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Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

JindalCare Is Just A Cheaper Version of ObamaCare

Mandeville LA - If Star Wars’ Obi Wan Kenobi were leading a young, virtuous hero across the Mississippi River Bridge toward Baton Rouge, when the capitol came in view he might pause and say. “The Louisiana Capitol. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.” Too bad the citizens of this state haven’t been more cautious in choosing the villains we call […]

todayMay 29, 2014 7

Church Doctrine

Vouching For Jindal that Holder Should “…go pound sand.”

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine Video - Back in August I commented on the ridiculous court case the Obama InJustice Department is pursuing against Louisiana’s school voucher system. Yesterday federal judge Ivan Lemelle confirmed that the state has to comply with Holder’s information requests before issuing vouchers. This is supposedly necessary because of the 1975 desegregation case Brumfeld v. Dodd but that is just a ruse. As I pointed out […]

todayNovember 19, 2013 7

Church Doctrine

In ObamaLand Money DOES Grow On Trees

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - Question: Have you told your children lately that “there’s no such thing as a free lunch?” Have you told them that “money don’t grow on trees?” Before answering those questions here are two more. “Have you ever heard of the Federal Reserve” and “have you ever heard of the Food Stamp program?” Well if you answered “yes” to question 3 then you already know […]

todayNovember 7, 2013 4

Church Doctrine

Why Should LA Surrender Our Health Care System For Obama’s?

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - So you went to healthcare.gov to buy a health insurance plan, wait scratch that, most folks went to healthcare.gov to get in line for their “fair share” of “health care” in the form of subsidies the Feds promise for anyone who cannot pay their own way. Note the use of the terms here “health insurance” vs “health care”.

todayOctober 29, 2013 8

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of why theNSA's Surveillance State plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "It will be considered, I believe, as a most extraordinary Epock in the history of mankind, that in a few years there should be so essential a change in the minds of men. 'Tis realy astonishing that the same people […]

todayAugust 16, 2013 8


Rand Paul Is The Only Serious Contender Attending “Romney Palooza”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Christie flies to Utah this Thursday. He and Rand Paul and Paul Ryan are all going to Romney Palooza, a big hoop-de-doo gathering out in Utah that is hosted by the former candidate. “Romney retreat to draw three GOP presidential hopefuls.” The retreat is called the Experts and Enthusiasts event set for Thursday and Friday in Park City. Check out today’s transcript for the […]

todayJune 4, 2013 8

Daily Clip

Shadeed in New Orleans Hits the Nail on the Head with the DOD

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Shadeed from New Orleans may end up getting his own segment on the Mike Church Show because he knows what's wrong with the Department of Defense and he will tell you about it. And he knows what's going on with local Louisiana and New Orleans schools and politics, so maybe he'd be better off running against Mary Landrieu for Senate...

todayFebruary 21, 2013 6


Real Christian Charity Means Caring For Your Neighbors When They’re Sick… Not Going to FluCare.gov

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Shouldn’t we have FluCare? We do have FluCare, it just doesn’t come from a governing agency. It comes from Christians who believe it to be their duty to care for their neighbor. No moneys exchange hands here, no writ of power has been granted, just the peace of our Lord and Savior weighing on that individual’s head saying: This is what you were taught […]

todayJanuary 10, 2013 4
