
Jindal Has Trumpzilla Figured Out – Why Doesn’t Bubba Gump?

todaySeptember 21, 2015 4



See James Madison in action, helping to write & ratify the Constitution in Mike Church's "Spirit of '76"
See James Madison in action, helping to write & ratify the Constitution in Mike Church’s “Spirit of ’76”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’m reading the closed captioning and Governor Jindal is saying — I think he’s saying, if they’re translating that correctly for the closed captioning — he’s saying that Trump is a circus act, something about: We got to end this.  Jindal says: This is not summer.  It’s not fun anymore.  The fun has worn off.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  One of the Fox News hosts last night, Gretchen, was asked by Gretchen last night: Do you want to take any of that back?  I don’t know if we have any of the digital media files or not.  He was asked that question — I’m sorry, I said Gretchen, Greta Van Susteren.  He was asked that question and he said: I was speaking in my capacity as an entertainer.  Wait a minute.  You’re running for president, dude.  You’re out of the entertainment business, I thought.  He said: I’m speaking in my capacity as an entertainer not a presidential candidate.  No, you were asked a question as — the reason you were asked the question is because you are a presidential candidate.  Logic 101.  Why were you asked the question?  Because, A, you used to host The Apprentice on NBC, or B, because you’re running for the Presidency?  The answer is B.  You weren’t asked the question as an entertainer.  I just marvel at this.  His poll numbers will probably go up because there are probably a bunch of ‘Muricans out there going, [mocking] “I don’t like the way Carly Fiorina looks either.  He’s right about that, too.”  These are such great qualifications to have as the leader of the free planet. [/private]

I’m reading the closed captioning and Governor Jindal is saying — I think he’s saying, if they’re translating that correctly for the closed captioning — he’s saying that Trump is a circus act, something about: We got to end this.  Jindal says: This is not summer.  It’s not fun anymore.  The fun has worn off.  There are some serious problems we have to tackle here.  Enough of the circus act.  What most — I actually had a beaming moment as a citizen of Louisiana.  I had a beaming moment when Trump says that he likes to read the Bible.  Okay, tell us what book.  Then he followed that up with he can’t tell us what book because he hasn’t read the Bible because he’s not in it.  I asked Paul to pull the clip and I think we have the clip in question.

Paul:  Yes, this is where he’s — I have the clip where he’s talking about exactly what you’re referencing.  That’s the ultimate punchline, how he’s not in the New Testament.

Mike:  I looked in the Old Testament.  I’m looking in my Douay-Rheims Bible right now and I don’t see Book of Donald.  It’s probably there.  It’s one of those gospels that the ancient alien crowd claims, the History Channel claims, or the Un-History Channel, the Ahistory Channel — remember, put A before any word and that means opposite or it’s not.  The Ahistory Channel claims it was cut out because it reveals the truth.

I bring this to you and we’ll listen to this together to go back to the point that I started yesterday’s program with, and that is these things that we see around us, these events, the candidacy of Trump, a culture that is now ordering young women to slut it up, basically demanding, ordering that coeds are not slutty enough, as if they aren’t.  You need to slut it up some more.  This is a college.  What, do you think you came here to learn?  Ha!  A culture that can accept what’s going on behind the walls of Planned Parenthood clinics all across the amber waves of mutilated baby body parts.

Whether we like it or not — Senator Michael Lee pointed this out on the floor of the US Senate on Wednesday — Planned Parenthood has not stopped dissecting babies, live babies.  They haven’t stopped pulling them out whole.  They haven’t stopped ripping them apart in their mother’s wombs.  Women haven’t stopped going in there asking for their babies to be ripped apart limb by limb, boiled in oil, or whatever the martyrdom is that the child must face.  You’ve got a temporary black eye, you see.  Temporarily ‘Muricans were upset about it.  But at the end of the day they continue.

