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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Hey Folks, welcome to the live chat, hosted by Sirius XM’s Mike Church, providing live commentary & analysis Tonight during State of the Union Address, the DeceptiCON & Tea Party responses!
NEW!!! Please sample our latest contributions to the Founding Father Films catalogue of dramatized American History: Project ’76. FINALLY someone-us-has taken the initiative to bring to licfe significant works from the Founding Era all the way up to 1865. Not only do you get Mike’s narrative and the source documents you rely on to slay misinformed Liberal and DeceptiCONS alike but now you can LISTEN to those works, dramatized and directed by Mike Church. You can even download Project ’76 “Webisodes” to any digital device and take them with you as .mp3’s!
Project’76 Webisode – The Founders Knew The Constitution Needed Amending in 1801 & Did Nothing About It
Project ’76 Webisode: Thomas Jefferson Explains [r]epublicansim
Project ’76 Webisode: Patrick Henry to Archibald Blair-We Must Preserve Our
Faith & Virtues
Use it to take a WHOPPING 15% OFF most purchases tonight
If you’re not a Founder’s Pass member you can create a free one day only account the day of the chat to join and browse through what you would get as a full member. Don’t miss tonight’s LIVE chat with Mike Church durin State of The Union!
We suggest logging in with a Twitter account to chat during tonight’s State of The Union coverage. You can use Facebook as well but it uses up more screen space.
Written by: ClintStroman
PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Social media was full of men pretending to be mothers. These groomers shared pictures of their families, and created posts that celebrated their motherhood. Mike Parrott has a few examples of how these […]
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Alan Bennett on February 12, 2013
Ohhhh all the goodies, and it wont cost one red cent
Chiludo on February 12, 2013
“usurper in cheat ” how about equipping our people withn guns??
Mark Hayes on February 12, 2013
So Obama is for a flat tax?
Tom Cherry on February 12, 2013
Here’s hoping His Highness will at least address that important issue of horsemeat in the lasagne!
Joey on February 12, 2013
but I like horsemeat….
joe michel on February 12, 2013
Hello fellow little r’s
eric9dodge on November 6, 2012
I use an iPad and can’t seem to get to the chat…. system issue or operator error?
Sid Wells on November 6, 2012
I l iterally believe I’m about to throw up. If this is what it has come to I no longer want to be a part of it.
Minoritywhiteguy on November 6, 2012
Mike – please start educating us, your listeners, on all the things we need to consider when seceding. Not just the currency and where the capitol will sit (for groups of states), but also for what happens to the seceding states’ portion of the current US federal debt…
Bill on November 6, 2012
Live stream Mike Church show
John Vineyard on November 6, 2012
Howdy patriots
Dallon on November 6, 2012
Not being from a swing state (Wyoming), I used the out of town excuse not to vote this cycle. My wife is a Democrat, I’m a (r)epublican. We almost divorced four years ago. But that is the excuse. The reason us this. I can not support either candidate. Hopefully a new party will arrive, the citizens will come to their senses, or the GOP will come to their senses before the next election.
jaycue on November 6, 2012
IMO, both fellows will expand government, for different albeit un-constitutional causes. Romney has more war in store: Israel’s nuclear weapons don’t seem to count. Obama will feel mandated to execute his health care plan, damn the costs and who might pay them. Either way, we lose more freedom…
Dallon on November 6, 2012
Couldn’t find your chat, mike. Hope it was great. Fill me in at the start of your XM radio program.
