representative represents 709,000 people.  That’s just a pipedream.  What would Jefferson and company then do if they were going to try and arrest this evil that we all seem possessed of?  My wager is that they would look towards establishing a much smaller, more representative government under which to live. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Pick up your copy of “The Road to Independence” right here!

Mike:  The question I asked last hour: Should conservatives continue rank and file with the Republican Party?  I read an essay by George W. Carey where Mr. Carey says unequivocally no.  In the beginning of his essay, I did not read his quotes from John C. Calhoun, where he brought Calhoun into it.  Calhoun explains what I try to explain on a daily basis.  Once the process has begun, the political process of corruption, you can’t stop it.  You can end affiliation with it but it’s almost impossible to stop.  Then it starts affecting all other parts of the body and all the other parts, whether they’re political or not, all then become infected.  What is the tradcon to do?

Our website,, that’s where you’ll find WWTJD, What Would Thomas Jefferson Do?  That’s another part of this that I haven’t explored and perhaps illuminated the audience enough on.  It’s easy for us to say, [mocking] “Mike, you just want to throw your hands up so you and your buddies can go your little secessionist way.”  That’s not the case at all.  Many of us remain active and passionate about these things, are willing to participate in the national or federal dialogue.  I’m not going anywhere.  I just direct my energies and time and money away from the federal monster and towards local and state.

What was it that Jefferson did?  I think this is one of the things, when I was talking about Jefferson’s inaugural, he walked himself from where he was staying, walked up a hill to go into the House chamber to go deliver his inaugural address, which few people could even hear.  The man wasn’t a public speaker.  Jefferson and Madison and John Taylor and others, who were so alarmed at what had happened in the Adams administration, thought that all was lost.  They thought the proper remedy was to repair and try to get back to the station from which they had started or where they came.  That’s why they wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which was a reaffirmation of principle.  It wasn’t an invention.  It wasn’t new.  It was restating conditions they already thought they lived under, and that legally they did live under.

They sought then to check it and nip it in the bud.  For a while, their efforts were successful.  They could do this because they were within the scale of the situation.  The Jefferson administration takes over the federal government and is able to immediately start laying people off, getting budgetary matters in line.  Jefferson hires as his treasury secretary one of the most brilliant financiers of the 18th century, a gentleman by the name of Albert Gallatin.  He sets Gallatin on the process: find out how we can manage our money, how we can balance our books, and come back and report to me.  Of course, Gallatin does and Jefferson is almost successful.  He does begin the process.  Jackson ultimately ends that in 1838.  For one year, the general government of the United States actually is debt free, actually had a surplus in the bank.  For one year it happened.

They were successful because they were within scale.  What would Jefferson then say about how we’re so far out of scale today?  What we mean by scale is you can’t have representation when your representative represents 709,000 people.  That’s just a pipedream.  What would Jefferson and company then do if they were going to try and arrest this evil that we all seem possessed of?  My wager is that they would look towards establishing a much smaller, more representative government under which to live.  That would be, I believe, their answer.  Yet if we do that, if we even say that, you’re some kind of knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.  You’re a neo-Confederate.  You’re a neo-slave owner.  Maybe it’s none of those things.  Maybe it’s just people that really care about the future and don’t see a very bright future attached to the hip of some of the people that are perpetrating the current corruption and crime?  Why does it always have to be an either or?

We have four years to explore this, although we may not make it four years without an economic crisis brought on by the Europeans, realizing that since the U.S. isn’t going to help anyone grow their way out of this, that maybe they should start defaulting on their debts.  I haven’t even played any of President Obama’s clips yet.  AG, why don’t you play a digital media file?  Why don’t we look to our current leader and see if he holds out any solution or hope as to how we may extricate ourselves from the debt and moral corruption?

[start audio file]

President Obama: It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. [Mike: Really?] For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, our daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. [Mike: That’s why they instituted a government? Wow.] Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. [Mike: Even if God says no?] Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity, until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. [Mike: We don’t kick out those that try to come in legally.] Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit, to the hills of Appalachia, to the quiet lanes of Newtown know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.

[end audio file]

Mike:  There he is again throwing the kids up in front of him.  Safe from what harm, the harm that would come to them at the end of the abortionist’s ghastly tools?  [mocking] “Mike, why do you keep going back to that?”  Because it bothers me.  I didn’t hear anything in there about managing our financial or fiduciary affairs.  I didn’t hear anything in there about scaling down the out-of-control train wreck that is the federal monster.  I didn’t hear anything about any of that.  You know what I heard?  I heard the usual boilerplate smorgasbord of pipedreams served up by those that call themselves liberals.  Those comments right there were aimed at Rachel Maddow.  Those comments were aimed at Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Bill Moyers, at your rank-and-file liberals that call themselves liberals.  As a matter of fact, Chris Cillizza has an editorial about that at the Washington Post today, “The President liberals were waiting for is (finally) here.”  Indeed.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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