insert_link Interviews Gutzman, Church – Samuel Chase Impeachment Trial, Part II todayJuly 31, 2023 23
insert_link Catholicism FLASHBACK 2015: I Was The FIRST Cancellation Of Cancel Culture For Being “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” todayApril 22, 2022 244
John M on December 19, 2014 The Third Geneva Convention Article 4 to which the US is party to were never intended to be inclusive of the barbaric nature of the evil that is radical Islam. To be designated as a “prisoner of war” designates must “carry arms openly” not highjack and crash aircraft into buildings or wear explosives vest into market places. Get real! Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on December 19, 2014 If English is your second language, then I apologise. You made rediculous claims that require citation. Your inflamatory ignorance welcomes dismissal. May the Lord forgive me for even responding to this in such an insufficient and arrogant fashion. Brother, suppress your hatred and meditate on your own thoughts and those which you attack in the light of the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin. Log in to Reply
John M on December 19, 2014 The indignant outrage over the one-sided Senate Report on Enhanced Interrogations expressed by a bunch of hubris individuals is the greatest offense to American Values. These are the same congressional folks that cower in face of politically dangerous reforms. These are the same that decry a war on women yet do nothing as ISIS enslave, rape and stone women. These are the same that deny Christ a place in our government while making allowances to dress codes for the hijab; this in light of ISIS beheading Christians. To draw a moral equivalence between the occasional harsh interrogations of a few unlawful combatants by the CIA to thwart another horrific attack on civilized communities is to deny the true atrocities of daily existence under these radical Islamic fanatics. The greatest value is truth; drawing a false moral equivalence leads to a false narrative; one you have accepted and propagated as truth. You cited Bush speech; appropriate members of congress are those chosen by its body to sit on select committees and hear classified briefs. I enjoy listening to your show and concur with about 70% but for me you are wrong on this issue. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on December 19, 2014 You bring up Christ and yet defile his teaching with your barbarism, Sir. He WAS tortured, no retribution was ordered, only mercy to His tormenters. You also mis-characterize my point made about IN-appropriate members of Congress. Congress HAS TO MAKE THE POLICY, ALL of Congress. Either you want to live under the ratified Constitution or you don’t. “Select” committees do not constitute and Article I body to legislate. Using your warped reasoning, the Ways and Means committee should be able, as “appropriate” members of Congress to “vote” on a $4 trillion budget and pass it without the rest of Congress having a say. “Horrific” attacks against humanity at the hands of Mohammedans has been going on since 649 A.D., to elevate us to some special persecuted status is historically ignorant with a side of arrogant. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757