Daily Clip

How Did Obama Claim Possession Of Ferguson, Convenience Store, Robbery Tape?

todayAugust 21, 2014 13

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Redesigned for 2014 – This is our most popular t-shirt ever and is a limited release, order while supplies last

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript I have a question.  This is a stupid question, but I think it’s a relevant question.  I’ve seen the video.  The video was taken on a surveillance camera that was owned by the convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri.  It’s his tape!  It’s not owned by Obama or Holder or Governor Nixon or the police chief.  That’s his tape.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  For example, there is a story out there that:


The Department of Justice urged Ferguson police not to release surveillance video purporting to show Michael Brown robbing a store shortly before he was shot and killed by police, arguing that the footage would inflame tensions…

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    How Did Obama Claim Possession Of Ferguson, Convenience Store, Robbery Tape? AbbyMcGinnis

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    How Did Obama Claim Possession Of Ferguson, Convenience Store, Robbery Tape? AbbyMcGinnis

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson released the video Friday, telling reporters that he had no choice because the media requested the release under the Freedom of Information Act. The Department of Justice, which is conducting its own investigation into Brown’s Aug. 9 death, has had a copy of the footage all along and never considered releasing it to the public…

[end reading]

Mike:  I have a question.  This is a stupid question, but I think it’s a relevant question.  I’ve seen the video.  The video was taken on a surveillance camera that was owned by the convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri.  It’s his tape!  It’s not owned by Obama or Holder or Governor Nixon or the police chief.  That’s his tape.  That’s his surveillance tape, his surveillance cameras, recorded on his surveillance camera recording hard drive or video cassette tape or whatever the case may be.  That’s that man’s tape.  How in the world does the Injustice Department or the police department commandeer the video?  It’s his.  So when you install a surveillance camera, there’s a contract you sign that says if you ever actually have to use the footage from the surveillance camera you have to get a permission slip from Obama before you can use it?  What kind of madness is that?  Good heavens!

I was thinking of installing a video surveillance camera at my house once upon a time.  No one came to the door, though, with a contract in hand that: If you install this video camera here, you know, you can’t use the tape.  You have to get approval from the NSA and the Department of Justice before you can even review it.  Really?  Then what do I need the tape for?  I can tell, because the neighborhood I live in, we have a pool house and the homeowners’ association has installed cameras because there’s so much vandalism at the pool house from rebellious local kids.  I have neighbors that have access to that tape.  Obama never tried to stop the release of that tape.  Kevin, how are you this morning?

Kevin Gutzman:  I’m doing well, Mike, how are you?

Mike:  I am well.  Before we get into Professor Jonathan Turley, are you aware the clause in the Constitution or in some act of Congress purporting to act under the authority of the Constitution that prevents store clerk owners in Ferguson, Missouri from reviewing and then maybe showing other people videotape that was taken in their own private store residence?

Gutzman:  No, I am not familiar with any such provision of constitutional or statute.

Mike:  So I wasn’t that far off base when I was asking the question: The tape doesn’t belong to Obama and Holder, doesn’t belong to the police chief of Missouri.  The guy that owns the store paid for the camera and paid for the recording equipment.  It would seem to me that it would be his tape.

Gutzman:  And it’s his clerk that’s being beaten up and robbed, so why shouldn’t they be able to make it public?  And why would the president want to keep that secret anyway?  That’s a curious issue.  Right now you can go on the internet and find the video anywhere you want. [/private]

Mike Church's own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.
Mike Church’s own blend, hand rolled in the U.S.

Mike:  Once it’s released one time, then it’s out there forevermore and you can’t take it back.  The point of the matter, I believe, from the president’s point of view or those that are talking and writing about this, the delay in the release of the tape was sufficient enough to afford the Reverend Al Sharpton safe and very agitated passage to Ferguson, Missouri.  Mission accomplished.utzman:  I suppose so.  Certainly the video does tend to explode the idea that the man who was killed by the police in Ferguson was some kind of naïve innocent.

Mike:  Yes.  There are other things coming out about that.  I tend to think along the lines of you have all these people that are protesting and they’re marching through the streets demanding this and demanding that, but I can’t tell, from what I’ve watched, exactly what it is they’re demanding.  I still don’t know.  Autopsies are going to go on.  There is ample reporting on the matter.  I can’t think that it’s media attention that they need.  They even had the attention of Eric Holder and the Injustice Department now.  The only force on earth that they haven’t called upon is the Pope.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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