It’s going to be a fight, as you heard yesterday, Jeanne Mancini, the leader of March for Life.  When I asked her whether or not the bloom had fallen off the defund Planned Parenthood rose, for obvious reasons, she said: Mike, I hope you’re wrong, and I think that you may be because there are still plenty of people that are agitated about this.  Being agitated about it and actually doing something about it are two very different things.  I’m agitated about it, but, like you, I have to ask myself every day, beyond praying for those little souls, beyond praying for those women to not go through with the act, beyond praying for the doctors that are practicing this to look in the mirror or look at a videotape of what it is they’re doing and to stop it, what is there to be done?

These things are all happening in America.  They’re not happening in Syria.  They may be, but not that we know of.  They’re not happening in pinko commie Russia.  They’re not happening in Red China.  Again, they may be, but that’s not what we’re concerned of today.  We should be concerned of it, but it’s not what we’re concerned of today.  They’re happening here.  It is my position that they’re happening here because ‘Muricans want them to happen here.

We’re about ready to get into a, let’s call it a campaign season, where allegedly the leader of the free planet is to be chosen from amongst the ‘Murican people.  Yet what we have for a campaign is an embarrassing joke.   In one party we have, as Governor Jindal describes it, a circus act.  It’s a very loud, very entertaining circus act, as far as panem et circenses goes, Latin for bread and circuses.  It’s great entertainment.  On the other side, you have a serial federal law recidivist, namely Mrs. Clinton.  I was also subjected to ear torture this morning listening to a stump speech that Hillary gave yesterday.  I hate to tell you people that I will leave you but I will.  If Mrs. Clinton is elected, my fate is sealed.  Papa Stronsay Island, northeast coast of Scotland, Father Michael Mary will have a new seminarian.  I’ll be like the preacher in Blazing Saddles.  You can do what you want but I’m leaving.  Just for a moment though, here’s Governor Jindal providing some clarity, saying something that I think is actually pretty bold and makes a lot of sense, and is entertaining and has a punch line at the end of it.

[start audio file]

Governor Jindal: The only problem he’s got with DC today, he has no problem with big, top-down . . . that he’s not the one running it today. Donald Trump is not against big government, he’s just against the folks that happen to be running it. Donald Trump is for Donald Trump. He believes in nothing other than himself. Look, he’s not a liberal, he’s not a moderate, he’s not a conservative. He’s not a Democrat, he’s not a Republican, he’s not an Independent. Donald Trump is for Donald Trump. He’s not for anything, he’s not against anything, issues don’t mean anything to him. Policies and ideals, they’re not important to him. He is for Donald. Donald Trump is a narcissist and he’s an egomaniac. That may sound like a serious charge to make. It is something that everybody knows to be true. He knows it, too. He celebrates it. He says Kanye West is great. Why is Kanye West great? Because Kanye West likes Trump, therefore Kanye West is great. [/private]

[end audio file]

The newly available, Founding Father Films, Audio CD-Trilogy Set. Over 9 hours of American History, Family Friendly entertainment at one low price.
The newly available, Founding Father Films, Audio CD-Trilogy Set. Over 9 hours of American History, Family Friendly entertainment at one low price.

Mike:  If you go to and you type in the search box at the top right-hand corner of the page, one of the pieces I wrote for The Daily Caller last week, just type in Kanye West.  You will see the essay that I wrote last year about that alleged entertainer.  He’s not great.  He’s a blaspheming and rude and obnoxious fool.  He’s at the top of his game.  He’s making tens of millions of dollars off of it.  Why?  Because ‘Muricans like it, that’s why.  Jindal should finish the thought when it comes to Kanye West.

[start audio file]

. . . narcissist. Like all narcissists, Donald Trump is insecure and weak. He’s afraid of being exposed. That’s why he tells us always and constantly how big and strong and wealthy he is. Look, we’ve all met people like Donald Trump who continue to tell us how insignificant everybody else is. We know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful they are . . .

[end audio file]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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