Tom on November 6, 2012
Easy time today to vote no for more state charter schools. It takes away local control to approve or disapprove of charter schools. Take away local control is not a little r idea.
stateofgeorgiateaparty on November 6, 2012
SOGTP = Bill Evelyn is here. Whassup homeys?
kaythd67 on October 22, 2012
Great chat… terrible debate… so sad for the Constitution & Freedom. Thank you for all you do ~ always the leader in teaching us about out Founding & what the intent of our Founders was.Love your movies and audios & wear your T-shirts all the time ~ Greatly appreciated 🙂
Darren Kenny on October 22, 2012
Greatest threat facing America ? Our own Gvmnt !! “Terrorist networks” abroad, which reqiured the Nat. Defense Auth. Act @ home allowing for the use of drones w/in the contigous USA, warentless search & seizures, unlawfull arrests, indefinite detaimnent, no bail, U know routine stuff to ensure that we’re all safe, right? on October 22, 2012
Gee! Romney has a bigger flag pin than der Feuhrer.
dottiem on October 22, 2012
Of course Small Business is at a standstill…. we are scared of what is going to happen if O gets re-elected!!!Oh and hire another 100K of teachers …..###&%%^*&….. who will pay for them after the almighty Fed Gov leaves them in the states!!!!!
THX1138 on October 22, 2012
Hello, All –
How are you enjoying the debate? Sure would have been nice to have some 3rd party candidates.
Scott Messina on October 22, 2012
I guess the live chat is not supported on an iPad. There is no chat bar at the bottom or the top of the page.
steve harvey on October 22, 2012
Mike, Your chat does not work with Chrome or Firefox. You should make a not on your page.
TheKingDude on October 23, 2012
I use Chrome and it works like a charm.
steve harvey on October 22, 2012
Really this has to be the hardest chat to get into I have ever seen. It shouldn’t be that hard, for the love of Dudes name wth
TheKingDude on October 23, 2012
Please explain why it was so hard so we can improve it. Thanks
CDFagan on October 16, 2012
Dear Readers,
I am perplexed (interpreted as amazed for some) that the future of these United States of America (interpreted as AMERICA for most of us except TKD) will be decided by either those “challenged” voters (interpreted as independent), handout voters (interpreted as the 47 percenters(democrats)) or those holding to their “moral” values (interpreted as independent or libertarian or Ron Paul voters). Go ahead, vote “your conscience”. We will get what America (interpreted as the(se) U.S. of A. or WE) deserve. I honestly believe that some in the political pundit media (TKD) consider an Obama victory the best thing that could happen since it would force such amazing hardship that the people will rise up and revolt. I am not so positive that the American people (53%) will rise up and “throw off such government”. These folks (47 %) actually believe (rely) in (on) the nanny state.
TheKingDude on October 17, 2012
I surmise that TKD is abbreviation for “The KingDude” thuis wonder where Mr Fagan collected his crystal ball’s worth of insight? I have never said and have even chastised those who wish for an Obama victory to “hasten the end”. I even quoted Edmund Burke in this endeavor “so long as your country has a pulse the patriot has a duty to breathe life into her.” Fagan appears to be one of the citizens who have determined that “this is the election of our lifetime” or as I call them “Mr/Mrs Election of Our Lifetimers” and thus has self anointed themselves with moral supremacy. What is moral about giving sanction to either 2 major party candidates who pledge on a daily basis to continue the killing of the innocent in foreign lands, torture of the yet to be found guilty and sentencing to debt slavery to the yet to be born?
freeper7 on October 16, 2012
Fox Business News poll: Romney 86%, Obama 14%!
freeper7 on October 16, 2012
Wall to wall lies from the messiah…
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Now Mr. Romney wants a trade war with China???????”
freeper7 on October 16, 2012
Maybe he plans to stop borrowing money from China…
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
I guess the government can train people to run a post office or railways?????????
blakie on October 16, 2012
I’ve tried to get to this chat for nearly an hour… I see nothing else to access/authenticate to once I use my FP login… I cannot watch this mess but certainly would love to use my FP membership to see the commentary… Oh well – there’s other advantages that I know how to reliably use my FP membership… Hope y’all have fun…
devise on October 16, 2012
What was the exact issue Blakie? If you have any issue with your Founders Pass please contact us and we’ll happily sort it out for you.
freeper7 on October 16, 2012
Devise, is Mike here? Am I in the chat room? I feel like I and two others are doing all the chatting…
devise on October 16, 2012
Bottom of the screen Freeper7, there is a chat bar. If you are logged in and unable to see the chat bar send us a support message.
