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Hate Mail-Hate Doesn’t Adequately Describe This One

todayJuly 17, 2014 1 6

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Mandeville, LA  – It has become fashionable to compose electronic correspondence (hate mail) addressed to “public personalities” that the writers cannot possibly know yet feel entitled to weigh in the inner contents of the “personality’s” mind. My response’s are inline, italics…

Hi Mike,

I was cut off yesterday before I could make my point, almost certainly by design.

Yes, I “cut off” lots of callers, in fact all of them “by design” in the process of taking phone-calls on-air during the course of a show. I answered the question not realizing the entire endeavor was a setup for the rest of the call (see points 3 & 4)

In any event, four things:

1) To suggest I’m as likely to encounter the vulgar T-shirt in Japan or Sweden as in the U.S. is ludicrous. You know it and your listeners know it.

How is it possible that I “know it”? As stated during the Atheist Inquisition this call was setup to be, I’ve never been to Japan. As far as “listeners know it”, no, I don’t know that they do and would not be so arrogant to speak for them but I hope to see them speak for themselves, to you, right here.

2) Let’s set aside whatever conditions the U.S. placed upon Japan after the war. Japan has never been a “Christian” society. So even assuming the Japanese were ever kept in line “morally” by worshiping some higher power, that higher power was not Christian.

1. I never claimed that they were however there were some famous martyrs from the island and Nagasaki, pre-Truman’s genocide, was home to a Catholic monastery. I specifically said “the Japanese people regarded the Emperor and his order as sacred.” You really are touchy about any intimation of a higher authority than you, Kyle. I shall pray for you, to Our Lord, for your conversion.

3) To the extent you admit that any moral/good person has ever existed who was not Christian, you admit that being Christian has nothing to do with being moral or good. Stop insisting to the contrary because you have no leg to stand on.

Wow, you really are obsessed with my talk about Our Lord, Catholicism and Christianity in general. Maybe you should listen to the death metal channel on SiriusXM? I will not admit what you demand because the foundation of morality is the faith in a higher authority that will compel an atonement for disobeying His commandments which the West’s moral order is based on.

4) Regarding today’s show, those French nuns deserve exactly the same amount of respect for their beliefs as the 9/11 hijackers: ZERO. Can’t you see how ridiculous it is to praise Christians for embracing death yet ridicule Muslims for doing the same thing?

By now, I have my rosary out and will double the prayers I promised you earlier Kyle.  The Carmelite Nuns accepted their crown of martyrdom having committed no act of violence against thousands of innocent people. Jihad is a perversion of what Catholics call “acts of mortification”. Remember those commandments spoken of above admonish the believer to “not murder (kill)”. Those glorious nuns lived lives of devotion to Our Lord, took vows of poverty and celibacy and served the poor around them with every fiber of their being. Your comparing their acceptance of death for refusing to renounce their faith to mass murder puts you in league with Him, and you’re doing a great job for The Fallen One. Again, I pray for your conversion, only the Grace of Our Lord can heal the boiling anger in your soul (like or not you do have one). Deus Benedictu

Kyle – Tampa

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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I’ll chime in as someone who has been to Japan, just a month ago in fact. And I saw several young ladies wearing shirts that said “F*CK YOU” with no asterisk of course. Kids are kids all over the world, whether it be Sweden, Japan, Mexico or the USA. Modern technology has allowed all of them to see the same “reality” tv and they all act the same. I travel internationally and I see very little difference in the younger generation in any of the developed nations around the world.

Wil Shrader Jr.

I dare say that is a result of the American Exceptionalism the central government has been exporting to the rest of the world. The major export of the United States is moral corruption and Godlessness.


It is a total amazement how so many people think they know what myself and others know or don’t know or feel or don’t feel. Personally I make up my own mind based on my experiences and my research into issues. Thank You for the job you do, and God bless you for having to talk with the low information folks on a daily basis.


Nicely said, Mr. Church. I wish I could be as eloquent when I try to help my atheist friends.


What a twisted world view!

Steve Rodgers

Mike I shall join you in praying for Kyle. I’m not sure how one would respond to his comparison of the Carmelite nuns to the barbarians that committed the attack on 9/11. I’m not catholic but I know that God honors those who keep there vows and the innocent. The terrorists were not keeping vows or innocent. They were just murderers.

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