Church Doctrine

Louisiana’s Second Amendment is Fine, Our Governor & Legislature Aren’t

todayOctober 25, 2012 7


Louisiana’s Second Amendment is Fine, Our Governor & Legislature Aren’t
©2012 Mike Church

On the ballot for Who Dats this Nov 6th, is yet another Amendment to the LA Constitution but this one comes in the form of a NEW, improved, “2nd Amendment”! Governor Jindal is out promoting this Amendment as a way “to secure our freedom” so local law enforcement cannot act as anarchists and confiscate guns after another Katrina, this amendment will NOT accomplish that.

When LA’s first Constitution1 was written, owning a weapon was mandatory. “The free … men of this State, shall be armed and disciplined for its defence”. In 1974 that constitution was rewritten and now reads “The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged…” Now Jindal shows his true, un-[r]epublican colors, joining our legislative ninnies, who actually want MORE gun restrictions and will gain them by inserting the words “…subject to strict scrutiny” if Amendment 2 is approved.

The LA Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land and we should not be constantly amending it by democratic, majority rule process. Shame on the governor for endorsing this power grab and shame on the legislature for promoting it. If the people of this state are to survive as a country in the coming fiscal calamity we will need strong, virtuous leadership. Leaders who are wise enough to propose the true, constitutional reform that is needed: eliminate amendments by ballot unless 3/4 of the voting population concur after having secured 3/4 vote in BOTH houses of state government.

This will force Legislators to actually legislate and stop hiding behind the deceptive power of majority rule by ballot. There have been 264 amendments2 added to the LA Constitution since 1978, this amounts to 7.75 amendments per year. When Bell labs started promoting telephone sales it conducted a study3 to determine the maximum amount of digits in sequence an average person could memorize, that number4 was 7. So let me ask you, what year’s worth of amendments to the LA Constitution can you recall?

Vote NO on amending Louisiana’s Bill of Rights, vote NO on amendment 2.


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Written by: ClintStroman

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