SargeInKaty on October 16, 2012
Spontaneous reaction to video my eye. Seems like Mr. Obama side stepped the issue. I don’t recall any news stations reporting the President to have said that this was an act of terror.
John Vineyard on October 16, 2012
Ow , another uppercut by Romney
Eric Puylara on October 16, 2012
Dang Tomcat server is down, will not let me join chat. BOO!!!
tqueenbee on October 16, 2012
Go Romney Go!! Glad to hear him mention Reagan!!
Robert Silecchio on October 16, 2012
Is any one counting Obama’s lies?
John Vineyard on October 16, 2012
Another big bird reference
John Vineyard on October 16, 2012
Obama is reaching right now
tqueenbee on October 16, 2012
Obama still has that irritating swagger…I can’t believe there are people who buy into his lies about his own record. He is delusional.
sagower on October 16, 2012
When will either one of these guys talk about cutting spending?
frlarryg on October 16, 2012
Obama thinks the answer to pay equity for women is giving women a legal club to wield. Romney thinks the answer is to give women opportunities in a growing economy where employees have the advantage in the hiring game.
Cicero on October 16, 2012
He didn’t just say Big Bird…. Ha ha!
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Mr. Romney sounds like he wants the government to train workers! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
How about lowering tax rates for everyone. Sounds fair to me!
Tim Butler on October 16, 2012
is the King Dude here?
devise on October 16, 2012
He’s here Tim! Gotta sign in and join the chat (bottom of the screen)
Tim Butler on October 16, 2012
less taxes is good
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Romney, wants to raise taxes also, Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhj
Tim Butler on October 16, 2012
Taxes, taxes….how about cutting spending
freeper7 on October 16, 2012
I heard someone today say Obama is a pathological liar. Proof is now on display…
dariaschooler on October 16, 2012
chat overload
Tim Butler on October 16, 2012
they are paying more for gas because the dollar is worth less
Cicero on October 16, 2012
Public lands?
Tim Butler on October 16, 2012
drilling more on public lands…Obama is a joke
Donna Shirk on October 16, 2012
Hi All, Lancaster County, PA here
jeff on February 12, 2013
lancaster county here too Donna! Glad to see another [r} near me!
Jblack17 on October 16, 2012
Obama. No money. NO hope.
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Mr. Romney is bragging about his support for ethanol, Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
Donna Shirk on October 16, 2012
Aleady lame answers WOWgiving businesses relief from all the regulations and get rid of obamacare would’t build confidence in getting jobs
Tim Butler on October 16, 2012
end the epa….drill drill
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Mr. Obama is bragging about his contributions to the coal industry and the oil and gas industry! Ha Ha
Donna Shirk on October 16, 2012
Yeah you should see my PPL electric bill now
Cicero on October 16, 2012
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Mr. Obama, what has been squeezing middle class families has Ben rising taxes,
Don McGee on October 16, 2012
Mr. Obama won’t give up on his bankrupt alternative energy crony companies! He wants to squander more of your children’s future on them!
frlarryg on October 16, 2012
I benefited from a small scholarship as an undergrad, and a teaching assistantship in grad school. I know it’s hard to work your way through college, but I think it’s essential to combine work with study when you’re young.
nrewerts on October 16, 2012
Let the lies begin!
Ken Johnson on October 16, 2012
Never mind thanks anyhow. I figured it out!!!
Ken Johnson on October 16, 2012
I have the one day pass. Can I use firefox or do I need IE?
I do not see the chat bar at the bottom of this page.
Ken Johnson on October 16, 2012
Is this the debate chat ?
Had trouble getting in last time.
devise on October 16, 2012
Check out the bottom of your screen for the chat bar. You must be a founders pass member as well.
freeper7 on October 16, 2012
Ron Paul has assumed the role of Honorary Chairman of Campaign for Liberty. That’s a good thing!
