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JoeBob on November 5, 2014 Levin’s sucking up to the tyrant Lincoln makes a true patriot want to puke. Apparently his dad wrote a book idolizing the great corporate bag man Log in to Reply
KrisAnne Hall on August 16, 2014 This is awesome. As a trained advocate Levin ought to be ashamed of himself. But as an attorney I am quick to recognize when someone is so insecure in their position that they have to resort to name calling, they have admitted your argument is superior and they have no reasoned response. I particularly laughed at the part where Levin criticized for blocking comments! What a hypocrite! I am a Constitutional attorney who writes on original intent. I’ve made one post in my life on Levin’s Facebook page regarding Art. V and Nullification. My post was down in less than 3 minutes and I was blocked from all further commenting. I didn’t use any language that Levin is so fond of. Thank you for being professional, reasoned, and respectful in your argument. I wonder if Levin worshippers realize that when he speaks like that he is not being disrespectful to his “opponent,” he is being disrespectful to THEM. No worries. Truth will prevail. Light will be shined. Only those steeped in lies, and living in the dark respond violently to their appearance. Liberty First! Log in to Reply
jwopic on December 30, 2013 I have noticed also his very highly expressed views of another book deal on “The Liberty Amendments”. Mr. Levin is no authoritarian on this subject but, he is trying. I must admit he probably listens to you Mike and justifies it as his own. Just saying. I used to listen to him and found his ego just a little obnoxious. But then again what would I know being a little leaguer. Just keep doing what you do Mike and maybe just maybe he will come off that loft from which perches and will join the “little r” circuit. Log in to Reply
edgycater on December 11, 2013 I just ran across this post again while reading some other content. It is funny that lately Mr. Levin seems to have adopted must of what Mike Church has talked about for years. His book “The Liberty Amendments” (especially the parts about the Article V convention) appears to be from the viewpoint of a Mike Church devotee. Of course, he will never admit that he may have been wrong about some things and that a “minor leaguer” like Mike Church was right. Actually, I am a fan of Levin as a writer. I’ve agreed with most of the content of his books. I diverge when it comes to the cult of personality (his Lincoln worship, reverence for Teddy Roosevelt and even for Reagan t0 the point where nothing the man did can be questioned) and his allegiance to certain government institutions as sacro-sanct (the military, for example, is not capable of wasting money and making poor decisions in Levin’s world). I am a member of the Mike Church page on Facebook and was, at that time, a member of the Mark Levin Show page. When I defended Church from the uncritical lemmings on that message board, I was removed from the Facebook group. It was truly funny as Levin was in the midst of accusing the Mike Church page of not allowing dissent. I truly think Levin has emerged from the shadows and actually does take on the GOP establishment quite often. It is a shame his ego makes it hard for him to acknowledge the wisdom in the words and writings of those who he deems as inferior EVEN when they are largely in agreement on certain principles. The desire to be “right” causes him to lash out viciously at folks who need not be enemies. Ironically, his tactics and presentation are too often like the MSNBC troglodytes he criticizes. Log in to Reply
Dan Sullivan on July 10, 2013 Mike, Illegitimi non carborundum!! Methinks he doth protest too much…what a fraud! You’re the indispensable voice, keep up the great work! Ex fide fortis, Dan Sullivan Log in to Reply
elizabeth on June 6, 2013 Great stuff from the King Dude. Levin always sinks to nastiness. I don’t understand why Levin has such a large audience other than the “cramdown” method of distributing his show. Thankfully we have Church and some others who are trying to deprogram anyone who will listen from the cult of Lincoln, revisionist history, and neoconservatism in general. We can’t change the “minds” of the Levins of this world but we can wake up a few along the way. Log in to Reply
