New Christendom Variety

HOW Do You Build New Christendom Here In ‘Muricah? Like This…

todayJuly 1, 2023 39


Rose from Glastonbury joins the King Dude for this episode of Free Farm Friday. They discuss homesteading, family and Rose’s art. 

SPECIAL GUEST – Rose Weisenburger – Crusade listener who is an artist, has a 2 month old baby and is doing art as her “side hustle”.

We don’t even own a TV it was part of what we wanted, not to add those distractions into our home.

We wanted to be family focused and centered.

The parish is not beautiful I grew up in, I won’t speak harshly about it b/c it is the reason I am Catholic currently but I now currently attend a TLM that is local.
Sunday – Traditional Liturgy

I try to always use what He has given me and recreate something else but all to His glory!

Back in the day the yellow in Stained Glass was done by cow urine.

The Glastonberry Thorne – the staff he took from the briar where the crown of thorns was made from. That tree is still there!

The actual one was destroyed by Pagans.

Our farm we have named – Glastonbury Farm

Trying to reestablish Christendom one farm at a time.

Is this farmstead stuff new to you?

Curtis was a city slicker, he grew up in the country but he was city in feeling and knowledge.

I grew up on a hobby farm and was in 4-H and we always had chickens, goats, pigs etc

It wasn’t about sustainability but it was always raise a pig, show it then sell it.

We never had to worry about feeding them during the winter.

Even though Curtis didn’t have any experience he went head first and found us a 27 acre farm.

I’m just along for the ride, I help him when I can but it really is all due to my husband.

I couldn’t do any of this w/o him.

He would love to have farming be his FULL-TIME job.

He settled on the grain elevator 2 miles from our house.

He got a CDL so he drives a big grain truck, he hauls grain to the elevator for a lot of farmers.

His goal is to get to fully sustainable farm so he doesn’t have to leave the farm.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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