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Jefferson’s Creator Should Have Endowed Us With DUTIES Before Rights

todayApril 28, 2015 5

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    Jefferson’s Creator Should Have Endowed Us With DUTIES Before Rights AbbyMcGinnis

Click to order Mike's Road to Independence-The Movie, Starring a young Thomas Jefferson
Click to order Mike Church’s groundbreaking DVD Movie “The Road to Independence” Featuring Thomas Jefferson & John Adams & Save BIG until Independence Day AND score a free republican bumper sticker and pocket Constitution!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript Change that sentence from the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self evident” and all the rest of history that follows it is altered.  No one will be running around quoting about your duty to have an abortion.  No one will be running around and talking about your duty to free speech.  No one will be running around talking about your duty to this, your duty to that.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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    Jefferson’s Creator Should Have Endowed Us With DUTIES Before Rights AbbyMcGinnis

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    Jefferson’s Creator Should Have Endowed Us With DUTIES Before Rights AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Ponder that sentence.  Contemplate if that sentence had been written, instead of whatever Jefferson was, deist, atheist, Buddhist, whatever he was, had been written by John Witherspoon perhaps.  You want to really be shocked?  If that sentence had been written by Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the only Catholic who attended the Continental Congress and affixed his signature to the Declaration of Independence.  It would have been written differently.  You don’t get rights first.  You have duties.  Your duty is to God.  You have duties, and then after you’ve done your duties – kind of like you tell your kids, [mocking] “I have the right to go outside.”  Not until you do your

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duty of taking the trash out you don’t.

Caller:  That’s good.  I learn a lot from you.  You’re a great guy.  I appreciate all your research and time you spend to do what you do.

Mike:  I actually can’t take credit from that.  That’s Brother Francis there who planted that germ in my head.  Change that sentence and all the rest of history that follows it is altered.  No one will be running around quoting about your duty to have an abortion.  No one will be running around and talking about your duty to free speech.  No one will be running around talking about your duty to this, your duty to that.  That’s drudgery.  That’s work.  That requires my obedience.  That requires faith.  Change the sentence, one sentence that’s repeated over and over and over a couple trillion times.  It probably was repeated while I was mouthing it: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights . . . .  Put rights at the end of the stanza, replace rights with certain duties owed to that Creator.  Follow it up with a commandment or ten, and then talk about liberties.  But because it’s in that order, that sentence is the go-to sentence.

Pauline Maier, the great historian, called it American scripture.  Place the Gospel of St. John, place the Gospel of St. Mark, place the Gospel of St. Matthew or St. Luke.  That’s the scripture.  Most Americans place above actual scripture, actual gospel.  I go one step farther than Pauline Maier.  I’d say that’s American gospel not scripture.  In any event, maybe I’ll rewrite the paragraph as it perhaps should have been written.  I’m not saying that’s not prosaic because it is, and melodic because it is.  But because it does not have the limiting – because it ignores and disregards the proper order of laws: God’s law, eternal law, man’s law – man’s law is subject to God’s law. [/private]

As a matter of fact, you could just imagine – because the French were running around quoting this when they were writing their little document that was so fancied by Jefferson and Thomas Paine called “Rights of Man.”  What did the “Rights of Man” lead to?  It led to the French Revolution lead.  What did the French Revolution lead to?  It led to the Great Terrors.  What did the Great Terrors lead to?  As we learned yesterday, when it came to the people of the Vendee, about a quarter million deaths via genocide from French republicans.  That’s what they called themselves, unfortunately.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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