
Libs Have Power Because Conservative Libs Gave It To Them

todayMay 13, 2014 5


Conservative Liberals Having Paved The Way For The Left

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Order the New republican T-shirt and show your SPARTA republicanism! Sizes MD-4X

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “If you want to go on a mission and go build houses in Mexico with your money and your time, please, by all means, do your Christian charity and go do it.  If you want to go do like Gerard Butler in Machine Gun Preacher and you want to put your own little mercenary army together and raise the funds to support it and go into the Sudan and try to rescue Christian children who are going to be killed by marauding Muslims, by all means, go and do it.  But the idea that we ought to have our government do it, under what pretense, under what exercise of a constitutional authority?”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  William is in Pennsylvania.  Hello, William, how you doing?

Caller William:  Good morning, Mike, how are you?

Mike:  Well, I was doing just hunky dory fine.

Caller William:  The reason I call was you talked about misappropriation of funds from the so-called “taxpayers.”  How about the fact that they’re talking about Benghazi?  We had four Americans killed, yet the Dumbocrats did nothing.  Now they want to sit there and rectify that situation.  However, we have an American soldier with postpartum depression, I believe it is, who drives into Mexico, loses his bearings.  He’s stuck down there and we do nothing.  Yet another country, Nigeria, has 300 people, which is a tragedy, I understand, 300 people that get abducted by their people and they’re not even doing anything about it themselves, yet you want to go in there and misappropriate more of our so-called tax dollars.  It just doesn’t make sense to me.

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Mike:  Because we can send troops and send special ops into Nigeria and rescue these girls, or send tens of millions of dollars in aid to fund mercenaries to go in there and do it.  These 300 girls are the daughters of American citizens then, right?

Caller William:  I don’t know.  That’s why I’m asking.

Mike:  No, they’re not the daughters of American citizens.  They’re daughters of Nigerians.

Nigerian_lost_girlsCaller William:  I know that.  That’s what I figured.  I’m trying to figure out is this like we can’t help Ukraine because they’re more powerful but we know that we can take these little Nigerian warlords over because they’re an easy target?  It doesn’t make sense.  Misappropriation of funds, there’s a blatant result right there.

Mike:  If you’re asking me for the upshot of this, and it doesn’t sound like you are, but I’m going to give it to you anyway, the misappropriation of funds occurs any time a penny is put in an envelope and sent to a foreign consulate.  We do not owe, unless there’s a treaty that says we owe, we don’t owe any of these people yearly transfers of wealth stolen from the American citizenry, stolen from the American subjects — here’s the worst part — stolen from American subjects’ children’s future earnings.  We’re under no compulsion to send money to the Ukraine.  You know what really upsets me about some of you people and the way most of decepticonia works? You’ve actually convinced yourself that somehow the United States formed a union so we can be the world’s largest charity, so that we could become the world’s largest food bank.  What in the hell is wrong with people?

If you want to go on a mission and go build houses in Mexico with your money and your time, please, by all means, do your Christian charity and go do it.  If you want to go do like Gerard Butler in Machine Gun Preacher and you want to put your own little mercenary army together and raise the funds to support it and go into the Sudan and try to rescue Christian children who are going to be killed by marauding Muslims, by all means, go and do it.  But the idea that we ought to have our government do it, under what pretense, under what exercise of a constitutional authority?  Where does the Congress of the United States gain the authority to tax me so that my wealth could be stolen from me at the point of the IRS’s gun or the point of the FDA’s or FCC’s guns, and then laundered through the Mordor machine and then sent to mercenaries in Nigeria?  Does this make any sense to anyone?

Eric:  What’s easier, going around and asking people to donate money so that we can help out the missing Nigerian girls, or is it easier to just get a bunch of people to call one lawmaker and get them to appropriate some funds?

Mike:  Again, under what enumerated power are you appropriating funds?  In other words —

Eric:  The “stop bothering me” clause?

Mike:  It’s the “good and plenty” clause, but [mocking] “We’ve got a runaway spending trend.  It’s all the Democrats’ fault.”   Yeah, sure it’s all the Democrats’ fault.  It’s not the Democrats that want to send the money over to the Nigerians.  It’s not Democrats that want to send money to Ukrainian madmen who will probably turn out to be enemies of ours if we continue on our current bellicose foreign policy.  It’s not the Democrats that deposed or assisted in the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, which is the cardinal, principal sin, the original sin that caused Benghazi.  Yet you people, you refuse to confront this.  You won’t confront it.  You know why?  Because you like it.  You like it.  You like seeing those giant ships with all those guns on them.  You like knowing that we’ve got those planes that can bomb anyone on earth back into the stone ages.  You revel in the fact that we can nuke countries off the face of the planet.  Oh, what a great, humanitarian people we are.  [mocking] “If you don’t do what we say, we’ll annihilate you!”  Wow, greatest country in the history of the world, you bet it is.

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Some of you people need to take some chill pills.  Of course, you’re not going to because there are tens of millions of people to counteract my lone voice on this island out here called humility, called humble foreign policy, called we only have a union to execute certain powers that the people in the states cannot execute for themselves.  Sending money to aid and assist foreigners is not one of them.  Of course, we could list the rest of them, but no one really wants to talk about this.  In short, it’s like H.L. Mencken wrote in the 1920s.  The American people vote for the government they want, and they ought to get that government and they ought to get it hard.


I don’t want to hear anyone bitching and complaining about money being sent to Nigeria.  Do I oppose it?  Yes, I do.  But to tell you the truth, I’m really tired of the never-ending effort to try to talk sense into people that it is their own action and their own endorsement of American hegemony and of American bully powers that makes that dispensation to the Nigerians and to the Ukrainians — it doesn’t make it possible, it makes it almost necessary.  It’s almost like the rest of the world is sitting out there going, [mocking] “Well, when do we get our check?”  Just like the American sheeple are sitting out there by their mailboxes going, [mocking] “Well, when do I get my check?”  You’ve got a bunch of Ukrainians sitting around going, [mocking] “Well, when do we get our check?”  And you wonder why $212 in the hole.  You wonder why debt limits have to be increased.  You wonder why the establishment will never surrender what it has.  You wonder how they’ve acquired the power.  Because you gave it to them!  Not only did you give it to them, you continue to tell them that you want them to abuse it.  Congratulations, fake conservatives.  Nice job.  [mocking] “Why aren’t you hard on the libs like that?”  Because they’re already vilified enough.  Are they complicit in it?  Yes, they are.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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