
Jeff Wallace – In God We Trusted

todayMay 6, 2014 3


Interview With Jeff Wallace author of “In God We Trusted”

In God We Trusted by Jeff Wallace, is the WINNER of 2014 Christian Writers Award

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “No law can be valid, as you said, unless it is in order with the higher law that has been handed down.  This is one of the things that men knew.  We knew this.  All the way up to the progressives, we said: We’ve got to stop them from knowing that, because if we don’t, we’re never going to be able to execute our little plans.  Of course, they have executed them brilliantly and with near totality.  All this stuff that you and I are talking about has just been totally erased from the public mind, even though it’s out there.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  This is what my friend David Simpson would call a — you have to have an obedience to a higher authority.  Natural law can only exist if there is supernatural law.  No law can be valid, as you said, unless it is in order with the higher law that has been handed down.  This is one of the things that men knew.  We knew this.  All the way up to the progressives, we said: We’ve got to stop them from knowing that, because if we don’t, we’re never going to be able to execute our little plans.  Of course, they have executed them brilliantly and with near totality.  All this stuff that you and I are talking about has just been totally erased from the public mind, even though it’s out there.  Obviously you found it and you’re actually able to put it in a book and in book form that you can read, In God We Trusted.

By the bye, folks, for those of you that think, [mocking] “Come on, Mike, get back to bashing Obama.  None of that matters today.”  Yes, it does.  The problems that we experience – where do you think corruption comes from?  When I say that we live in a sewer, that our government exists in a sewer that is filled with and rife with corruption, what is it that’s corrupt?  They have corrupted what?

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Jeff Wallace:  The people.

Mike:  Yes.  The people have also been corrupted so we elect corrupt representatives.  What have they corrupted?  They have corrupted the Word.  They have corrupted our once semi-glorious culture that did believe in the concept of subsidiarity.  I call it republicanism.  It’s the same thing.  You deal with things in your parish.  Well, you deal with it in your family.  Then you go to your parish, then to your city, then to your county.  Out of desperation you might go to your state.  If you’re really, really double secret probation desperate and God has not fixed this problem, then you might have to go to the union of states and say: Look, this is a really big problem; we need to fix it.

The concept of subsidiarity, which used to be taught as part of theological teaching, folks, this is republicanism.  When Jeff and I have Refounding Father Society meetings, when we say we’re talking about republicanism, we’re actually talking about subsidiarity.  We’re talking about how we want the problems to be dealt with by the people that are most affected by them.  Of course, in dealing with them, you want the people that are dealing with them to be men of high order, virtue — which is another word that’s almost gone from the English language.  We use it but we use it improperly, men of virtue and men that are pursuing and trying to be in a graceful state or in a state of grace.  This is how good law is made.  Any other Liberty the God that Failed smallway to make it — that’s why Chris Ferrara writes the book Liberty, the God that Failed.  That’s his point. Without obedience to a higher authority, man cannot divine a way through this.  You can’t figure out a way through this.  James Madison even says this, doesn’t he, Jeff?  Men are what?  They’re corruptible.  The Constitution takes into account corruptibility, or it’s supposed to.

Wallace:  Right.  That’s why we have the multi-tiered checks and balances, to stop corruption or immorality or licentiousness or whatever as soon as possible.  We get republican government from Exodus 18:21 where it says: Choose your rulers for five, tens, hundreds and thousands.  We do that because we have city, county, state, local and federal governments.  They all have different responsibilities.  I don’t like the word power because it’s responsibilities of governorship.  It’s not rulership; it’s governorship.  We still do that today.  The second half of that verse of scripture says: “Choose Godly men who will rule in the fear of the Lord.”  All 13 original state constitutions, which are symbolized on our great seal, on that pyramid, every one of those, a requirement for office, you had to ascribe, in one form or another, the authority of the scriptures was your only rule for life.

Mike:  In God We Trusted is the book.  As I said, paperback copies are available in the Founders Tradin’ Post signed by Jeff Wallace, the author.  We forget that before we were Americans, as Jeff pointed out, we were Brits.  And before we were Brits, we were Romans.  Before we were Romans, we were Egyptians.  Let me just counsel you on one thing here.  I’m sure Jeff could talk about this maybe to a great length.  One of the great teachers of the era of the founders actually signed the Constitution, the great Reverend John Witherspoon.  Witherspoon is without equal in his knowledge of what Jeff was talking about, about the laws of Blackstone.

Witherspoon tutored a young man at the tender age of 14, or arrived at Princeton University, who went by the name of little Jimmy Madison.  John Witherspoon, Reverend Witherspoon was Madison’s instructor.  Not only did he instruct Madison, but he instructed Hamilton for a while, too.  He instructed William Patterson.  Any of the young men in New Jersey and New York that went to Princeton University were instructed by the Reverend Witherspoon.  You’ve got to read Witherspoon’s plea for a declaration of independence that he delivered from a pulpit just prior to going to vote on behalf of his — Witherspoon came from Connecticut, didn’t he?  Did he sign for New Jersey or did he sign for Connecticut?

Wallace:  I don’t know off the top of my head.

Mike:  Anyway, for those who say, [mocking] “Yeah, but that was then and this is now,” no, John Witherspoon, like John Dickinson — I told the story of Dickinson earlier.  Dickinson was a Quaker.  There’s no one more devout to rules, especially scriptural rules — I’m not a Quaker, so I don’t know all about them — than Quakers.  As you know, they won’t use certain modern contrivances today.  Dickinson and Witherspoon were titans among men.  You also had the American Cicero, as Brad Birzer calls him, Charles Carroll of Carrollton.  Charles Carroll was shipped off at a young age by his father.  He was a bastard.  The elder Carroll wanted to make up for making the son a bastard, so he sent him off to study at a seminary in France.  He studied under the Jesuits.  He received doctoral degrees from the Jesuits.  He spoke fluent Greek, fluent Latin, was a lawyer.  He came back to the United States and was forbidden by Maryland law from being a legislator because they had a law against Catholics.

Now, as soon as they heard Charles Carroll of Carrollton speak against the proclamations that were issued by the Maryland governor, that there weren’t going to be any, what they called patriot assemblies, committees of correspondence, as soon as Carroll began to speak, they dropped that law very quickly and made Charles Carroll of Carrollton a legislator.  I’ve just give you three titans of the founding era: Witherspoon, Dickinson, and Carroll of Carrollton, one a Jesuit, two that were denominational.  All three of those men spent the rest of their lives in service and devotion of their respective states and the United States and all as devout men of faith, never wavered a moment.


Wallace:  One of the most astounding things that I found about Charles Carroll was he couldn’t hold office in Maryland but they got around that law.  They said: We can send him to the Continental Congress to represent us because there’s no rules or laws about that requirement.  He was writing anonymously in the newspapers under a pseudonym.

Mike:  They all did.

Wallace:  Once they found out who he was, they were like: Oh, man, this guy is a constitutional genius.  Too bad we can’t make him governor, but we can send him to represent us in the Continental Congress.

Mike:  By the way, Witherspoon signed on behalf of New Jersey.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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