
It Is Over-Calvin Klein Peddles Teenage Panties With Soft-Core Porn-To Thunderous Applause

todayMay 11, 2016 6


Mandeville, LA – I struggled with whether or not to display the image below for fear of causing occasions of sin and of being a party to promulgating porn, but Calvin Klein does not seem to have the same fear. I am displaying a thumbnail image of the shot but you can view it and the casual discussion of it via The SUN Newspaper here. I fully expect to see this blasted all over cable news and Facebook since the campaign originally appeared, without warnings to parents, on CK’s Instagram. To demonstrate the wholly realistic reasons why this kind of scandalous smut should be excommunicated from Christian society, I conducted an experiment. The photograph below shows how I was exposed to the ad for a period of 5 minutes while it was opened in Photoshop on my 27 inch iMac.


Of my experiment with this photograph today, I will freely confess: I am a 54 year old male (well at least today I am legally allowed to SAY I am a male), father of 19 year old twin daughters, and, through God’s Grace having kicked a porn obsession some years ago, I have today been tempted into near occasion of Sin; into thoughts and deeds I know to be mortally sinful and will now have make a full confession over it. And the kicker? I never once thought of buying underwear but I did think of what I might do to/with similar underwear purchased then worn by someone else. That is undoubtedly the practical purpose of the ad: to sell the carnal pleasure that is aroused by the ad. Underwear serve hygienic purposes when worn, but Calvin Klein underwear serve hygienic AND sexual purposes by being worn and not worn. If this stunning promotion of mortally sinful sex via soft-core porn “advertising” isn’t a glowing, buzzing indicator of the end of any attachment to our former Christian culture, please write me and tell me what is.

It is over. The Road to Perdition is now our national superhighway and hardly anyone seems bothered by it much less concerned that our teenaged daughters will more than likely show up in one of these ads via”Snapchat”. And if you think I exaggerate and that public perversity is not accelerating at warp factor 9, consider this: It wasn’t that long ago, actually a mere two months,  a case was settled where a pervert (who’s probably on his way to North Carolina as I type) was convicted of taking “upskirt” photos on subway trains and sentenced as a sex offender.

“A former Comcast executive who used his smartphone to take invasive pictures of women on SEPTA was sentenced to probation this week.

David Tighe, 56, was sentenced on Monday to two years of probation and must undergo sex offender and mental health evaluations, the Delaware County Daily Times reported. He is also banned from riding the regional rail’s R5 train to Philly during morning or evening rush hour.

Tighe was reportedly caught taking a photograph of a woman while getting on the train in Tredyffrin on Sept. 18 by another passenger. Tighe fled, threw his phone into the woods, and was taken into custody by police officers, who he let search his phone before they found several other “upskirt” or invasive, lewd photos of women on the R5.”

Tighe should demand a retrial and claim he was just auditioning for a gig with Calvin Klein and if that fails “who are we to judge” him after all, without the peeping Tom upskirts, Tighe would have to suppress “who he really is” and shouldn’t Massachusetts have “to accommodate his diversity in sexual arousal”? While Tighe is on probabtion, perverts preening for upskirts, nay downskirts as in around ankles, are on mass pilgrimage to Charlotte NC. Are you laughing? Look at that ad at the Sun Gentlemen and explain to your wives and then your daughters why Pope Benedict XV taught so forcefully about modesty in Sacra Propediem (1921).

“One can not sufficiently deplore the blindness of so many women of every age and station. Made foolish by a desire to please, they do not see to what degree the indecency of their clothing shocks every honest man and offends God. Most of them would formerly have blushed for such apparel as for a grave fault against Christian modesty. Now it does not suffice to exhibit themselves on public thoroughfares; they do not fear to cross the threshold of churches, to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and even to bear the seducing food of shameful passions to the Eucharistic Table, where one receives the Heavenly Author of Purity.”

It is only through the Grace of reverent prayer, humble begging and a promise to do penance that this 54 year old male avoided the sin easily within my grasp as a result of viewing what is readily available to every teenager alive in the United States. Do you think our collective catechism has prepared them for the same resistance or conditioned them to act upon it?

It is over.


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Larry Crutcher on May 12, 2016

    Lord, Yeshua, have mercy on us your servants. Keep us in your love and make our hearts clean. We are surrounded by millions that hate you. Deliver your called out ones from the corruption of this world. amen.
