Daily Clip

How Do We KNOW Mordor on The Potomac Will Keep Growing? Count The Cranes

todayOctober 1, 2014 10

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    How Do We KNOW Mordor on The Potomac Will Keep Growing? Count The Cranes TheKingDude

Jefferson_Abides_T_shirts_with_graphicMandeville, LA – Mike responds to a caller who contends that if the GOP can just win the Senate and then if Rick Santorum can just win the White House, Mordor on the Potomac will magically begin to shrink, Congress will go to daily Mass after conversion, balance budgets and even repeal agencies. This after President Paul withdraws the entire Military Industrial Complex, decommissions the Army, mothballs the fleet and institutes a compulsory draft to temper the DeceptiCONS lust for war…  This is NOT going to happen and we know this because Mordor has 10 years of Bull market expansion on tap, just count the cranes.

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    How Do We KNOW Mordor on The Potomac Will Keep Growing? Count The Cranes TheKingDude


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    How Do We KNOW Mordor on The Potomac Will Keep Growing? Count The Cranes TheKingDude


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  We have a foundational problem.  It cannot be solved by sending new members of either party to Mordor on the Potomac.  You know what ought to sober any of you people up that think that this is going to be fixed from the outside?  This ought to sober you up.  Take a trip to Mordor.  Go to DC.  Go as a tourist.  Go pretend like you actually want to go pray inside the Lincoln Memorial or whatever federal prayer temple there is.  Notice the cranes all around the perimeter of the city.  If you drove the 395 or 495 loop and started counting the cranes, you probably would run out of fingers and toes.  These are all 30-plus-story cranes.

Let me ask you a question: If you’re not convinced that the federal government is broke beyond all repair and will continue to rape, rob, and pillage the rest of us, exactly what industry is it that is necessary in and around Washington, DC that necessitates the addition of tens of millions of square feet of office space?  What are they making there, calculators?  What are they making, cars?  What are they making, iPhones?  What are they making, bread, pizza?  What are they making, asparagus, pencils?  What are they making?  Answer that question.  What are they going to make in all that square footage of all those buildings?  What could those people possibly be manufacturing?  Why could you possibly need tens of millions of additional, this is in addition to the menace of all the buildings that are already there.

Let me scare the real, literal bejeezus belt out of you.  What do they know about the future that you don’t know?  I want one of you pro “we can fix Mordor” people to explain that one to me.  What do they know that I don’t know?  They obviously are basing the addition of tens of millions of square feet of office space near where all the money is being sucked to.  They obviously know something that we don’t know, because they’re thinking they’re going to need tens of thousands of new bodies to fill those spaces.  I wonder who’s going to be paying those people.

If you need an indication that the cancer has gone stage four and is growing and is going to take over the rest of the organs of the body and kill the host, go to Mordor and write me a letter.  Take photographs and write me a letter back and explain to me what you think those people are up to.  If you look at the buildings, look at who it is that’s building them, stop and look at the placards at the bottom of the pit where the crane is.  You’ll figure it out.  It won’t take very long.  You’ll figure it out.

Just imagine the increase in theft from me and you, and, if you’re like me, I have a pair of 17-year-old daughters.  They’ll be 18 in January.  They become full-fledged wards of Mordor, full-fledged tax-producing slaves.  Someone that is going to move into one of those buildings is planning on suckling — and I don’t mean this sexually — at the teat of what my daughters are going to earn.  They’re planning on it.  They’ve marked my entire daughters’ graduating class, Class of 2015.  [mocking] “You’re ours.  Mwahahaha!”  Think about it.

As a matter of fact, you people that live in and around Mordor, you should start sending me pictures.  Start posting them on Twitter.  We need a hashtag for this, #whatdotheyknow.  I’ll tell you what they know.  They know that it doesn’t matter what party is going to occupy the Capitol Building.  Their building is going to go up and it’s going to be totally rented out and totally occupied.  Wouldn’t you think that if there actually was this threat of the federal government being kneecapped, being put back in its box, they probably wouldn’t build the buildings?  They certainly wouldn’t build them 30 stories tall, would they?

You see, folks, the only answer to what I’ve just proposed that makes any sense and has any voracity to it whatsoever is the answer that it’s either government directly or it’s government indirectly.  That’s what those buildings are for.  Every solitary parasite that’s going to occupy those buildings will be reliant on you, me, and our kids for their livelihood.  What will we get in return?  We’ll get rules, laws, and regulations that will harass us and, as Jefferson said, eat out our sustenance.  That’s what we’ll get in return.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: TheKingDude

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