Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You must be really desperate to resort to hackneyed, worn out, already trotted out and tried central planning schemes disguised as self-help efforts in a presidential campaign. I speak, of course, of Mrs. Clinton’s latest sop to the few remaining central economic and central social planners out there that still think there’s some work for them to do. Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: You must be really desperate to resort to hackneyed, worn out, already trotted out and tried central planning schemes disguised as self-help efforts in a presidential campaign. I speak, of course, of Mrs. Clinton’s latest sop to the few remaining central economic and central social planners out there that still think there’s some work for them to do. When you think of it like that, what could possibly be left for our almighty socialist, leftist, progressive, elite, genocidal, eugenicist social planning and engineering masters to do? What’s left for them to do? American mankind today is now even questioning whether or not there are even genders as a result of all the tinkering. I guess the task must then be, the next one must be they’ll move from population control to population elimination. There are just too many of us. [mocking] “We tried to give you slobs a chance to conform and since you won’t, we’re just going to start eliminating some of you.” That has to be next. And it will only cost $350 billion, only. Only in America in 2015 could someone have such a lack of humility and such an embrace of pride and vanity that you can actually say publicly that something, regardless of what it is, will only cost, O-N-L-Y, only cost $350 billion.
You see, the problem is there are not enough kids hanging out in bars with wasted lives and useless college degrees swiping through their Tinder accounts trying to line up next hour’s conquest, sexual conquest. It’s gone beyond conquesting one or two female
sex partners or one or two male sex partners, depending on which side — I’m sorry, I almost said gender. Forgive me. Depending on what your choice is this week as to who you are. But it’s only going to cost $350 billion, because we haven’t made college affordable and free enough. This is quite a statement, is it not? The same people that have been droning on, yelling and screaming and deceitfully conniving for decades now, decades they’ve been at this, assuring us that all we needed to do was listen to them and totally upend the old system of education because [mocking] “it didn’t work for everyone.” Now a system that didn’t work for everyone works for no one. Congratulations. What a monumental accomplishment. Let’s rinse and repeat, shall we, and see if we can do it again? Yes, by all means, let’s have a brand-new scheme to start another federal social program and hurl hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of unearned dollars at some constituency that possesses the Holy Grail that is really the purpose for Mrs. Clinton’s usury plan. That is, she needs their votes.
It’s like a little boy blue. Remember? Little boy blue, he needed the money. Little slick Hilly, she needs the votes. Who falls for this, by the bye? I’d also like a definition of what a public university is. If a university has become public, I assume that that means Louisiana State University. Those of you that are in Wisconsin that will have the opportunity to go watch the PGA Championship this weekend, Wisconsin State or the University of Wisconsin, or whatever the state may be. University of North Carolina, University of Georgia, University of Georgia Tech, University of Florida, University of Texas, I assume that’s what they mean when they say public.
If Mrs. Clinton means that’s the public universities because they are run by a state, that would be a state university. Why should I have to subsidize what’s going on at the University of Texas? We have enough problems trying to keep LSU afloat, which is $158 million in the hole this year. But I digress. Let’s not let facts and the horrific track record of recruiting more kids to go to school, to go to allegedly higher education and what it has produced: sloth, digital adultery, some people say declining morals. You’d have to have morals for them to decline. To the story, I like how the Associated Press is making sure that we get all three of Mrs. Clinton’s names these days. Nobody calls Carly Fiorina by Carly (maiden name) Fiorina, that I know of.
Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday will unveil a $350 billion plan aimed at making college more affordable and reducing the crushing burden of student debt.
[end reading] [/private]
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Mike: I have a question for you if you’re listening. Answer this question. When I read you the statement that Mrs. Clinton proposes a “$350 billion plan aimed at making college more affordable and reducing the crushing burden of student debt,” who is it that told the students to take on the debt in the first place? Whose idea was that? Whose idea was it to have student debt? Whose idea was it to have student loans? Whose idea was it to increase the federal funding of student loans? I seem to recall that Hillary Clinton endorsed Obama in 2008 and 2012. Did not the president preside over the takeover of what vestiges of private lending survived from the 1990s assault on them and the early 2000s assault on them to all be rolled under the watchful and beneficent and loving and caring and tender mercies and eyes of the almighty federal magisterium? Who’s been giving these loans out? Who’s been subsidizing and guaranteeing the loans when they were still partially private? What party is it that has been setting the rates and increasing the rates and building vainglorious football stadiums and swimming pools and other athletic facilities all across the amber waves of fuel with all the subsidized blood money that will be squeezed out of a tortured future generation? Who conspired in all this? Gee, it must be, I don’t know, whose fault is it? [mocking] “I don’t know but it’s not mine,” roars Hillary. [mocking] “I don’t know but it’s not mine,” roars Obama. The Republican Party takes no blame for it. The Democrat Party takes no blame for it. Wait a minute, the universities take no blame for it.
Let’s go back in the King Dude’s wayback machine for a moment before we listen to any more of this ridiculousness and you lose brain cells in the process. How many of you people are old enough to remember that there used to be a corporation, I think it still is there, it’s just a shadow of its former self. How many of you remember this company called Kodak? Anybody? Show of hands? Scream at the radio. Throw a smoke signal up. Anybody? What did Kodak used to do? The Eastman Kodak Corporation plied very successfully the film craft. They didn’t have very much competition until the Japanese came along with Fujifilm and other films.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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