Jlneel on April 25, 2013 Your rebuttal to Mr Levin was well thought out, concise, excellent, and elegant. But then I have come to expect no less from you in the few years since I have discovered your broadcast. I have always wondered why Mr Levin, and others, (Mr. Beck, and Mr. O’Reilly) have had such disdain for Mr. Ron Paul. I also, can not figure out why they thought Lincoln was such a great man and President. After all he (Mr. Levin) is far more learned than I. I have only been studying American history for about 5 years now, and have had to change many of my opinions, and beliefs when presented with the historical records. Why is it that the [R]epublicans/Neocons cannot? Having purchased, and read many of Mr. Levin’s books it never ceases to amaze me how hateful he is on his show. He will not debate or carry on a civil conversation with anyone who seems to exhibit the [r]epublican philosophy, only those who are in lock-step with his views, and opinions. You, on the other hand, Mr. Church consistently entertain others that have opposing views in a respectful congenial manner. At least as long as they treat you with the same respect. This is one of the many reasons I have come to appreciate you and your show so much. Keep up the outstanding work. God bless you and your family. Very Best Regards, John L. Neel Log in to Reply
Jason Bienia on March 11, 2013 Mike, I’m sorry that you and I have to deal with that type of support in our effort to save our country. I feel more sorry for myself and the others who are not as knowledgeable as you, and are less able to stand up to the decepticons who are not helping us, but are diluting our efforts. Thanks for inpiring me to learn more for myself about these life altering issues so that I can be better equipped to inspire those with less closed minds who are looking to restore our proper union. sincerly, Jason from NC, “r”epublican Log in to Reply
Billiam on March 9, 2013 Damn. I’ve read some of Levin’s books, and tend to agree with him on many matters. But in this, he comes across as petty, elitist, and, heaven help us, intolerant. For shame, mr. Levin. Log in to Reply
TerriLPN on March 9, 2013 Mike, Never could get the Likes of Rush and Mark Levin..Now that the Plank has been removed from my eyes..I do quite understand, why. You Know Our History, and This is what it is about, The history of why America came to be, Our Founders, Our Independence, Our Constitution. Thank You, you are a great historian. I must listen daily, gaining much more knowledge and wisdom from you than a whole list of others!! Thank You!! God Bless!! Log in to Reply
so cheney on March 8, 2013 I’m incredibly disappointed in Mark Levin’s condescending tone. I thought he was better than this. Mike, way to conduct yourself as a gentleman in the face of this elitist boor. As for me? I will continue to tune in to Sirius channel 125 from 6 to 9. Ante Meridian only. So cheney Log in to Reply
PhilPhil on March 8, 2013 Like McCain and Graham, when these big tent Republicans get backed in to a corner, they get nasty. Log in to Reply
MrWilson on March 8, 2013 Wow, claiming that more sheep flock to him than men to you Mike is quite funny! Log in to Reply
Michael K. Wilcox on March 8, 2013 Mr. Levin shows his elitism once again, as well as his lack of ability to gentlemanly discuss issues. As per usual, he resorts to personal attacks. This elitism is a shield use in an attempt to hide is lack of intellectual honesty. As for his comment on cowardice, making unhinged comments and personal attacks on Facebook, in lieu of an on air or face to face debate is true cowardice. If Mr. Levin were so convinced of his intellectual and historic superiority, he would take Mr. Church’s offer for a real debate, however, I have no doubt he will ever have the courage to do so. Log in to Reply
Dave on March 8, 2013 Mike, Enjoy listening to you everyday as I begin work to see a large portion of my earnings taken away by the government. You give me hope that there are still patriots out there that believe in Freedom. My wife and I are avid Ron Paul supporters. I’ve listened to Mark Levin and have even called into his show – he reminds me so much of the Lyndsey Graham’s and McCain’s. If he’s in the big leagues how come all of his advertisers are and Goldline? For his “millions” of listeners – he really can’t get the major league advertisers. Keep up the good work. You, Webb and Wilcow are awesome! Log in to Reply
Norm Bellerive on March 8, 2013 It appears to me that the big R-epublicans are having a tough time accepting that their self-destruction is nearly complete, and choices about the future lie in the acceptance of the current progressivism or a return to (r)republican ideals. It is inspiring to see young people espousing the latter, and blowhards like ML wouldn’t know a conservative if one came up and smacked him in the face. Keep up the good fight king dude! I find that when guys like you and Rand speak, school is “in session”. Log in to Reply
Jeff Lewis on March 7, 2013 Why now Mike? Disappointed in The Great One’s comments. I enjoy listening to him, but I do find him a lil’ touchy, all to often unwilling to acknowledge anything if it’s not agreeable with his Reaganite doctrine. He does have a yankee elitist mentality. Learned much from listening to both of you! Liked your response. Classic gentleman. I think it would do him good to get a founders pass subscription, or get any of your many great productions. Yours In Liberty, JLL Log in to Reply
Mickey Ellison on March 7, 2013 Thanks for posting. The difference between us, r and R republicans becomes more obvious every day Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757