Michael Lemons on October 16, 2012
Saying hi from PA…
welltester on October 16, 2012
Dr. Ron Paul will be on CNBC shortly.
Jennifer Brown on October 16, 2012
“…stand up if you’re still sane. You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can’t bomb it into peace.” (Regards, Mr. Franti). I’m looking forward to foreign policy!
dariaschooler on October 16, 2012
Fired up, ready to go! No beer tonight, doing surgery on a spine patient at 0730 tomorrow morning!
Ann on October 16, 2012
Look forward to debate chat
Nancy Melcher on October 11, 2012
Wait= what
Nancy Melcher on October 11, 2012
Can’t wait to hear wait Mike says about the VP debate in the morning
Nancy Melcher on October 11, 2012
I wish Uncle Joe would quit interrupting
James on October 11, 2012
I can’t watch this it is like 2 on 1 against Ryan and they won’t get Joe the blow hard to shut up long enough to let Ryan speak
robert on October 11, 2012
Still. Who is going to pay the overdraw
David Harmon on October 11, 2012
unions endorse democrats? go figure
robert on October 11, 2012
Nice to see Mr biden is smiling. While his telling His tuths about how well he has ran the country
robert on October 11, 2012
Just remember who was in charge in 2008
Daran on October 11, 2012
All of this intro – why won’t someone just say: shouldn’t have been there!
mike schober on October 11, 2012
Who is “the intelligence community”?
Troy Lizenby on October 11, 2012
“My friend” Bidden says
AnnieOakley379 on October 11, 2012
What word from Biden is tonight’s “do a shot” word? The 3 letter word, “jobs” is too easy…..
fewenuff on October 11, 2012
Ok where is the chat?
terri.chapman on October 11, 2012
Did yoiu find it?
Allen on October 3, 2012
I think Rom killed him. Fig speaking
Daniel Priego on October 3, 2012
Romney was strong tonight but Obama had the edge by telling lie after lie.
Brenda on October 3, 2012
Can anyone describe the pin on Obama’s lapel … it does NOT look like an American flag.
John Livingston on October 3, 2012
Can’t see it either, rory.
Carl Braden on October 3, 2012
Numbers and facts will win this debate. When will we ever get rid of the lesser of two evils choices for canidates?
Brian Barrett on October 3, 2012
anyone home? Mike? Moderator asleep?
Brian Barrett on October 3, 2012
Confederatesteel on October 3, 2012
not seeing it either
Lea Casares on October 3, 2012
Did #Romney just call #Obama “Bro” ???
Gary Thompson on October 3, 2012
I have yet to find the chat button
DrB on October 3, 2012
i think we are the only ones here yours is the first comment since my previous 3
William C. Slatton on October 3, 2012
I’m not seeing much
Lea Casares on October 3, 2012
Starts in 9 min
terri.chapman on October 3, 2012
Obama’s “answers” put me in mind of “Miss South Carolina answers a question” video …
William C. Slatton on October 3, 2012
Lets go.
Rory Martin on October 3, 2012
is anyone else not seeing the chat??
Confederatesteel on October 3, 2012
Obama talks in circles
Cindy on October 3, 2012
You there Mike? I purposefully stayed awake to join this conversation!
samtemporary on October 3, 2012
Here we go again.
Cindy on October 3, 2012
Hello (r)epublicans too!
AnnieOakley379 on October 11, 2012
Hello. 🙂
DrB on October 3, 2012
fed gov training programs article 1 section 11
Confederatesteel on October 3, 2012
Dollars to the states. States rights, please
Liberty37 on October 3, 2012
Why do progressives speak against trickle down/top down business when that is exactly their model? The difference is that they want it to trickle down from the government and we want it to trickle down from the successful private citizens.
Ron Johnson on October 3, 2012
Who is paying for all those teachers? Most public school systems are broke.
Alan High on October 3, 2012
Education….like talking without using a prompter.
His answer basically said more jobs for teachers….and then he lied about everything else.
