Church Doctrine

Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote

todayApril 25, 2012 6



Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote
©2012 Mike Church

There is an election going on this weekend in LA that few people know about and that is a shame. What turns the shame to an outrage is that this election has profound implications on how this state and maybe The Mobocracy we let pass for a union is governed, it is called the Louisiana Republican Caucus*. The caucusing begins at 08:30 a.m. and ends at noon. Republicans will select 25 delegates and 12 alternates from each congressional district. These delegates will attend the LA Republican State  Convention in June and that’s where the fun begins.

If the GOP remains a majority party in LA, this convention will help set the party and candidates platforms for election or legislating. Most WhoDats falsely believe that because Rick Santorum won the LA primary that he automatically wins the delegates, well you can cool your habenero gumbo cher. Only the Caucus can select those delegates to the State Convention and then only the State Convention can select delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa this august.

What this means is that if supporters of Congressman Ron Paul win caucuses Saturday, the state convention can finally get around promoting things like Sound Money, COMPLETE sovereignty of our coastal and inland waterways and the fish and shrimp that live in them. A long overdue repeal of the BESE boards, REAL private property rights so St Tammany Parish Sheriffs can’t confiscate land for nonpayment of malicious taxes and the great grandaddy of all things the federal Leviathan torments LA with: reclaiming COMPLETE control of our oil and gas revenues.

Elections do have consequences folks and if you are a registered Republican watching this, you have a citizen duty and responsibility to educate yourself on the Paul & Romney campaigns and caucus this Saturday morning and participate in restoring the republic. The Louisiana Republic.


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Written by: ClintStroman

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