
McCain – The Great Peace Maker?

todaySeptember 20, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – That’s being bold, McCain.  Was Putin’s title “Americans Deserve Better Than Obama” or “Arizona Deserves Better Than McCain”?  We were talking about this last night at dinner.  Senator McCain, you can go be president of the VFW.  We appreciate your service and your patriotism and all the things you went through, but please leave the Senate.  You can go be president of the BPOE if you want to.  Just leave.  Head any military organization you want to, just get out of the Senate.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  According to ABC News:



article-v-pamphlet-adRepublican Sen. John McCain is accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of corruption, repression and self-serving rule in an opinion piece for Pravda that answers the Russian leader’s broadside published last week in an American newspaper.  [Mike: That American newspaper was the New York Times, by the bye.]  In an op-ed headlined “Russians Deserve Better Than Putin” . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  That’s being bold, McCain.  Was Putin’s title “Americans Deserve Better Than Obama” or “Arizona Deserves Better Than McCain”?  We were talking about this last night at dinner.  Senator McCain, you can go be president of the VFW.  We appreciate your service and your patriotism and all the things you went through, but please leave the Senate.  You can go be president of the BPOE if you want to.  Just leave.  Head any military organization you want to, just get out of the Senate.


In an op-ed headlined “Russians Deserve Better Than Putin,” McCain singles out Putin and his associates for punishing dissent, specifically the death in prison of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. The Russian presidential human rights council found in 2011 that Magnitsky, who had accused Russian officials of colluding with organized criminals, had been beaten and denied medical treatment.

McCain also criticized Putin for siding with Syrian President Bashar Assad in the 2½-year civil war that has killed more than 100,000 people.

[end reading]

Mike Church Show Transcript – The DeceptiCONs Wish To Restart The Cold War

Mike:  Can you people get your numbers right?  One week it’s 150,000, the next week it’s 100,000.  Just like the people killed with the sarin gas, no one knows the number.  First it was precisely, according to Secretary of State Kerry, 1492.  Amnesty International says no way, Jose, not even close to that number. The Syrian human rights people, one of the groups in there actually caring for the people that were gassed said the number was hundreds, not thousands.  We don’t get accurate body counts anymore.  Nobody knows how many people have been killed.  By the way, the UN does estimate, as does Jane’s IHS, that at least half of those 100,000 killed, it’s not all women and children and citizens.  At least half of that number are people trying to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria.  They are the “rebels.”  Many in that number are also people listed in the Syrian Army.

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We teach our sons and daughters in this country that you are to revere and care for and respect members of the military, do we not, certainly members of the military that make the ultimate sacrifice?  What are men enlisted in the Syrian Army?  You may not agree with the legitimate government of Syria and Assad and whatever it is they’re doing, but they are obeying orders at some point.  Those men are counted in the 100,000.  Is there any mourning for them?  Is there any acknowledgement that there are actually military men, men in positions of command?  They have rank over there.  They have a flag they fight under.  This whole thing is just so freaking skewed.  It’s skewed so that we in the West can deal with it.  It is skewed and presented to us in a manner in which we can rationalize getting involved in it.  The whole thing is presented like that.  Here’s what McCain says:


McCain insists that he is not anti-Russian but rather “more pro-Russian than the regime that misrules you today.”

“President Putin doesn’t believe … in you. He doesn’t believe that human nature at liberty can rise above its weaknesses and build just, peaceful, prosperous societies. [Mike: Where is the peaceful society in North America, Senator McCain? It’s certainly not the one that you advocate sending its military hither and yon across the known universe to bomb anyone back into the stone ages that disagrees with us or with you in particular. I’d like to know more about this peaceful, prosperous society her refers to.] Or, at least, he doesn’t believe Russians can. So he rules by using those weaknesses, by corruption, repression and violence. He rules for himself, not you,” McCain wrote.

[end reading]

Mike:  Gee, I wonder if the citizens of Arizona think McCain rules for himself and not the citizens of Arizona, who told him at a town hall meeting that was videotaped: We don’t want you sending our sons into the Syrian conflict, Senator McCain.  How did McCain interpret that?  [mocking] “What they told me was they were concerned about the mission.  I told them ‘Screw you, screw all of you.  I was on the USS Forrestal.  Screw you!’”


McCain assailed Putin and his associates for writing laws that codify bigotry, specifically legislation on sexual orientation. [Mike: Now we’re going to lecture the world on how they have to treat homosexuals, really, seriously?] A new Russian law imposes fines and up to 15 days in prison for people accused of spreading “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” to minors.

[end reading]

Mike:  The people in Russia are saying: We would prefer that you don’t editorialize or propagandize about alternative sexual lifestyles to juveniles and minors.  Don’t we have similar laws in this country?  We used to have them.  We certainly have laws that prohibit adults from speaking to and speaking about heterosexual activities to a heterosexual youth.  I don’t get this.  I don’t understand why McCain wants to take this red hot poker and stick it in Putin’s eye.  Putin is guilty of whatever Vladimir Putin is guilty of.  He’s a KGB agent.  He was a member of Russian Parliament.  He worked under Boris Yeltsin.  He’s a former KGB operative.  He’s now the president of Russia.

Sidebar_ad_Secede_die_baseball_capAgain, we are confronted with another country whose government or people in government, that we move heaven and earth to find disagreement with and imply that if they would just do things the way we do that all would be right in the world.  Does that mean if Putin did the exact same thing that Obama is doing or Bush before him or Clinton did and ran up $17 trillion in debt, that that would be okay with us?  Would we then go: Yay, Vlad!  Thanks, Russia, way to obey.  What is this nonsense about the rest of the world acting like us anyway?  Is that really a position for a free people to take, that you ought to imitate us and if you don’t then you’re our enemy, really?  I have something to say about that in just a moment.  I want to finish up with Senator McCain.


On Syria, McCain said Putin is siding with a tyrant.

“He is not enhancing Russia’s global reputation. He is destroying it. He has made her a friend to tyrants and an enemy to the oppressed, and untrusted by nations that seek to build a safer, more peaceful and prosperous world,” the Arizona senator said.

[end reading]

Mike:  Putin is saying don’t bomb the Syrians, McCain.  That’s an act of peace.  That’s an act of diplomacy.  McCain is saying [mocking] “Screw ‘em, screw ‘em!  We’re bombing them.  We’re gonna bomb Iran, too.”  McCain has the unmitigated gall and audacity to present his case as if he’s the peace giver?  Heaven help us.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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