DrB on October 3, 2012
fed gov causes high college tuition
DrB on October 3, 2012
where in article 2 does it say the prez is in charge of jobs
Jan Leyland on October 3, 2012
Hey everyone.
Alan High on October 3, 2012
Housing?? Roaring car sales? Where? Standard campaign canard.
matt townsend on October 3, 2012
what maroon scheduled a debate for this day? the head maroon gets to blather about that now…
Alan high on October 3, 2012
Jim looks like the apple shrink heads you see at fairs in the fall.
Liberty37 on October 3, 2012
Any chance monetary policy will be discussed?
Liberty37 on October 3, 2012
Hello fellow liberty lovers.
Eric catman on October 3, 2012
Is this the Chat?
paulchjr on October 3, 2012
Hello [r]epublicans
terri.chapman on October 3, 2012
RMoney vs. allOurmoney
Robert Jeffries on October 3, 2012
Please lets talk about the check book. They live like it never going to end. I like the discussion that Mr church had about property. Taxs and why people who don’t pay them should have I vote or say good job
Jeff Ameen on October 3, 2012
I’ve secured my head with enough duct tape to prevent my head from exploding. T-minus 20 minutes til the farce begins. I’d be there taking shots with you Jeff, but I’m already doing shots of ny-quil for my cold.
fewenuff on October 3, 2012
Continuing with the fight night theme. A preliminary bout has Wil, I hate social media, vs Mike Church THE KING DUDE. Just kidding Wil, I understand social media is the biggest business scam going not to mention the threats to liberty and personal OPSEC it represents. What? You like my tin foil hat? I resemble that remark. c-:>
fewenuff on October 3, 2012
Jeff, you had better make that an eye dropper full for each. You’ll probably still only make to 930. Let’s get ready to [rrrrrrrr]umble!
Andrew Rugzie on October 3, 2012
I can’t wait for this. Mike, thank you for doing this!
Adam Kennard on October 3, 2012
Any way to access the chat from my android phone?
Adam Kennard on October 3, 2012
Yes. I’m in church lol.
Adam Kennard on October 3, 2012
If you like to talk facts I feel bad for you son.
Obama’s gonna say a lot of things but the truth ain’t one.
stateofgeorgiateaparty on October 3, 2012
King Dude is there a radio station that the blathering will be broadcast? I’ve got my bottle of bourbon on the back porch chatting.
DrB on October 3, 2012
Good evening little r republicans. Is everyone as excited as I am to see Romney draw a clear distinction between himself and Obama? (tongue planted firmly in cheek)
Brad on October 3, 2012
I’m taking bets on over/under of Jeff making it past opening statements!
Jeff Schaffer on October 3, 2012
I hope some of my former PSS buddies show up tonight… this should be interesting…
btw, I’m making it a drinking game for myself… 1 sip for the following:
1) Any Lie
2) Any Misleading Statement
and 2 sips for the following:
3) Any claim that they will do something that they would have no power to do as president
I figure I’ll be drunk by 9:15PM EST
stateofgeorgiateaparty on October 3, 2012
You’ll be drunk by 800 PM with the miscreant and misfit Chairman Maobama.
Lea Casares on October 3, 2012
4) Obama say ‘let me be clear’
Lea Casares on October 3, 2012
5) Bush gets the blame
stateofgeorgiateaparty on October 3, 2012
Yes I’m early. Billingeorgia will be here tonight.
stateofgeorgiateaparty on October 3, 2012
Chairman Maobama and Guvnah Rumney face off. Drink plenty of Bourbon.
Wil Shrader Jr. on September 7, 2012
If my only option to lurk on these chats is Twitter and Facebook, then I shall never participate. Sorry.
Gordon Galloway on September 6, 2012
John Kerry – really??
Robert Jeffries on October 3, 2012
Who that
Screamin Mimi on September 6, 2012
Howdy Patriots!
Tullymars101 on October 3, 2012
Another r from the west coast
Clance on October 3, 2012
SAR (BATTLE of Burlington) checks in….